[Salon] What links Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and Donald Trump? The shadowy network behind their policies | George Monbiot | The Guardian

I spend a lot of time criticizing the National Conservative New Right, but when Milei was elected, there was an eruption of joy in some circles, including someone I’m usually proud to be associated with, because he was “going to "end the Argentine Fed" (and piggy back on the U.S. Fed, by way of adopting the dollar as Argentine’s currency, as was his first plan). So I don’t mean to omit criticism of the other faction of the Trump Coalition, and of the efforts by so many “partisans” of the Atlas Network to elect Trump again. I first became acquainted with Atlas when a self-described, beer swilling, libertarian from an Atlas affiliated group got together with a well-known “Conservative Non-interventionist,” and called for Trump to wage “Economic War” (more sanctions, "real war," per DOD) against Venezuela. Rather than “putting boots on the ground,” or however they characterized it (the podcast has since been edited to remove that incitement of aggressive war). Kill ‘em by starvation instead, was the implicit message. Or at least "make the economy scream,” as Nixon said, to pave the way for the violent CIA overthrow of the Chilean government, on behalf of the military junta that came to power (like famed libertarian Thomas Sowell speculated once, should be done to the U.S.; a military coup!). Little wonder I should be so cynical now, after seeing actual, one-time friends, turn so quickly to the “Dark Side.” Doing so before Biden’s continuation of so many of Trump’s militaristic policies have put the world on the edge of WW III, and brought on Israeli genocide by Trump giving to Netanyahu what little remained of Palestinian’s “Birthright.” 

So here’s some examples of the war fevered insanity endemic in the U.S. today, besides Biden’s Zionism, but worse, Trump’s, and his supporters “Maximalist Zionism!” “Maximalist” in the way of the most fascist wing of Jabotinsky’s “Revisionist Movement,” now running Israel, called themselves, as well as self-identifying as “fascist.” Before fascism “wasn’t cool.” 

"Is Javier Milei Argentina’s Ron Paul Moment?"

But here’s a “counter-narrative: 

"Argentina's libertarian presidential contender backed by far-right Atlas Network"

No one it seems can be worse than this fanatic, of the Mises Institute:

BLUF: "The heroic Prime Minister Netanyahu has set a date for the invasion of Rafah. In doing so, he is cocking a snook against the Biden Administration of the US and against much of the rest of the world. If this is not courageous, nothing is courageous."

Thankfully someone with the Mises Institute finally called their fellow Misesian out, in an open letter:   
BLUF: Block’s call for total war and the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians in Gaza is the complete and uninhibited rejection and renunciation of the nonaggression principle that constitutes one of the very cornerstones of the Rothbardian system.

The kind of stuff Block had been writing regularly for Israel Hayom, since 2022: https://www.israelhayom.com/opinions/jewish-voters-may-no-longer-like-what-the-democrats-are-selling/
So what took so long to criticize Block, except the immunity from criticism so many claim for their particular fellow ideologues?

In fact, Block is very representative of the libertarian who’s generally “paying the piper, and calling the tunes,” Charles Koch! So, if I ever use that term in an “overbroad”, way, I’m only echoing Koch, Milei, Block, and the people they represent, not the “exception which proves the rule.” And as one total, War System, as our country stands constituted, the "system” will hold, if no elements of the "major component parts" (DOD lingo) will criticize perhaps the major MIC component; Charles Koch. Who has basically elected most war fevered Republicans for ages now, who always demand and vote for ever increasingly large military budgets, and always calling for greater military spending than their very slightly less militaristic opponents.  And Koch is who funded anti-BDS legislation in the states, most often successfully.

Hypothetically, if justice ever prevails, and War Crime trials are held for our Wars of Aggression, to include complicity with Israel’s Genocide, and I were Chief Prosecutor, facts that would need to be established would include the ideological origins of the system which led to such war, just like at Nuremberg. And indictments would also include against “Industrialists,” and “propagandists” who helped bring the War Party to power. And under that test, there would be no immunity for Charles Koch and his like-minded ideologues. Regardless of who defends him. 

What links Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and Donald Trump? The shadowy network behind their policies

Nate Kitch
Illustration: Nate Kitch/The Guardian

This article is more than 3 months old

The Atlas Network’s dark-money junktanks are behind neoliberal policies around the world. And you may find its leaders on a resignation honours list near you

There are elements of fascism, elements borrowed from the Chinese state and elements that reflect Argentina’s history of dictatorship. But most of the programme for government announced by Javier Milei, the demagogic new Argentinian president, feels eerily familiar, here in the northern hemisphere.

A crash programme of massive cuts; demolishing public services; privatising public assets; centralising political power; sacking civil servants; sweeping away constraints on corporations and oligarchs; destroying regulations that protect workers, vulnerable people and the living world; supporting landlords against tenants; criminalising peaceful protest; restricting the right to strike. Anything ring a bell?

