[Salon] In Visit to Temple Mount/Al Aqsa, Israel's Ben-Gvir Rails Against Gaza Aid, Recognition of Palestine - Israel News - Haaretz.com

"Israel's Culture of Hasbara Has Made Israelis Blind to the Occupation"

Here is more on that Hasbara effort, more correctly called today, Cognitive Warfare, by the U.S, branch of Israeli fascism.

It was shared here the other day that Trump’s foreign policy advisors visited Israel recently. Here, in their own words, is some more detail on what they no doubt had to say to their Israeli fascist colleagues, representing the “no-prefix” Conservative position eloquently! This rather lengthy email goes into some detail on the main subjects, Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, but starting with their US co-ideologues, in providing some ‘deep background” on the US/UK/Israeli contemporary fascist movement, variously called: New Right, Trumpism, National Conservatism, (no prefix) Conservatism, Traditional Conservatism, Likud, or Republican Party. 

Former National Security Advisor Ambassador Robert C. O’Brien On Israel’s War (start at 3:33 for the Trump policy)

And here are Trump’s fellow Israeli fascist sympathizers: 
'Fundamentally incoherent': JD Vance rips Biden policy on Israel (start at 2:55 if time is short, or tolerance for Vance’s propaganda is limited)

Vance’s unblemished loyalty to Netanyahu and Israel’s fascists go back a ways, as one would expect of a dutiful servant to Peter Thiel: 

“I will be as strong an advocate for the US-Israel relationship as anyone,” Vance said, calling those ties “an _expression_ of deeper things, of cultural affinity and shared heritage and values.”

"Vance spoke to The Jerusalem Post at a VIP gathering on the sidelines the CPAC Israel event, sponsored by the American conservative activist group, as well as the Tel Aviv International Salon and right-wing publisher Shibboleth.”
. . .

"Vance said that he agreed with US conservative positions in the region, such as that “the Iran deal was a disaster, Israel is our most important ally and [former US president Donald] Trump was right to move the [embassy] to Jerusalem.”

BLUF: "He added: “The time has come for the United States to mean what it says in the defense of human rights.”

In that regard, Paul’s defense of Israeli human rights violations goes back a long way!
2015: "WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill on Wednesday that would immediately halt US aid to the Palestinians until they halt their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel."

And the above examples are what is being sold to gullible people as a “Foreign Policy for the Middle Class!” To which I can only say, as immersed, unapologetically, in the mid-America, Middle Class: B.S.! 

Now, for context: 
BLUF: I believe there is a need to recognize and to understand, in an ideological analysis, the two most prominent Israeli fascists Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, besides Netanyahu, and their calls for genocide of the Palestinians. And of their US Trumpite/Conservative allies, blocking any feeble attempts to hold Israeli war criminals liable for their war crimes. 

I’m not a journalist so I don’t comment too much on specific “events,” except in an analysis of the underlying “political cause” leading to an event, as its “originating cause.” Which for political events, calls for an analysis of the “political theory ideas” motivating participants. As my ideological opponents Yoram Hazony and the deceased Willmoore Kendall would agree. In fact, the only thing I agree with in Hazony’s and Kendall"s writings, and in his mentor’s Leo Strauss’, is the importance in Intelligence Analysis of understanding the ideological “originating cause” of political behavior, as they expressed in writing. 

While concealing that their motives were to “influence” decision makers to adopt their very "worldview,” of war-mongering; a Hobbesian/fascist worldview in which only “preemptive” attacks would “save” us. As an “engaged citizen,” with relevant educational, military, and political/legal experience, and still under a legal obligation to “defend the Constitution,” as a retired Army Officer, and active attorney, I believe the same for a political analysis of domestic politics and its actors, is called for. To avoid what the case of these first two examples called for and led to, the “politicization” of Intelligence Analysis. Which has become the “coin of the realm” in keeping the US in a state of “Perpetual War.” Beginning in the so-called “Post-Cold War” era, of which Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney, and their party, never recognized. As evident in the Cheney Doctrine, and the Contract for America which put it into effect. But here is Strauss’s and Kendall’s  

BLUF: "Be this as it may, Strauss's view certainly alerts one to the possibility that political life may be closely linked to deception. Indeed, it suggests that deception is the norm in political life, and the hope, to say nothing of the expectation, of establishing a politics that can dispense with it is the exception. On both of these counts, then, studying political philosophy with Strauss proved to be a valuable counterweight to the doctrines that were then prevalent, not only in the academy, but in

intelligence analysis as well. By emphasizing the distinction among regimes as the basic political fact, political philosophy prepared one for a much better understanding of the world than did the "scientific" social science which sought to understand the various regimes in terms of universal categories.

