[Salon] Joe Biden announces new Israel-Hamas peace proposals

[N.B. This is apparently not a proposal from the Israeli government but from some Israelis .  Who are they?  Do they include Netanyahu or is this a thinly disguised effort to encourage a coup against him?  It is not clear to what extent this alleged "Israeli" proposal represents more than wishful thinking by a US administration that has lost control of both the situation in Palestine and domestically.  What are the prospects that Hamas will accept a proposal that appears to be premised on its own disenfranchisement and the continued denial of self-determination to Palestinians?  How does the perpetuation of internationally recognized injustice lead to "peace?  How does sidestepping multiple UN Security Council resolutions or the notion of a two-state solution produce reconciliation and security for Israelis, Palestinians, or the neighbors of Israel in West Asia?  What, if any, buy-in from those neighbors and the broader Arab and Muslim worlds is there to this American effort to reassert US primacy in Israel-Palestine affairs?  Does the Biden administration have buy-in from the powers that be in American politics?]

The Financial Times, June 1, 2024

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