[Salon] Fwd: request: please help the palestinian family who hosted me--and rachel corrie--in gaza

COL Larry Wilkerson shared this email he’d received from a friend about mutual friends. Enough information about Gaza has been shared here that no more need be added, except the letter and pictures below puts particular human faces on the genocidalist’s victims. I won’t say anymore on who all constitute the “Genocidalists,” except it includes the US “New Right” which is aligned politically with Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Yoram Hazony, and the rest of that fascist “Movement” under the sponsorship of Tikvah Fund and Kohelet Forum, given that that side of the genocidalists is so well protected by “silence.” “Silence” by the same right-wingers who denounce their fellow right-winger, Biden (only slightly to the “left,” on the “militarist scale,” of the even more extreme Republicans).  And their many, even more extreme, allies doing business as what I will call “DeTrumpism,” to amalgamate the two candidates having a shared ideology. 

The tragedy here is that there are millions of Gazan’s and West Bank Palestinians who are also in need of such aid, but at least here, we can help “friends of friends.” By “we,” I don’t include the “New Right,” who are clamoring with Trump’s call to “Crush ‘em.” 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Larry Wilkerson 
Subject: Fwd: request: please help the palestinian family who hosted me--and rachel corrie--in gaza

I met Xxxxx Xxxx . . . back in 2009 when I became "the Quaker Colonel" for them for several years. She's . . . . , still doing good work . . . .

I met Rachel's parents when CoS at State, trying futilely to get the Israeli Government at least to do a reasonably good investigation into Rachel's death. The GOI did nothing but prevaricate and stonewall, so I failed. To this day, I know the two people overseeing the bulldozer that killed her let her be killed.

If you find yourself so inclined, pls consider helping.

Thanks, lw 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Xxxxx
Date: Sat, Mar 16, 2024, 20:27
Subject: request: please help the palestinian family who hosted me--and rachel corrie--in gaza

dear family, friends, colleagues, (many of whom i haven't talked to in far far too long!) 

i'm writing to each of you, for what is my first personal mass email i'm sending to fundraise for a cause of the greatest personal importance to me: keeping my friends alive. the nasrallah family--who hosted me, rachel corrie, rachel corries' parents and countless other foreigners in gaza--need to evacuate from rafah to egypt. my friend kareem's wife is pregnant and due on april 2nd. his father, dr sameer, is in need of medical attention, and all of them need to be out of harm's way. a group of my friends who have organized similar campaigns, including gaza evacuations, are organizing this gofundme that i know can be succesful. they have budgeted diligently, and need to raise $73.5K total and have already raised just about $11.5K (over 15% there, in just over a week!) 

this is truly an 'every little bit counts' moment, as even $10 donations add up & encourage others to donate, and you never know when you might get a $100 or $500 or $1K donation (perhaps one of you!). whether or not you're in a position to/interested in donating, i would be most grateful if you could share the link with your networks: https://gofund.me/bd86ea5e 

given my . . . ., you get this formatted-a-la-2002 style antiquated mass email instead of the far more polished social media post. but feel free to share this link there (just please don't mention me by name or tag me). you can share jen marlowe's beautiful story about the nasrallahs here: https://www.facebook.com/jen.marlowe.75/posts/pfbid0tU9MvjyiPr6mZMKg2oq74aPWqBXAdKxTJCvhGvY2VGSYSikTAMqsQ9Z3T3mEXVb6l 

21 years ago to this day, rachel corrie was crushed to death by an idf bulldozer while trying to stop the demolition of the nasrallah family's home. she yelled through her megaphone that there were children inside--the children i visited in 2010--and have since grown up! (see photos of them below). rachel corrie's life & legacy inspired me to work on trying to change middle east policy and advance peace/human rights ever since. today is also the 56th anniversary of the my lai massacre. this wk marks the 21st anniversary of the us invasion of iraq and the 13th anniversary of the syrian regime's crackdown against protestors. each event causing too much death and destruction for the human mind to comprehend, and i'm so grateful for the opportunity to try to make a difference in keeping some very beautiful humans alive on this planet now.

one of those humans is nour, who has become a freelance children's book illustrator...from gaza! she wrote and illustrated this beautiful children's book as a tribute to rachel corrie. when she shared it w me today, she told me "i am thinking of publishing it, but i don't know how or where! maybe even have it printed." i told her i'd share it with the fundraiser link in case any of you all have ideas (also she's on insta in case u want to enjoy her beautiful art there). 
(see nour pictured wearing white below from my visit in 2010, in a pink hijab in their family photo from last september)
Screen Shot 2024-03-15 at 8.00.03 PM.pngnasrallahgirls.jpgNasrallahsGraduation.jpeg

huge thanks to all of you who have made it this far (or simply scrolled to the pics :). i know it's a lot so in case it helps with sharing on social media or in texts to friends, here's some draft language you can use: 

A friend of mine is helping raise funds to evacuate the Palestinian family who hosted Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist who was killed while trying to save their home from demolition 21 years ago this month. The family includes a woman who is 8.5 months pregnant, humanitarian aid workers, an elderly and chronically ill father, a teacher, a children's book illustrator, and toddlers and other young children. Please consider supporting this effort to get this family from Gaza to safety in Egypt. https://gofund.me/bd86ea5e 

finally, just want to acknowledge i know each of you are supporting important causes in one way or another and often a trillion ways. appreciate you keeping the nasrallah family in yr thoughts and prayers and lifting up their story and this dire need to evacuate them anywhere and anyway you can. 

with my deepest gratitude for all of you and all the good you do, 

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