[Salon] Fwd: Protest And Dissent Can Absolutely Push The Empire To Retreat On Gaza

Noam Chomsky and Caitlin Johnstone are about the only political commentators I have real respect for, because they are the few commentators who understand and analyze “political behavior” as the result of a manipulative process of “manufacturing consent.” That is, by those seeking political control for nefarious purposes of accumulating power for themselves. And, or the “State,” as the promoters of the Military Industrial Complex “system,” to include all its component parts. Which most prominently today includes “Strategic Communications.” What Caitlin writes below is a good overview of that.

As a Guantanamo defense attorney, I had to put into practice what I had been taught by the Army in my training as a Psychological Operations analyst, of how to recognize and analyze “propaganda,” to produce a counter to that. Much like an attorney must rebut fallacious testimony and evidence. But today, PsyOps has been taken to an entirely higher dimension of what Israel began to call “Cognitive Warfare,” as Israel seems to have been first to use that more expansive term. With the US/NATO now adopting it as well, as part of the Joint US/IL/NATO Command Trump created when he brought Israel into EUCOM. 

This requires a relatively high degree of intellectual understanding to analyze and rebut so much of what they’re engaged in. Which for those sincere about “Peace,” is akin to the pro-peace forces “bringing a knife to a gunfight,” so averse of most to engage in a higher level pursuit of political knowledge. Which today, requires some understanding of cognitive science which one only finds in research of the “mind,” which seems beyond the reach of political commentators, leaving them "stumbling in the dark” so to speak. And endlessly repeating what they’ve been “primed” to say in defense of the most militaristic faction in the U.S.; Conservatism, as formulated by the “Thought Control Conservatives,” Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall. Explaining why Oligarch funded media platforms/think tanks  like the ones the Koch Network funds, are carrying out a “priming” operation of restoring to prominence the political thought of the “Thought Control Conservatives” named above. 

Or, as I just referenced, the “pro-peace,” anti-genocide, advocates are like the indigenous peoples, who were confronted with the Maxim gun, so “outgunned” intellectually as they are, up, against U.S. Oligarchs of the Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Thiel and Koch, with the vast means they have to bring to bear all the latest, most developed, cognitive operations capabilities available, which they in fact control so much of, that Thiel and Charles can say the equivalent of, from Wikipedia:  

"As it was put by Hilaire Belloc, in the words of the figure "Blood" in his poem "The Modern Traveller":

"Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.[28]

But Caitlin Johnstone, and more and more young people, are exceptions to that, as they become more and more “Awoke,” against being denounced by our genocide supporting Trumpite “Conservatives” as “Woke Marxists,” with Conservative demands they be silenced “by any means necessary.” Making Caitlin required reading, of any nationality, but especially American, as in the Empire!

From: Caitlin Johnstone from Caitlin’s Newsletter <caitlinjohnstone@substack.com>
Subject: Protest And Dissent Can Absolutely Push The Empire To Retreat On Gaza
Date: May 9, 2024 at 9:10:48 PM CDT
Reply-To: Caitlin Johnstone from Caitlin’s Newsletter <reply+2e0xe5&9d43p&&3bbe95a27f8c9cb55e3c6f2ea67cb9ea6b480eb4f42172e68117f4c38b4b83a0@mg1.substack.com>

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