

Larry C Johnson    April 3, 2024

Anyone who tells you that the Israeli military is a well-trained, professional outfit must have been living in a cave with no access to news during the last six months. The furor accompanying the murder of 7 World Center Kitchen (aka WCK) workers is a bit weird because much of the reaction out of the U.S. and Europe is acting as if this is an aberration. Just a reminder that the deaths of Palestinian civilians don’t count as much as Westerners carrying a Polish, Australian and British passport.

Netanyahu may be a thug but he ain’t stupid. He realized right away that blasting three vehicles belonging to WCK, which was founded by world famous chef Jose Andres, was a PR disaster. (Side note — Jose Andres and I were members of the same golf club in Washington, DC when I lived there and I ran into him in the locker room and on the course.)

The Governments of Australia, the United Kingdom and Poland have voiced their disapproval. Remains to be seen if they are going to do anymore than bitch. Meanwhile, Israel continues to slaughter. This article is more of a video presentation, but the clips are short.

Let’s meet two of the victims shortly before some crazed Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) pilot blasted them to smithereens.

The photo at the top of this page shows the locations where the three cars were hit in succession. You can see in the following video the remnants of the WCK logo clearly visible on the roof of one of the cars.

Then we have the aftermath. WARNING — Explicit, graphic photo. Death is not pretty.

Netanyahu ordered one of his press flacks to hold a brief press conference and try to argue that this was just a terrible mistake. I will explain in a bit why it was not.

No. This was intentional. The IOF has been doing this routinely over the last six months. This is just the first time they did it to a group of Westerners tied to a celebrity chef. Do you recall the three Israeli hostages who were shot by the IOF after escaping their Hamas captors? They were waving a white shirt and had removed their shirts. Was that just another unfortunate “accident?” What about the two elderly Palestinian Christian women who were gunned down while the 60 year old was helping the 80 year old to the bathroom? We are witnessing a pattern of conduct.

When it happens to Palestinians most of the world just shrugs it off and goes on with its business. But this woman remembers.

If you think that these things are simply the actions of a few bad apples, think again. This young Israeli woman reveals the ugly truth.

Once you dehumanize people it is then easy to kill them. That was done to the Jews of Europe during World War II. The sad irony is that fervent Zionists are doing the same to Palestinians today in Gaza. In the wake of the murder of the WCK workers, WCK has suspended its relief operations. Instead of getting shot the Palestinians will have to content themselves with starvation.

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