

Larry C Johnson   March 13, 2024
U.S. Attempts at Regime Change

For my American readers you must have been living in a cave hidden away in the mountains if you have not heard politicians yammering on about Russian and Chinese interference in our Presidential election. Almost everyone else is familiar with this red herring. We now know that the whole “Russia helped Trump to win in 2016” was a bogus creation courtesy of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Of course she had some help from the CIA, the FBI and the legacy media in spreading that nonsense and persuading a size-able chunk of the American electorate that it was true.

My foreign readers are probably scratching their heads and asking the question, “Are Americans really this clueless?” The short answer is, YES! It is irony in its purest form, i.e., Americans getting outraged at the hint of foreign interference in our elections. Why irony? Since the end of World War II the United States, thanks to the CIA, has engaged routinely in election interference in other countries. This interference includes facilitating and/or organizing coups. In other words, regime change.

So what do I mean by “political interference? It covers a spectrum of activities. It can start with funding and/or organizing opposition political groups. Then there is the production and placement of propaganda via print media, radio, television and now, social media. It can also involve the CIA recruiting key politicians as a “source.” I am not suggesting that all outside interference is necessarily illegal or wrong. Changing the government in Germany from Nazis to something approximating a democracy was the right thing to do.

But the interference does not stop with benign acts. There also is the equipping, training and support for insurgencies or military strongmen. Here’s a fun fact — the CIA played a role in bringing the Baathist Party to power in Iraq in 1963. Is it any wonder that Saddam was later confused and puzzled by the U.S. animus directed at him given that the U.S. played a key role in helping develop Iraq’s chemical weapons and provided direct intelligence support to Saddam during the war with Iran.

The average American has been bamboozled over the past 75 years to believe that the U.S.A.’s only interest was in promoting democracy and freedom. But that was not what led to U.S. intervention in Iran and Iraq. That was all about oil and ensuring the access of U.S. and European corporations to that oil.

Wikipedia provides a nice thumbnail sketch of the various interventions. Some succeeded (and caused horrible civilian suffering as a consequence) and some failed. This particular article in Wikipedia does not discuss the U.S. role in fomenting a guerrilla war in Ukraine in the 1950s nor does it address the role of the West in funding the Chechen uprising in Russia in 1999 — a war that lasted ten years. I also failed to include Israel — the Obama Administration directly interfered in Israel’s Presidential campaign.

So peruse this list of 50 plus interventions and ask yourself these questions: Did U.S. interference make the country more stable, prosperous and democratic? Did U.S. interference lead to peace and a reduction in conflict? I think in the majority of cases the answer would be a resounding, “NO.” I encourage the readers to sort this out in the discussion.

1941–1952: Japan

1941–1949: Germany

1941–1946: Italy

1944–1946: France

1945–1948: South Korea

1947–1949: Greece

1948: Costa Rica

1949–1953: Albania

1949: Syria

1950–1953: Burma and China

1952: Egypt

1952–1955: Ukraine

1952–1954: Guatemala

1952–1953: Iran

1956–1957: Syria

1957–1959: Indonesia

1959–1963: Iraq

1959–1963: South Vietnam

1959–1962: Cuba

1959: Cambodia

1960–1965: Congo-Leopoldville

1960: Laos

1961: Dominican Republic

1964: Brazil

1965–1967: Indonesia

1970–1979: Cambodia

1970–1973: Chile

1971: Bolivia

1974–1991: Ethiopia

1975–1991: Angola

1975–1999: East Timor

1976: Argentina

1979–1992: Afghanistan

1980–1989: Poland

1981–1982: Chad

1981–1990: Nicaragua

1983: Grenada

1989–1994: Panama

1986–1991: Soviet Union

1991–1996: Iraq

1991: Haiti

1994–1995: Haiti

1996–1997: Zaire

2000: FR Yugoslavia

2001–2021: Afghanistan

2003–2021: Iraq

2004: Ukraine

2005: Kyrgyzstan

2006–2007: Palestinian territories

2005–2009: Syria

2011: Libya

2012–2024: Syria

Let me posit that there is a good reason the United States is disliked and, in some cases, deeply despised. We have been so busy trying to tell others how to live and how to govern themselves that the United States failed to properly govern itself. The horrendous number of black kids in major cities — e.g., Baltimore — that cannot read at grade level is creating a time bomb that is detonating and playing a major role in the number of unwed mothers, fatherless children and rampant drug addiction. Crime in many major U.S. cities surpasses that found in so-called third world “shit-holes.”

I have a simple suggestion. America ought to focus on cleaning up its own act before it has the audacity to tell other countries how to live their lives.

This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail (Mailman edition) and MHonArc.