One more on the subject of “hasbara,” with the article at bottom a good example of the method of “name calling,” per p. 22 of the Hasbara Handbook, I shared earlier. It’s a secured document so I can’t copy and paste here, but this article below attributing campus protests against Israeli genocide to Franz Fanon’s “influence,” goes to the point of linking "a person or idea to a negative symbol.” In this case, “terrorism,” and civilian casualties, while totally omitting that in both the Algerian and the Palestinian cases, native Algerians and Palestinians, lived under a system of “perpetual political violence," to include murder of civilians, by the colonizers, and succeeding generations, to the point where they rebelled! So speaking of Trumpism, and declarations of Trump as the “anti-Neocon,” and the “Political Network” he is the “Best Friend” of, Israeli fascism, and the Tikvah Fund as the partner of Mosaic magazine, this “name calling” example was posted at Mosaic magazine. As it's part of the ultra-Fascist/Zionist ideology to include Yoram Hazony as one of its chief ideologists, as reading his books and articles fully show, it makes perfect sense they’re partners. Little wonder “American Conservatives” have so eagerly embraced him, and his “Conservative Revolutionary” ideology of National Conservatism, as close cousin to that German "National” manifestation of similar ideas of the first half of the 20th Century. But this is particularly loathsome as it carries on in parallel with Hazony’s charges in “The Jewish State,” that Israel’s “Intellectuals,” college professors like Ilan Pappe, and Jacob Talmon, author of "Totalitarian Democracy" (he must have read Willmoore Kendall’s writings on his “Absolute Majoritarianism,” to understand the ideology of "Totalitarian Democracy”), in denouncing them for having “betrayed" the Jewish State’s founding by speaking too much truth of that founding. Just like the argument here that U.S. professors introducing Franz Fanon’s writings on colonialism to students, bear responsibility for their students opposing the Israeli genocide! I presume that’s where Chas also derives his apparent opposition to Israel’s genocide from! But I have news for this author; Fanon is "taught,” only to the most minute number of students. Though he should be taught to all US students as an example of how "Western Violence,” contains within itself the “Boomerang Effect,” as Hannah Arendt called it, in that human beings have their breaking points to where “let’s give war a chance,” becomes a “reasonable" response to violence being inflicted upon one’s self, family, community, or nation. Just ask English colonists in Boston circa the 1770s! Not to flatter myself but I’ve written about this in a paper on “Empathy,” in a paper while at the The New School, growing out of my need to “explain” political violence should I ever get the chance in an appellate case I remain on. That is, at that bastion of "anti-colonialism,” though not much against Israel at that time (2016-2018). And I believe the only exposure I received to Fanon was in a small seminar on Imperialism and Colonialism, as a History class. Though Conservatives would denounce even teaching that, as opposed to the “Patriotic Education” they demand (see Trump’s 1776 Project,” by “Traditional Conservative/West Coast Straussian” Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College). I drew upon David Hume and Carl von Clausewitz for much of my understanding of “political violence,” as little is written on that, except to project it on to our “Enemies.” And denying this as Americans: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I can not be Silent.” How much worse are we today, than when MLK said that, to the denunciations of “Traditional Conservatives" Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall! So I offer my paper on “Empathy” as a “counter-narrative” to the specious claim that colleges teaching Fanon are responsible for campus protests against Israeli genocide. I believe these two attached files, on Hume, which I drew upon as well, go to explaining that, as counter-narratives to denunciations of Fanon and his anti-colonialism/anti-Imperialism. And Edward Said’s. If we’re to escape the “mind-control” of hasbara, we need to confront it, denounce it, and provide an accurate counter-narrative to it, in my opinion. Regardless of source. Through we are so far into the abyss of extreme militarism (None Dare Call It Fascism!) now, nothing can save us from what will surely be repercussions of such ardent support this country has given to Israeli genocide. Or as Hannah Arendt would put it, it's inevitable now that the "Chickens Will Come Home to Roost,” as a result of all our post-Cold War, wars: |
Pierce Paper on Empathy .pdf
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Hume On Sympathy.pdf
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Anticipating the usual derision heaped upon me by the Traditional Conservative Trumpite/DeSantisite, and Kendall Apostle, I will admit to retreating into an appreciation of humor, as a response to the war-fevered insanity that has taken over our country. And in that, an endless source of amusement comes from the gaiety from the “Right-wing Peanut Gallery” here, of a libertarian, and perhaps what was once a Kirkian Conservative, (now a self-identified "National Conservative"), to the derision heaped upon me by the Kendallian.” When Kendall had the greatest contempt for y’all’s own ideologues of libertarianism, and “Conservatism,” of the Kirkian variety. Like Claes Ryn with his denunciations of both Rousseauism and Strausianism, in his latest book, and previously. With the “Traditional Conservative” Kendall the most ardent Rousseauist and Straussian, and enemy of libertarianism (for different reasons than my own) and enemy of Russell Kirk (himself a big fan of Leo Strauss! Look it up.). So the peanut gallery supporting Kendall is a never-ending source of amusement for me. Where would I get such a preposterous idea as these? Kendall’s own pronouncements! And observed by libertarian Murray Rothbard below. |
Willmoore Kendall.pdf
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Kendall, in Bacevich book.pdf
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The Benevolent Sage of Mecosta 1.pdf
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Kendall- Intro-The Government of Poland.pdf
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DEDICATION To Leo Strauss, the colleague and teacher under whom, Willmoore often said, he put himself to school again to learn what the ancients and the moderns have to teach us. NELLIE KENDALL |