[Salon] 'The security of Iraq and Turkey is indivisible'


'The security of Iraq and Turkey is indivisible'

President Tayyip Erdoğan held a head-to-head and between delegations meeting with Iraqi President Abdullatif Rashid and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammed Shiya es-Sudani in Baghdad, where he came after 13 years.

After the meeting at the Government Palace in Baghdad, 26 cooperation agreements were signed between the two countries. At the signing ceremony, the "Cooperation Framework Agreement in the Field of Water between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey" and the "Memorandum of Understanding on the Strategic Framework" were signed by President Erdogan and Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani.

Speaking at the joint press conference held after the ceremony, Erdoğan said, "I believe that my visit and the agreements that have just been signed will constitute a new turning point in Turkey-Iraq relations. The strategic framework agreement for the joint cooperation we signed with the Prime Minister constitutes a solid road map.

Explaining that they decided to establish joint permanent committees that will ensure the continuation and follow-up of technical negotiations in many areas such as security, the fight against terrorism, economy, trade, energy, transportation, environment, cross-border waters, health, education, Erdoğan also noted that the texts concluded on many topics, from security to trade, from transportation to agriculture, will strengthen the treaty ground of their relations, while bringing new cooperation opportunities.

'We are ready to provide all the support'

President Erdoğan stated that they will provide the necessary coordination for the implementation of the agreements they signed, and said: "When we held the meetings with President Mr. Reşid and then Prime Minister Sudani, we discussed Turkey-Iraq relations in a wide range. Cooperation in the fight against security and terrorism formed one of our most important agenda items. We consulted the joint steps we could take against the terrorist organization PKK and its extensions targeting Turkey from the Iraqi territory. We welcomed the PKK's declaration of a banned organization in Iraq. On this occasion, I shared my strong belief that his presence in Iraqi soil will end as soon as possible by officially declaring a terrorist organization. This neighborhood and brotherhood is also a requirement of our law. We are ready to provide all the support that the Iraqi Government will need in every step it will take in this direction. Our expectation for the joint struggle with FETO constituted one of our agenda topics in this lane."

Noting that Iraq is one of the leading trade partners, Erdoğan said: "We want to carry our trade volume, which was at the level of 20 billion dollars last year, to higher levels. We discussed the steps to be taken within this framework with the Prime Minister. We evaluated what can be done at the point of eliminating the artificial barriers in front of our trade. We emphasized the vital importance of the Development Path Project in terms of this goal. We have reinforced our determination for this strategic planning, which will make a great contribution to the stability and welfare of our entire region, especially Iraq, with the Memorandum of Understanding we have signed.”

Emphasizing that they are aware of the problems Iraq is experiencing in water and that the climate crisis and drought negatively affect Turkey and the whole world as well as Iraq, Erdoğan said, "It is important to use water efficiently by preventing waste as well as the amount of water. The joint permanent committee we have established will carry our cooperation in the field of water forward on a rational, scientific basis and taking into account our common interests. In our meetings, we have also once again confirmed our common will to improve our current cooperation in energy, industry, health, education, science, tourism and other topics.

Stating that they made their visit to Iraq under the reflections of the humanitarian drama in Palestine, Erdoğan continued his words as follows: "We are doing our best to stop the bloodshed in Gaza. With my colleagues, we also discussed the effects of Israel's persecution and conflict in Palestine on our region. We consulted about the joint steps we could take. The developments on the axis of Israel and Iran increase the risk of the spread and escalation of the war, and moreover, overshadow the massacre in Palestine. Our Iraqi brothers are also negatively affected by this tension. I would like to remind all interested parties again to avoid steps that escalate tension. The establishment of an independent, sovereign and geographically integrated Palestinian state, whose capital is East Jerusalem, on the borders of 1967, is the key to regional peace.”

Erdoğan stated that they will continue to look at relations with Iraq in terms of friendship, brotherhood and neighborly law and said, "As in the past, we will continue to stand by our Iraqi brothers in good and bad days. I believe that my visit, which took place in a critical period in terms of regional developments, will hopefully be instrumental in new beginnings.

'No attack can be carried out on a country other than Iraqi territory'

Noting that Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani also signed agreements at the water level, he said, “These (water agreements) will renew their irrigation systems. This agreement will also have positive effects on Iraq's water stock and will also benefit the neighboring country Turkey. We (Iraq and Turkey) are connected to each other with a single life line, such as when water flows from above (Turkey) to bottom (Iraq).

Referring to the security cooperation between the two countries, Sudani said, "We agreed on the security cooperation that will ensure the stability of Turkey and Iraq. This (security cooperation) will help fight against the danger that armed groups that can cooperate with terrorism can form and disrupt the security of the two countries. This will also allow for greater control of areas in border areas. The security of Iraq and Turkey is an indivisible whole. Security cooperation between us is important for the region. Thus, the relations between the two countries will be taken as an example.”

'We cannot allow an attack on another country from Iraqi territory,' Sudani said, emphasizing that they pursue a balanced, common interest and good neighborly-based policy.

Stating that it is important that President Erdogan's visit will be carried out in a risky and dangerous period when Israel's hostile attacks on Gaza continue, Sudani said, "Jerusalem is the symbol of Islam and an insult to the sanctivities of Palestine is unacceptable."

4 countries signed the "Road of Development"

During the visit, a 4-memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the Development Path Project was signed between Iraq, Turkey, Qatar and the UAE under the auspices of Erdogan and Sudan.

The memorandum of understanding signed at the Government Palace in Baghdad was also present at the signing ceremony, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, Iraqi Transport Minister Rezzak Muhaybis, Qatari Minister of Transport and Communications Casim bin Seyf es-Sulayti and UAE Energy and Infrastructure Minister Suheyl Muhammed el-Mezrui were also present at the signing ceremony.

'The Path of Development will support security and stability'

Stating that they signed joint agreements with Turkey in various fields, Sudani said, "Today, we have signed a four-memorandum of understanding, which includes the principles regarding the Development Road Project. The Development Path Project is an economic river that will connect the west and the east, such as the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow from Turkey and reach Iraq. This road extends from Iraq to Turkey and from there to Europe. This project also brings the rights of the region and their culture closer together and will develop partnerships in various fields. The Development Path Project will support security and stability in the region," he said.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu also used the following statements in his statement on his social media account: "The Development Road Project extends from the Persian Gulf to Turkey and Europe by road and railways. While connecting Iraq and Turkey, we aim to create an important commercial corridor in the global sense. The project will also strengthen the economic and geopolitical status of our country and region.”

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