[Salon] Two Sides in the Struggle for Israel’s Future | New Israel Fund (NIF)

A belated Memorial Day email. Given this email list has turned so far to the Right in support of Israeli Fascism, by New Right/Traditional Conservative/National Conservative Trumpites/DeSantisites (he will be back running for “Der Fuhrer”), I have some reluctance to engage with their right-wing peanut gallery, as it seems to be one (me) against all. Which, as with “Genocide,” silence equals acquiescence, if not full agreement. Nevertheless, I take my stand with Israeli non-fascists, as the New Israel Fund is, as against those who as Trumpites/DeSantisites, take their's with their ideological compatriots, Israel’s Settler fascists. With these what some would call an example of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jySSVc71Muc;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83iLS91JzI&t=3701s;                                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsX3A3Ax4y8&t=87s; and not to be missed, Ben-Gvir, echoing J.D. Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy, on Quincy Institute’s event last week: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RIDlx1AIqC0?app=desktophttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMTUcdKsgDg;  and Bezalel Smotrich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3XLtt2yXGIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v6F3MLF41g, with the latter echoing Republican calls to “Finish  Them Off,” "Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich calls for ‘utter destruction’ in Rafah."

BLUF: Per the NIF email at bottom, "There have always been multiple visions of what Israel is and can be. Today, two of the most prominent are in sharp contrast. On one side are those who seek an ethno-nationalist state—a place where Jews are first order citizens, and everyone else is a second order citizen. These are the people who seek Jewish control over all of historic Israel—from the river to the sea. . . . Sadly, these are the people calling the shots in Israel right now, including the prosecution of this war.”  . . . Fortunately, there is another side to the struggle for Israel’s future and, indeed, for its soul. How did these other Israelis respond to the images of humanitarian goods spilled on the side of the highway? What did they do when they discovered that Israel’s police response to this threat was ineffectual? They – or perhaps I should say “we” – took action."

The former constitute what in any "political theory” definition, are “fascists.” The latter, “non-fascists. With the former, as always, reliant upon the euphemism “Conservative,” to conceal their innate fascist thought, as Willmoore Kendall was so practiced at (see below). Using his terminology: "My thesis, then, is that the line we are looking for is a battleline, and that that line stretches from the bottom of the chart of American politics all the way to the top, passing through pretty

much every issue that enters into our politics. My further thesis is that the battle-line is a battle-line in a war actually in progress, between Liberal troops on the left of the line (note that the usage on which we are depending is very clear that the line divides a Left from a Right)-and Conservative troops on the right

of the line.”  (TP-that is the very essence of fascism; Carl Schmitt’s “Friend-Enemy Distinction!) 

The same applies today, with “Conservatives" firmly on the “right" of the battleline, that is, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israeli fascists, their natural allies. So I must take my stand, even if it means criticizing and even offending, those “Sacred Cows,” as pro-Israel think tanks, and publications, promoting Trumpism and Heritage Foundation “Third Way Foreign Policy. All of which I stand against, in standing beside the New Israel Fund in their opposition to Israeli fascism!

To include these “Israeli Conservatives”: https://www.972mag.com/new-right-jerusalem-conservative-conference/. BLUF: "Held on May 26 in Jerusalem for the third time in four years, the Israeli Conservatism Conference, sponsored by the right-wing Tikvah Fund, aims to be the main intellectual hub for cutting-edge right-wing thought in Israel. Jewish billionaire Zalman Chaim Bernstein started the Tikvah Fund a year before his death in 1999, and in recent years, it has become increasingly active in right-wing policy debates, legislation, and activism.” (TP-see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jySSVc71Muc).
While the “battleline” here is blurred, between Biden, as a Goldwater Democrat, and the Republicans, as all-out “Goldwaterites/Buckleyites, Netanyahu, as his fascist father’s son, and in his own right, has an unerring detector for his fellow fascists:
BLUF: "Reps. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and Chip Roy (R-Texas) earlier this month introduced a bill to sanction the ICC — which targets individuals accused of war crimes, genocide and other international law violations — for investigating and prosecuting U.S. citizens and American allies, including Israel. Calls to pass that measure, or something like it, grew following the court’s announcement, even though the U.S. is not a member of court.

Chip Roy; remember him, one of Responsible Statecraft’s “Restrainers.” 

I was briefly on the “Right,” during the 1980s, so I have moved my position from the “right,” long ago and only relatively briefly, as a “Cold War conservative,” completely away from that side. Shared as it is with all of our bi-partisan militarists today, to include the “Third-way fascism” of Trumpsim; all varying only in degree. As the son of a victim of Japanese fascism, of the Bataan Death March, who then spent three years in a Japanese “Death Camp,” as one of only a relative few survivors, as depicted in the movie “The Great Raid,” I must once again declare and take my place on the opposite side of the battleline of the ideological successors to the Japanese fascists, the “Conservative Movement” as defined by Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall. Though their model was the surviving ally of Hitler and Mussolini, Franco.  

