[Salon] There's Just One Explanation for Israel's Detachment From Reality: An Unconscious Drive for Self-destruction


There's Just One Explanation for Israel's Detachment From Reality: An Unconscious Drive for Self-destruction -

Carolina LandsmannMar 7, 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu won't resign because he believes he can bring Israel to a safe haven. He is convinced that despite the terrible cards he holds at the moment, he can still win the game by conducting military, political and diplomatic moves that will save his legacy. 

"King Bibi" still believes that God will come to his aid and give him "total victory" and after that peace with Saudi Arabia, which will prevent him from being remembered in history as the man who led Israel to its greatest disaster, the greatest disaster to befall the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and will enable him to climb down from the stage with some honor. 

Netanyahu is hallucinating. He has no chance. In his tragic battle against his fate, against all the odds, and raising the stakes, he is dragging Israel down. With more than 30,000 Gazans dead, some 12,500 of them children, with extreme hunger, a humanitarian disaster, images of ruin and destruction, with all the world shouting "genocide" and seeing us as war criminals, there will be no total victory. Israel is becoming a pariah. 

As a result, it is endangering its alliances across the world, first and foremost with the United States. And tragically – the realization comes too late. When Israel understands that it is a pariah, it won't be able to change the situation. When its alliances fall like dominoes one after the other, it will be too late to change. 

The thing is that Israel isn't able to imagine that the alliance with the United States can break. That too is a conception that Netanyahu nurtured at the same time as he gave himself room for maneuver and consistently undermined relations with Washington. 

The measure of Israel's detachment from reality can be seen by the large increase in the number of building permits in the settlements. Just as the world is talking about Zionism as a colonial project, they decided to embark on a new round of land embezzlement in the occupied territories. 

This week, the High Planning Committee authorized thousands of privately-built housing units in Efrat, Ma'aleh Adumin and Keidar. And last week the Civil Administration declared thousands of dunams of land around Ma'aleh Adumin to be state lands, and the head of IDF Central Command signed an order delineating jurisdiction for a new settlement to be known as Mishmar Yehuda. 

At the present rate, work will soon begin on infrastructure for the Third Temple. (That by the way isn't completely far-fetched. For quite a while there has been talk of detailed architectural plans having been drawn for a future temple; attempts have been made to resume sacrifices on the Temple Mount, and Temple Mount activist/Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir seeks to change the status quo at Al-Aqsa and, together with his partner in crime, Netanyahu, brought upon the "Al Aqsa Flood" (the name given by Hamas to October 7). 

Israel's conduct is so detached from reality that we must ask ourselves whether it is operating out of an unconscious drive for self-destruction. Perhaps that was what was meant all these years by those who say that the Jews are not capable of sovereignty. Perhaps this Jewish anti-sovereign bent is now playing out in the modern state of Israel? 

In 2017, the prime minister and his wife hosted a Bible class at their home. During the event, Netanyahu recalled how the Hasmonean kingdom survived for only 80 years, and that he was working to bring Israel to its 100th year. Who would have believed that six years later Israel would suffer an unprecedented attack, and the world would debate the Jewish state's right to exist. 

Netanyahu is certain he is the "chosen one," but if that's so, God protect us from the mission he was chosen for: dismantling the State of Israel. Is he the tragic figure who, in an attempt to save the Jews from their fate to lose their sovereignty once again, achieved exactly the opposite and brought forward the inevitable meeting with destiny?

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