Perhaps of interest. Just a quick discussion, not scripted in any way, with a communication connection which distorted the video at times. But the substance of what Coleen says is what matters. She’s a collaborator with me on Project for the Study of American Militarism, as are to one degree or another, all the people who I’ve done oral history interviews with. With another one done yesterday morning, the 3rd now, with Richard Falk. Which I will have up sometime tomorrow. So I’m happy to suffer all the denigration I get hear from my critics, as it reinforces how I prefer being on the “right side of of (actual) history, and on the opposite side of theirs, as the same of the Right-Revisionist, Trumpite/DeSantisite, New Right, doing all they can to morally support the Israeli fascists whom Oligarchs Koch, Thiel, Miriam Adelson, Jeffrey Yass, Trump, et al., all support.