This Memorial Day could possibly be the last one in which an American can denounce “American Fascism,” should either POTUS candidate win election, but even more if the claimant to the Willmoore Kendall tradition, Trump’s “precursor,” wins election. Which seems increasingly likely. With all one can do about either choice is to not make oneself complicit in genocide, nor fascism, by not supporting either, unfortunately. Or, as Richard Falk puts it, to choose “internal exile,” rather than being morally complicit in US military aggression, whether through Israeli and Ukrainian (and mercenary) proxies, and/or directly by the U.S. through all means of warfare to include “kinetic” by SpecOps forces, as they have in Ukraine since shortly after the turn of the century. Or in the ongoing genocide of Israel in the bi-partisan provision of “Material Support” for it.  

Regardless of the outcome of the POTUS election, it should be self-evident we are accelerating our downward spiral into a combination of oblivion, as the “lack of awareness,” “stupidity,” in the Latinate sense, and Nietzsche’s “Abyss.” Having begun our “fall” into that even before 9/11, with Gingrich’s/Republican’s demand we expand NATO right up to the Russian border, and incite “Revolutions,” in any remnants of cooperative states/republics with Russia, in his 1995 Contract for America. And then adopted by PNAC, founded in 1997 (not the other way around). And by the Democrats, the so-called “Moderate Wing,” of Scoop Jackson Democrats, beginning under Clinton, and more correctly called, in tracing its operative “political theory”: Goldwater Democrats. 

But what has been clear is that today, in what is sometimes called the “Uniparty,” correctly, in my opinion, in that as both major parties share an ideology of extreme militarism, as seen in what has been openly acclaimed as our “Perpetual War,” as a successor to the Cold War, and adopted ultra-militaristic ideas first formulated by the s0-called “Conservative Movement,” “War is an Addiction” the US has. With “Conservative Movement” a euphemism adopted by its ultra-hardline CIA founders, the “Thought Control Conservatives” of Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall, for what was called in 1920’s Germany, the Conservative Revolution (CR). A rival fascist movement, and precursor to the Nazis before they "got on their feet," with Carl Schmitt a prominent ideologist of the CR, before completing his “journey” to Nazism. And once again prominent, though his name was only more recently invoked by New Right “Illiberals,” as the actual source of “ideas” for Leo Strauss, and his co-ideologue, mentoree, and close friend, Willmoore Kendall. 

But “Uniparty” is itself a propagandistic/indoctrination device, a “meme,” to distinguish the Trumpites, who analogically to the CR and the Nazis, represent the latter relative to the former, in that the Trumpites are even more fanatically pro-militarism/fascism, than the “Uniparty!” This has been made clear in the fanatical support to Israeli Fascism by New Rightists, like Trump, J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Claremont Institute (Ground Zero of West Coast Straussianism, but including Hillsdale College in that as well) connected David P. Goldman. With the latter three all featured speakers at the recent Quincy Institute/TAC magazine event; "A Foreign Policy for the Sponsoring Oligarchs,” heavily represented by Peter Thiel and Charles Koch connected politicians: 

You only need to listen to J.D. Vance at the beginning as the keynote speaker to get the "meme” of this Trump campaign event, and their all-out support for Israeli fascists under investigation for genocide currently underway (with Biden lined up shoulder to shoulder with them in opposition to that!). But here is Goldman writing for the Claremont Institute providing the “context” of support for Israel, and “opposition” to the US war against Russia, in Ukraine, and everywhere else, through the sanctions on Russia which Donald Trump increased and intensified!

"The scale of the problem is daunting. To return federal R&D funding to the levels of the late 1970s or 1980s relative to GDP, we would have to spend another $200 billion a year. The great corporate laboratories, starting with Bell Labs, no longer exist; they would have to be reconstituted. Only 7% of our college students major in engineering, against 33% in both Russia and China; Russia alone graduates as many engineers each year as the United States. These are labors of Hercules. But we have the choice of accomplishing them or condemning future generations of Americans to mediocrity. We need inspirational leadership to persuade American taxpayers to fund investment on this scale, like John F. Kennedy in 1962 when he told the nation that we would go to the moon, or Ronald Reagan in 1984 when he proposed to protect America against missile attack."

And now, Donald Trump, as whom Goldman promotes from his perspective as an Israelo-geostrategist, is here to provide the kind of “inspirational leadership” called for by Goldman, as can be seen below. 

