Re: [Salon] (1) Richard A Falk, Oral History, Part III; or, "The Origins of American Fascism" (a short overview) - YouTube

And this Part II.

Here’s what Nuremberg held: 
BLUF: "In the previous recital of the facts relating to aggressive war, it is clear that planning and preparation had been carried out in the most systematic way at every stage of the history. 

"Planning and preparation are essential to the making of war. In the opinion of the Tribunal aggressive war is a crime under international law. The Charter defines this offence as planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression " or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment . . . of the foregoing.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ". . . The "common plan or conspiracy" charged in the Indictment covers twenty-five years, from the formation of the Nazi party in 1919 to the end of the war in 1945.”                

This video lays out aspects of our “Right-wing Common Plan,” as laid out first by Dick Cheney in 1992, put into law by parts of Gingrich’s “Contract,” in 1995, and made official with the 2002 National Security Strategy, supported by virtually all Conservatives. With any “second thoughts” on the Iraq War, as now taken to “sanitize” Bill Buckley, by Quincy Institute, omits that his only objection was entirely post hoc due to its failure. Solely a “situational” change of heart, but now QI reinvents Buckley as an opponent of “Neoconservatism,” when most of the prominent “NeoCons” had been hired and promoted by William Buckley for National Review!” But as even fawning biographers of Buckley have noted; Buckley always had in mind fabricating a historical record of himself most favorable to himself. 

After the debacle of Iraq, he went into high gear to “revise” his sordid history of inciting the Iraq War, which he could be charged with as a War Crime, if there was accountability like Nuremberg. And also worked to incite every single U.S. War of Aggression from the beginning of National Review and the Conservative Movement in 1955, through Buckley’s death. But “sanitizing” him, also served to sanitize “Conservatism.” As recent books by and about, “Conservatives,” like Bacevich’s, Claes Ryn’s, Yoram Hazony’s, and the posthumous, “Resurrection,” of the most zealous "anti-Constitutionalist,” Willmoore Kendall, in a recent biography, all make so clear. 

And with a new Introduction to his anti-constitutional essays in “The Conservative Affirmation,” with equal enthusiasm for Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism, identical to Kendall’s own political theory, joined by Dan McCarthy :

As this picture was shared here earlier, he may be “sleepy” in Court. But in every other way, he’s as “vigorous” as his role model, as one sees in how he poses, with jaw thrust out. And virtually no one is looking at the political theory “Origins” of "Trumpism,” Which is being made so clear by Trumpites, as beginning with the fascist “political theory” conceived and promoted most prominently by founding “Thought Control Conservatives,” boasted of as the precursors to Trumpism: Willmoore Kendall, William Buckley, and James Burnham! All celebrated now by prominent Conservatives in a self-evident “cognitive operation” to reinvent history, in getting the ideological successors to them elected today. 


And Joe Biden is enabling with his “soft fascism,” the election of the character above with his “hard fascism.” As seen in the “battle lines” (Kendall’s term) now fully revealed over Gaza with Trumpites, the so-called “New Right Restrainers, Right-wing Peaceniks,” leading the charge in the U.S. on behalf of Israeli fascists, against anyone objecting to Israeli fascism, and their genocidal Plan. And therefore, revealing themselves as the U.S. fascist counterparts to Israel’s, with whom they are one and the same, ideologically. With the “Thought Control Conservatives” of Kendall, Buckley, and Burnham, bearing most responsibility for that transmutation into “American Fasicsm,” in a nutshell, as begun first as promoters of McCarthyism, and “Asia First Conservatives,” still at the same “popcorn stand,” with inciting war against China, which necessarily includes Russia, Iran, . . . .

This video is an attempt to reveal the “true nature,” of Trumpism, as “Hard Fascism,” in the “Tradtion” of what Willmoore Kendall and Bill Buckley so zealously promoted, and the Military Industrial Complex they promoted so vigorously, against Eisenhower’s own relatively milder policies, which the the “Conservatives” so zealously denounced and fought against. I won’t hold my breath waiting for today’s Conservatives, acknowledging that sordid right-wing extremist history!


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