Milei is attempting, with a vast “emergency” decree and a monster “reform bill”, what the Conservatives have done in the UK over 45 years. The crash programme bears striking similarities to Liz Truss’s “mini” (maxi) budget, which trashed the prospects of many poor and middle-class people and exacerbated the turmoil that now dominates public life.

Coincidence? Not at all. Milei’s programme was heavily influenced by Argentinian neoliberal thinktanks belonging to something called the Atlas Network, a global coordinating body that promotes broadly the same political and economic package everywhere it operates. It was founded in 1981 by a UK citizen, Antony Fisher. Fisher was also the founder of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), one of the first members of the Atlas Network.

The IEA created, to a remarkable degree, Liz Truss’s political platform. In a video conversation on the day of her “mini” budget with another member of the institute, its then director general, Mark Littlewood, observed: “We’re on the hook for it now. If it doesn’t work it’s your fault and mine.” It didn’t work – in fact, it crashed spectacularly, at great cost to us all – but, thanks to the UK’s media, the BBC included, which continue to treat these fanatical corporate lobbyists as purveyors of holy writ, they’re off the hook.

Last year, the IEA was platformed on British media an average of 14 times a day: even more often than before the disaster it helped inflict on the UK. Scarcely ever was it challenged about who funds it or whom it represents. The three peers nominated by Truss in her resignation honours list have all worked for or with organisations belonging to the Atlas Network (Matthew Elliott, TaxPayers’ Alliance; Ruth Porter, IEA; Jon Moynihan, IEA). Now, like US supreme court justices, they have been granted lifelong powers to shape our lives, without democratic consent. Truss also put forward Littlewood, but his reward for wrecking people’s lives was blocked by the House of Lords appointments commission.

Argentinians protest against new president Javier Milei's deregulation decree – video

Nothing has been learned: these corporate lobby groups still mould our politics. Policy Exchange, which, as Rishi Sunak has admitted, “helped us draft” the UK’s vicious new anti-protest laws, is a former member of the Atlas Network. We might describe certain policies as being Milei’s or Bolsonaro’s, or Truss’s or Johnson’s or Sunak’s, but they’re all variations on the same themes, hatched and honed by junktanks belonging to the same network. Those presidents and prime ministers are just the faces the programme wears.

And who, in turn, are the junktanks? Many refuse to divulge who funds them, but as information has trickled out we have discovered that the Atlas Network itself and many of its members have taken money from funding networks set up by the Koch brothers and other rightwing billionaires, and from oil, coal and tobacco companies and other life-defying interests. The junktanks are merely the intermediaries. They go into battle on behalf of their donors, in the class war waged by the rich against the poor. When a government responds to the demands of the network, it responds, in reality, to the money that funds it.

The dark-money junktanks, and the Atlas Network, are a highly effective means of disguising and aggregating power. They are the channel through which billionaires and corporations influence politics without showing their hands, learn the most effective policies and tactics for overcoming resistance to their agenda, and then spread these policies and tactics around the world. This is how nominal democracies become new aristocracies.

They also seem to be adept at shaping public opinion. For example, around the world, neoliberal junktanks have not only lobbied for extreme anti-protest measures, but have successfully demonised environmental protesters as “extremists” and “terrorists”. This might help to explain why peaceful environmental campaigners blocking a road are routinely punched, kicked and spat upon, and in some places run over or threatened with guns, by other citizens, while farmers or truckers blocking a road are not. It might also explain why there is scarcely a murmur of media coverage or public concern when extreme penalties are imposed: such as the six-month prison sentence handed in December to the climate campaigner Stephen Gingell for slow-marching along a London street.

But the worst is yet to come. Donald Trump has never developed a coherent platform of his own. He doesn’t have to. His policies have been written for him, in a 900-page Mandate for Leadership produced by a group of thinktanks led by the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is – you got there before me – a member of the Atlas Network. Many of the proposals in the “mandate” are, frankly, terrifying. They have nothing to do with public demands and everything to do with the demands of capital.

When Friedrich Hayek and others first formulated the principles of neoliberalism, they believed it would defend the world from tyranny. But as the big money poured in, and an international network of neoliberal thinktanks was created to develop and articulate its demands, the programme that was supposed to liberate us became a new source of oppression.

In Argentina, where Milei has stepped into the vacuum left by the gross misrule of his predecessors and is able to impose, in true shock doctrine fashion, policies that would otherwise be fiercely resisted, the poor and middle classes are about to pay a terrible price. How do we know? Because very similar programmes have been dumped on other countries, beginning with Argentina’s neighbour Chile, after Augusto Pinochet’s coup in 1973.

These junktanks are like the spike proteins on a virus. They are the means by which plutocratic power invades the cells of public life and takes over. It’s time we developed an immune system.

This article was amended on 11 January 2024. Policy Exchange is not currently a member of the Atlas Network as a previous version stated. It was listed as such in the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015, according to the DeSmog website.

  • George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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