JPEG image

BLUF: "The event most likely to mitigate Israel’s strategic predicament would be the election of Donald Trump to a second term in 2024. (TP-The following is complete B.S, as “deep,” aimed at the subconscious as a false meme, propaganda, as Trump and Polish President Duda made abundantly clear, as do Trump’s “Indoctrinators,” or “propaganda primers,” the Heritage Foundation, with its preparations for a 2d Trump term). ”Unlike the neoconservatives and global liberals presently in charge, Trump has no interest in regime change in Russia, and has no reason to perpetuate the blunders of others. He has pledged to end the war in Ukraine, which means cutting America’s losses. He is likely to maintain strong American support for Israel while limiting damage to America’s position abroad by conflict avoidance with Russia and China (TP-conflict avoidance with China? With the Trump 2017 Strategy and 2018 Military Doctrine calling for “Peer-Competitor Warfare, in line with Heritage’s Project 2025!) . Unlike the Biden foreign policy team, Trump has little interest in how other countries manage their affairs: his concern is the best deal for the United States.

B.S.! If you want to stand astride the world as Emperor, you don’t tolerate the existence of any country “having the ability to cause us to hesitate in our decisionmaking,” as a DOD memo once put it, in explaining US policy in about 2003 which crossed my desk. 

But how did the “original” non-Jewish, American Straussian, using that latter term only as a stand-in for Schmittian, Willmoore Kendall, see the “right to dissent” against U.S. policy, such as in opposition to a war? In his own words, as celebrated by The Imaginative Conservative, a website doing al it can to “sanitize” and "white wash” the segregationist and ultra-militaristic "Traditional Conservatives,” like Kendall, as here by his fellow of the same disposition, John P. East, and Kendall idolater:

With Kendall in his own words here. Which makes it so hilarious here with the right-wing peanut gallery in good standing, promoting "political theorists” who oppose everything the “Committee for the Republic” professes to stand for 🤣

Oppose war? “Get your ass outa here,” is Kendall’s response, to paraphrase an _expression_ now in favor from MN’s NBA team. 

. . . and we can interpret it only as a tacit acceptance, on your part, of the same commitments that oblige the rest of us. More—so the framers of the Constitution of the United States to the Vietniks, who may well

deny that those commitments oblige even the “rest of us”—more: you must not forget Article

V of our Constitution, which leaves us the American people free, as time goes on, to repudiate

or revise the commitments we inherit from the past; in the act of not revising the

commitments handed down to us by the generation of the founding fathers, we have tacitly

made them our own; but, if you like, acquiescing in them, we have imposed them on

ourselves. More still: we maintain, in these matters, a very considerable degree of freedom of

speech—a discussion process, (TP-a right” which elsewhere, Kendall routinely denounced, and actively fought against) which so to speak invites individual Americans like yourself,

who seek revision of our traditional commitments, to get out and persuade other Americans

that those commitments should be set aside; you have either accepted that invitation, and

failed to win over any significant number of your fellow Americans to your point of view (in

which case, (a) their acquiescence, as we have just noted, expresses their tacit acceptance of

the traditional commitments, and (b) your very exercise of your right to participate in the

discussion process obligates you to accept, from moment to moment, the verdicts at which it

arrives) or you have not accepted the invitation, not attempted to win others over to your point

of view, in which case, again, you have no business taking exception to the verdict by

pretending that no commitment exists. You, personally, nevertheless repudiate the

commitment? Well—so the generality of Americans, as I understand them, to the Vietnik

that does indeed create a difficult situation, but one that we see only one way to handle; either

you mean that you do in fact wish to emigrate, and live amongst us no longer, in which case

you will probably find us reasonable enough; or you don’t mean that you wish to emigrate, in

which case we shall treat you, and with good conscience believe us, as if your commitments

were the same as ours, and will take it out of your hide if you try to behave as if they were not.

(We will, for instance, march you off to the war in Vietnam, regardless of your personal opinion

as to whether our commitments as a nation warrant our presence in Vietnam, or, if you prefer,

we will march you off to jail.)

So in favor by Conservatives is Kendall, and his demands for speech suppression, that Andrew Bacevich featured Kendall’s apologia of McCarthyism (which Kendall was a foremost proponent of) in his book: “American Conservatism: Reclaiming an IntellectualTradition,” in which he celebrates the very ideologues who did the most to “normalize” American Militarism, and advance the “interests” of the budding Military Industrial Complex!” As does another recent book on Conservatism, but one with a bit more nuance than I have time now to comment on. But as a critic of the Military Industrial Complex, and a student of “actual history,” and opponent of the recent right-revisionism promoting a fallacious narrative of “Right-wing Peaceniks,” as a form of “hasbara,” that accelerated in the US with the Trump campaign to sell a pro-Israeli-fascism candidate to the U.S. populace, to “stand” with the non-fascists of Israel, makes it imperative to oppose the pro-fascists of Israel, especially their US supporters.enablers. As I am, in standing as well for the previous generation’s fascist victims, like my father to name just one, and against the “fascist indoctrinators,” calling themselves “Conservatives;” as a more palatable term post-WW II than admitting their objective as “Conservative Revolutionaries” was to recreate the US in Franco Spain’s image!