What is omitted in that brief excerpt is Strauss’s own “deception” tactics of “Secret Writing.” Both in what others wrote historically which only he and fellow “Straussians,” like those at the Claremont Institute, Hillsdale College, and their media platform since about 2015, The American Conservative magazine (Curt Mills, Steve Bannon’s dear friend and co-ideologue, for one, and the departed Johnny Burtka for another, but now totally infested with that line of thinking from its many Hillsdale associated writers, having fully been absorbed into "West Coast Straussianism" now), can "interpret correctly,” according to Strauss and his disciples, Willmoore Kendall and Harry Jaffa. But also in their own “secret writing” (which Willmoore Kendall celebrated so enthusiastically of Strauss), using sophisticated tactics to reach the “unconscious mind,” the tactic/strategy today of Cognitive Warfare, which Kendall was a “pioneer” in, as his advocacy both as a CIA analyst and then as a “Conservative” political theorist is evidence of. With “priming” essential to that, as described here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6027235/ 

Kendall wrote “The Function of intelligence” as a counter-point to the CIA’s head analyst, Sherman Kent, which arguments of either I have previously discussed. And I’m not going to disseminate such right-wing extremism. But here is his conclusion, placed discreetly at the end in the finest Straussian tradition, prioritizing the “need” of the analyst to influence the “pictures in decision-makers’ heads,” not just provide them with objective facts and analysis: 

"It is, in fine, not a state of mind which is likely to produce the book all of us have been waiting for someone to write since, twenty-seven years ago, Mr. Lippmann's Public Opinion first directed our attention to those pictures in decision-makers' heads-and to the possibility of our deliberately influencing their accuracy. 

How that worked out for us was seen in 2003, as described at the link directly below, with its major error ignoring that the “Neocons,” pushing for war, were led by the “Traditional Conservative,” Bill Buckley, who had personally hired so many leading so-called “NeoCons.” So-called because they were all in the “Tradition” of Traditional Conservatives, Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall. With all three being “reanimated,” like Zombies, through a celebration of their writings by all of the Quincy Institute, TAC magazine, and sundry other Conservative platforms. Leading a new generation to the most militaristic political theory ever promoted in US history, with roots in the fascist thought they had all been exposed to and came to adopt pre-WW II. Manifested later as the “Thought Control Conservative” founding National Review magazine in carrying on from their McCarthyite roots. With their fascist ideas “shielded by a body guard of lies,” as their thought burrowed ever deeper into American collective consciousness. Now as Trumpism and National Conservatism. But in the 1950s, as the most strident opponents of. . . . Eisenhower!

http://auapps.american.edu/dfagel/www/Leo Strauss and the Neo-Cons at War.pdf
"In the past few months, the “bodyguard of lies” metaphor has been redeployed and used to characterize the Bush Administration’s raw manipulation of the CIA and other intelligence agencies for propaganda purposes and for the gross deceit that seems to characterize the rationales put forward for their Iraq policy."

“No Half Measures” and “Total Annihilation!” Echoes of O’Brien, Vance, Ramaswamy, and Paul! 

Israel's Far-right Minister Smotrich Calls for 'No Half Measures' in the 'Total Annihilation' of Gaza - Israel News - H

In Visit to Temple Mount/Al Aqsa, Israel's Ben-Gvir Rails Against Gaza Aid, Recognition of Palestine

Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir says Spain, Norway and Ireland have given a reward to Hamas by recognizing a Palestinian state

Ben-Gvir visits Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Compound, today

Credit: Temple Mount Authority

Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said on Wednesday that Israel must stop fuel supply to Gaza in order to secure the release of the hostages being held by Hamas.

Speaking during his first visit to the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa compound since the Gaza war began, Ben-Gvir added that humanitarian aid should be dependent on the other side's humanitarian steps. "To destroy Hamas," said the minister, "we must enter Rafah all the way, treat it at the root." He added that Israel "must control this area."

Regarding declarations by Spain, Norway and Ireland on recognizing a Palestinian state, Ben-Gvir said that those countries "are rewarding the [Hamas] Nukhba forces. The murderers and the abusers. To that I say, we won't allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state "

Ben-Gvir also mentioned footage set to be released later on Wednesday showing five Israeli military spotters who were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. The footage will be released by The Hostage and Missing Families Forum.

"Tonight we will get another testimony as to why Hamas must be totally destroyed," he said.


Lead in his head


He has lead in his head and needs more - how does a society produce Gvir - Israel is depraved




That right-wing nazi idiot Ben Gvir is doing more long-term harm to the future of Israel than any terrorist organisation could ever do.

Bif Berger


Yes....IBG is this country's worst enemy. Vile....arrogant and a true POM. But... let the public beware..he is a very dangerous cancer.



BG should be first of ICC list.

He is a terrorist


And u .Zionism is terrorism

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