[Salon] Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein on Biden's Responsibility for the Gaza Genocide
- To: salon@listserve.com
- Subject: [Salon] Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein on Biden's Responsibility for the Gaza Genocide
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 09:16:24 -0400
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FM: John Whitbeck
The three-minute video posted by Green Party presidential
candidate Dr. Jill Stein and transmitted below makes clear
that there is an anti-apartheid and anti-genocide
alternative to the pro-apartheid and pro-genocide candidates
of the two major parties, as well as the pro-apartheid and
pro-genocide independent candidate RFK Jr.
If an American public disgusted by the worst lesser-evil
choice in American history, notably including the more than
33 million viewers of Macklemore's anti-genocide video, were
aware of this alternative, a political earthquake could
occur -- which is why major-party-supporting mainstream
media can be expected to continue to ignore Dr. Stein.
A televised "debate" between the two major-party dotards,
who combine mental debility with moral depravity, is so
appalling to envision that it is highly unlikely to occur,
but, in the unlikely event that any television network dared
to suggest including Dr. Stein and RFK Jr. in a
four-candidate event, it is inconceivable that the major
party candidates would agree to participate.
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