Attachment: Kendall, in Bacevich book.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Two Sides in the Struggle for Israel’s Future

There have always been multiple visions of what Israel is and can be. Today, two of the most prominent are in sharp contrast.  

On one side are those who seek an ethno-nationalist state—a place where Jews are first order citizens, and everyone else is a second order citizen. These are the people who seek Jewish control over all of historic Israel—from the river to the sea. These are the people who attack Palestinian shepherds, as chronicled by the New York Times Magazine this week, and attempt to make their lives unbearable in the hopes they will simply leave. To these people values like equality are anathema. Democracy is merely a system of government, limited in many ways, applicable only to the majority, and its primary function rests in elections, not, say, in rights and freedoms, or an independent judiciary—to say nothing of protections for the rights of minorities. As the late, rightwing American billionaire Sheldon Adelson—who bankrolled the (free!) newspaper that serves as a mouthpiece for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—famously said: “I don’t think the Bible says anything about democracy…Israel isn’t going to be a democratic state. So what?”

If that is your attitude, why not do away with the independence of the Israeli judiciary? Why not pass laws to limit the rights of non-Jewish citizens of Israel? Why not support a settlement movement in territories the world agrees are essential to the creation of a future Palestinian state?

Sadly, these are the people calling the shots in Israel right now, including the prosecution of this war. 

And it is people with this world view who—aware of the catastrophic suffering and hunger in Gaza—have been stopping trucks filled with food and medicine en route to the enclave, while they are driving through the West Bank and Israel, attacking their drivers and destroying their contents. Some of the most disturbing images I saw in the last week were of these attacks: Gangs holding up traffic so they can interrogate truck drivers about where their cargo is going. Truck drivers lying on the side of the road, bloody and beaten. And more than one truck, full of aid, in flames.

Fortunately, there is another side to the struggle for Israel’s future and, indeed, for its soul. How did these other Israelis respond to the images of humanitarian goods spilled on the side of the highway? What did they do when they discovered that Israel’s police response to this threat was ineffectual? They – or perhaps I should say “we” – took action.

Meet the Humanitarian Guard: A group of Israeli activists who travel to the West Bank (where trucks from Jordan pass on the way to Gaza) and show up in the locations where the extremists are attacking the trucks. The presence of the Humanitarian Guard has forced the hand of the Israeli police, who show up at these scenes to prevent a confrontation between the violent extremists and the Humanitarian Guard. With the police present, some of the attacks have been stopped and the Humanitarian Guard volunteers help reload the trucks and keep them moving.  

The Humanitarian Guard was created by our grantee Standing Together, which NIF has been funding for years as part of our effort to create a grassroots force that would mobilize in support of our values. 

Their ability to respond to this moment is not only heartening; it is also evidence that our investment has been a good one. 

I could fill this column with scores of  similar stories about the ways in which our NIF community is showing up to give voice to our values, to stand for our vision of Israel as a liberal democracy, and to fight for a better future, a future that is co-owned by everyone living in Israel.

Instead, I want to tell you one more story, which is also a source of inspiration for me. It is about something unusual that NIF did as an organization last month. Historically, NIF has only funded Israeli NGOs. But recognizing the terrible situation of civilians in Gaza—what Cindy McCain, head of the World Food Program termed a “full-blown famine” at least in parts of Gaza—we launched a special campaign to raise funds for two organizations distributing food and other aid on the ground in Gaza. We know that they need all the help they can get as they work  to address the enormous suffering of civilians in Gaza.   

It was particularly moving to me that this campaign brought out a lot of younger donors in a show of grassroots force. In less than a month, more than 2,500 donors raised more than $750,000. This includes hundreds of Israelis. 

Speaking about this special NIF campaign, Tunde Wackman, the Chief Development Officer for World Central Kitchen, one of the organizations NIF supported, said that her organization is “determined to get as much food into Gaza as possible—whether by air, land, or sea—and NIF donors’ contributions will help with those efforts.”

Yes, the need on the ground is great. But we—people of principle and of action, members of the NIF community—can pivot in the face of changing circumstances and take the steps necessary to make a difference. And I can promise you this: we will never stop working for a better, peaceful, sane, shared future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

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