[Salon] people are asking me why this lineup, this conference?

The line-up for next week's QI/TAC conference, "what a foreign policy for the middle class looks like" has some of our friends and fellow travelers on the left side of the dail a bit perplexed. I talk about why we are holding this conference and the line-up we chose in a blog post on Antiwar.com here:

What I would like to add is, that QI being transpartisan and sincerely interested in bringing left and right together against militarism, we cannot ignore that there is a fracturing on the right over foreign policy, which, depending on which way it goes, could help our cause of reframing foreign policy towards restraint and away from status quo neo-conservatism/Cold War warriorism in the party. Some of these people could be holding offices in a new administration, and it is a lot better than Bolton and Pompeo. We want to hear what they have to say directly on the issues important to us.

So, I hope you will join us on 5/23, whether you agree or not; we promise it will be, at the very least, an interesting window into the current political/foreign policy landscape. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-a-foreign-policy-for-the-middle-class-looks-like-tickets-891869243917


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