[Salon] Old wine in older bottles

Old wine in older bottles

Summary: a huge bailout has staved off a looming disaster in Egypt’s ongoing debt crisis but the economic model of mega projects and militarised capitalism that has produced the crisis remains untouched.

We thank Maged Mandour for today’s newsletter. Maged is a political analyst and a regular contributor to Arab Digest and to Middle East Eye and Open Democracy. He is also a writer for Sada, the Carnegie Endowment online journal. Maged is the author of the just published Egypt under El-Sisi (I.B.Tauris) which examines social and political developments  since the coup of 2013. Keep an eye out for it! You can find Maged’s most recent AD podcast here. 

The past few weeks saw a series of dramatic events which seem to have alleviated the worst of Egypt`s crippling debt crisis. On 23 February, the Egyptian prime minister announced the finalisation of the Ras El Hekma project, a US$ 35 billion investment deal with the UAE to develop a peninsula west of Alexandria. Then followed the long-awaited devaluation of the pound, which took place on 6 March, losing a third of its value, dropping from around 30.85 EGP to the US dollar to 49.5 EGP to the dollar. This was coupled with a massive hike in interest rates of 600 basis points. On the same day the IMF agreed to increase the value of its latest loan to the regime from US$ 3 billion to US$ 8 billion, with an additional US$ 1.2 billion of environmental financing expected to be unlocked. These seemingly positive developments had a direct impact on investor perceptions of the country, with hot money returning to gobble up Egyptian debt, with around US$ 800 million worth of T-bills sold to international investors in the first week of March. Even though these developments are unprecedented, the outcomes are eerily similar, namely the use of mass capital infusion to attract hot money and devalue the pound to a degree that provides security to international investors, in essence propagating the model that led to the crisis rather than radically altering it.

Residents of the northwestern coastal area of Ras el-Hikma gathered to condemn the low compensation offered to them by the government for their eviction

Though it seems that the mass cash infusion from the UAE, international markets and the IMF should alleviate the worst symptoms of the crisis, there is good reason to believe pressures on public finances will continue. This mainly stems from historically high interest rates the regime is using to entice capital inflows together with spiralling inflation which will continue to push interest rates up. For example, part of the T-Bill offering in the first week of March, maturing in 6 months and one year, were sold with a whopping 32.5% interest rate, an historic high. This will act to apply pressure on the ballooning debt obligation, pushing the Ministry of Finance to start reworking its draft of the state budget for 2024/25 due to the expected increase in debt servicing which has already consumed 60.3% of public expenditures for the first three month of FY 2023/24. The expected devaluation will also lead to an increase in the value of external debt as a percentage of the GDP and the state budget, since both are calculated in EGP. Every one pound decline of the EGP against the US dollar equals an increase in the cost of servicing the external debt by 83 billion EGP. The latest devaluation has increased the value of Egypt’s debt by a massive 1.5 trillion EGP. Placing this in context, the total size of the Egyptian state budget is currently standing at almost 3 trillion EGP. The situation is compounded by rising inflation, which reached 35.7% in February, increasing from 29.8% in January. This came as a surprise as the expectation was that inflation would continue to slow. The spike was before the official devaluation of the pound and it is now anticipated that inflation will hit a new record of 45% later in the year. Such rampant inflation places pressure on the central bank to raise interest rates to avoid slipping into negative interest rate territory and to continue to appeal to investors. This, in turn, is bound to increase the debt, placing additional burdens on the already strained state budget and further cannibalising public resources.

The regime is already poorly equipped to deal with this ongoing debt dynamic and is left with three possible choices: increase monetary supply, increase taxation or impose heavy austerity measures. Increasing monetary supply is already being used by the regime, growing by 31.9% in 2023, after jumping by 23.1% and 15.7% over the past two years. This policy, however, will only act to worsen the problem, raising inflation as the currency in circulation increases. Pushing up taxation is another way to raise revenues. However, considering the regressive nature of the Egyptian taxation system, this will shift the burden onto the shoulders of the poor and the middle class, a policy preferred by the military elites. The result of such a move will only act to weaken local demand which in turn will impact the recovery prospects of an already badly battered private sector. But the growth of entrenched militarised state capitalism will not be affected as it continues to consume public resources to feed its seemingly insatiable appetite. The final policy option is austerity measures which the regime seems willing to implement as evidenced by the price hikes for several basic goods at the beginning of the year. The adverse effect of austerity is very similar to the increase in regressive taxation: a weakening of local demand damaging the private sector and increasing poverty rates.

Regardless, these measures are ignoring the most glaring issue facing the Egyptian economy, namely the regime’s dogged insistence on continuing with its policy of mega projects fuelled by debt and public funds. The most notable example is the second phase of the New Administrative Capital (NAC), announced in January, with an estimated pre-devaluation budget of 250-300 billion EGP. Another example is yet another Suez Canal expansion project, with an estimated budget of US$ 14 billion which is still under planning. This comes despite the amount being transferred from the Canal to the state budget falling from US$ 4.5 billion in 2014/15 to US$ 3.8 billion in 2021/22, raising major concerns about the viability of the project. (Further loss has been incurred by Huthi attacks on Red Sea shipping with revenues down by 40%.) However, since the Suez Canal is a military fiefdom, with off the book levies being extracted by the military on each passing ship, the rational for the project shifts from public benefit to the enrichment of military elites.

The reality is that the same dynamics that led to the financial crisis still prevail. Indeed, the infusion of capital into regime coffers will only encourage the continuation of the same old policy likely leading to a similar result, namely another debt crisis. More important, however, is that it will transform the regime into a dead weight around the ankle of its allies, a military autocracy unable to survive without continuous external support and one that is ever more vulnerable to the whims of international capital. The most devastating consequence, however, is for the people of Egypt who will continue to shoulder the burden of the Sisi regime's folly and the willingness of his allies to propagate an unsustainable economic model, a black hole sucking in billions in public funds that could otherwise be used to alleviate the economic misery that has been inflicted on the vast majority of the population.

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