[Salon] Another week in Israel’s genocidal war

Another week in Israel’s genocidal war

Summary: another week passes and the agony of Palestinians continues with much posturing and little of substance to encourage the thought that the Gaza war will come to an end.

This week in the Gaza war signalled yet again much ado with little actually happening to end the ongoing genocide in the Strip and stop settler attacks in the Occupied West Bank. President Biden after withholding armaments from Israel, including MK 84 2000 lb bombs, as a ‘shot across the bow’ announced a further US$1 billion plus in weapons support. Whist constantly repeating the refrain that Israel needs to limit civilian casualties, the latest shipment according to the Associated Press includes “$700m for tank ammunition, $500m in tactical vehicles and $60m in mortar rounds” all weaponry designed for and intended to be used in offensive operations. With civilian casualties now passing 35,000, of which at least two thirds are women and children, and the IDF stepping up its incursion into Rafah with American (and UK) bombs and shells the civilian toll will continue to mount inexorably.

Meanwhile the Arab League held its yearly summit in Bahrain yesterday with the head of the 22-member organisation Ahmed Aboul Ghait calling for an international conference of all the parties “committed to the two-state solution.” Israel’s prosecution of the war and the world’s response was “a shameful stain” he said. The Arab League backed the installation of the Palestinian Authority once Hamas is defeated. That’s in keeping with the American position but distinctly at odds with reality on the ground.

For his part Benjamin Netanyahu has, yet again, dismissed both the two-state solution and the PA. On Wednesday he said “as long as Hamas remains, no other actor will run Gaza – and certainly not the Palestinian Authority." With most authorities, military and otherwise, noting that the goal of totally eradicating Hamas was and remains unachievable, it is abundantly clear therefore that in some form or other Hamas will be an ongoing threat to Israel thus giving Netanyahu all the cover he needs to block a PA Gaza administration.

The IDF says 626 Israeli soldiers have been killed during the fighting in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023

That hasn’t stopped the Israeli PM from doubling down on his claim that total victory was achievable:

In any case, there is no alternative to military victory. The attempt to bypass it with this or that claim is simply detached from reality. There is one alternative to victory – defeat, military, diplomatic and national defeat. My government will not agree to this.

Meantime the Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant has robustly insisted that the IDF not be used as an occupying force once the war is over. “I will,” he said “not agree to military rule in Gaza” and hinted that perhaps the PA could provide a governance structure ‘the day after’ the fighting ends.

Netanyahu’s extremist ministers quickly jumped on Gallant with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir calling for him to be sacked. Not to be outdone by his far right comrade, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich opined "Defense Minister Gallant effectively announced today his support for the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state as a reward to terrorism.” Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu chimed in with the observation that "our heroic soldiers did not die to give the Strip back to the Nazis."

It is worth recalling that Gallant himself two days after the 7 October Hamas attack referred to its fighters as “human animals’ and decreed a complete blockade of food, water, electricity and medical supplies to the Strip, an action against the entire civilian population. The statement was used to inform the ICJ decision ordering Israel to prevent genocide.

As Netanyahu’s cabinet snipes and backbites between themselves US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is visiting Saudi Arabia and Israel in pursuit of what many see as a phantasm: the kingdom will recognise Israel in return for the US providing a NATO-style security accord, assistance with nuclear reactor projects, and FDI support for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s fantastically expensive giga-projects. As their part of the deal the Israelis will accept a ceasefire and a path towards a two-state solution.

Underlining how anxious President Biden is to secure such an agreement ahead of November’s election, Sullivan’s entourage includes the president’s senior Middle East advisor Brett McGurk and another senior advisor Israeli-born Amos Hochstein.

Given Netanyahu’s intransigence - fuelled at least in part by the knowledge that Ben-Gvir and Smotrich have threatened to bring down his government should he succumb to US pressure - coupled with the stance that the Arab League has taken the question needs to be asked who really is it that is detached from reality? Is it Netanyahu insisting on total victory or Biden thinking that the Saudis will ignore popular support for Palestine and rush into the arms of the Israelis?

Those who are not detached and are daily living the horrific reality of constant IDF bombardments and air strikes in Gaza and settler attacks in the West Bank are the Palestinians. Yet in all the conversations about ‘the day after’ and with all that they are suffering it is the Palestinians who are left uninvited to the table. It is as if they simply and conveniently do not exist.

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