Re: [Salon] Today's 13-minute interview on WION, Indian television: Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack / What’s the truth?

Not entering this fray as I’ve expressed my views plenty over the years, but I can attest that the U.S. has never shrunk from utilizing “terrorists” like al Qaeda, and I would guess the same of ISIS. And there has never been any accountability or oversight, delayed or not, for so much of the terrorism waged by CIA/USSOCOM since WW II. To include actively working with Cuban right-wing terrorists against Castro (not to morally uphold Castro either). Where is the accountability for US War Crimes, in any war since 1945, except for the pardoned Calley? Certainly not for any of the CIA torturers we all know and love, with Gina Haspel promoted to CIA Director (by Trump), and others celebrated by too many US prestigious academic institutions to name here, but in each case, revealing of the moral rot of the U.S. which 9/11 fully revealed in its aftermath. 

As military and CIA veterans well know, those honest enough to acknowledge that, like Larry Wilkerson, Ray McGovern, John Kiriakou, Edward Snowden, et al. That so many civilians are unaware of that is revealing of what Noam Chomsky called “Manufacturing Consent,” to our war crimes around the world. And reveals a societal rot when we’re all in so much agreement with the Heritage Foundation that we never look to how our war incitement/provocations, etc., result in “Blowback,” and what Hannah Arendt called the “Boomerang Effect.” As with our police now increasing militarized, our National Totem is the M-16 and its subsequent models, to be utilized by every would-be “Warrior,” to kill kids, and other human beings in acting out our celebrated “Special Operation Forces,” etc. And to have promotion of torture a favorable campaign theme to a populace so conditioned to War, and violence, that you can’t lose an election by promoting war today. Notwithstanding posturing by Republicans because they counteract (falsely) opposing the Ukraine War, with even Greater China War Incitement, and always Iran, and unlimited support to Netanyahu’s genocidal war. And as has been testified to in Congress, under Trump, and before him, a relentless “US clandestine” has been waged against Russia, courtesy of Cheney/Bush. 

In other words, “we’re all Goldwaterites now.” 

Unless you believe those Right-wing Historical Revisionists who would have us believe that Republicans never start wars, and always uphold the Rule of Law!

On Mar 27, 2024, at 8:20 AM, Atwood, Brian via Salon <> wrote:

The most self-defeating act Ukraine could commit would be to sponsor a terrorist attack on innocent civilians, even in Russia. That would be a great way to lose Western support. Why doesn't that logical and rational point penetrate the mind of a pro-Russian observer? Perhaps because Putin and the FSB have resorted to terrorism many times. And the rejoinder will be: "What about Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Guatemala...?" A democracy produces accountability and oversight, sometimes delayed, but telling. 

Bret Stephens in the NY Times today points to other false flag operations conducted by Putin and the FSB to present his own conspiracy theory that this was possibly a Russian false flag operation. That is no more plausible in this case than is the crazy notion that the US and/or Ukraine is behind the attack on the concert hall. Russia made enough enemies of extreme Islamists in Syria and elsewhere to have become a terrorist target. Perhaps we should be celebrating the fact that the US embassy warned the Russian government of the possibility of an attack. Maybe there is more decency in that act than a paranoid authoritarian government could ever imagine.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 8:34 AM Gilbert Doctorow via Salon <> wrote:

I am very pleased that WION, India’s premier English language global news broadcaster took the initiative and discussed with me the significance of the statements yesterday to Russian television by FSB boss Alexander Bortnikov.

Bortnikov alleged that the the United States, the United Kingdom and Ukraine were the plotters and planners of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert hall in a Moscow suburb. What is the scenario of the crime emerging from the investigation being conducted by Russian intelligence services?

See: Moscow Terror Attack | Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack | What's the truth?

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