[Salon] Ukraine: Has the US Lost Yet Another Proxy War? with Stephen Bryen

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While Americans have become preoccupied with other things - the election, the border, the economy - events in Ukraine are spinning out of control. People have been talking hopefully about a ceasefire and a truce. Instead, with a couple of more blunders we could be heading for a World War III. 

To learn where this might be headed next, I’m back talking in this episode with my go to guru on all things national security Stephen Bryen - Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy

Some takeaways from our conversation: 

  • The head of NATO Jen Soltenberg’s reckless statements and actions are escalating the situation in Ukraine and increasing the risk of a full-scale war. 

  • The Biden Administration’s objective of regime change in Moscow has failed. Russia seems certain to prevail. At this point, they have few incentives to stop the fighting. 

  • Ukraine has suffered massive casualties, perhaps up to 800,000  killed, and is on its third army. Ukraine President Zelensky is on the way out, we just don’t know how or when. 

  • Sanctions against Russia haven’t worked. China has replaced the European Union as Russia’s top energy buyer and goods supplier, giving Russia both the cash and the manufactures it needs to sustain itself.

  • Total trade between China and Russia has reached $240 billion in 2023, more than double what it was in 2018. Russia now has become China’s biggest supplier of crude oil, second for coal and third for natural gas.

  • Stephen predicted that Victoria Nuland would be out as acting Deputy Secretary of State. She resigned this week. 

  • The Biden administration aims to drag the war out as long as possible. Biden doesn't want Ukraine to collapse while he's running for president.

  • Sending more money to Ukraine for ammunition and armaments doesn’t address its real issues: its lack of manpower and low morale.

Finding a peaceful solution and stabilizing the situation in Ukraine should be our highest priority. Up to now, it hasn’t been.

As always, Stephen provides a deep and informed take on events. Definitely worth a listen. 

Listen Here:

Episode 265: Ukraine: Has the US Lost Yet Another Proxy War? with Stephen Bryen

The Bill Walton Show

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