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7. A Framework.pdf
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3. Deep Defense.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
1. Humans or Machines.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
2. Synergetic Learning.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
4. Challenges and Difficulties.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
5. FAST-A New Concept.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
6. What We Can Learn from the U.S. .pdf
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Description: Adobe PDF document
Front Matter.pdf
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Which is not to overlook Charles Koch’s own involvement in the “Israeli Kill Chain”: BLUF: "The Series C equity and debt funding round was led by Koch Disruptive Technologies (KDT), an investment arm of US industrial conglomerate Koch Industries, . . ." This describes perfectly the role that Palantir is recognized as playing in the ongoing Israeli operations in Gaza, and the West Bank: Page 139, Chap. 7: Leading a Revolution in the Possibility to Produce "Targets in Context” "As we discussed, synergetic learning between human intelligence and AI has the ability to produce tens of thousands of targets before a war and also produce thousands of new targets every day during the war. In addition, the ability to create "targets in context" means that the military can attack the right targets at the right time. This new opportunity enables us to create many more more targets than before and to change the battlefield. 181 Therefore, in order to realize this idea, we should create new units to produce targets based on big data.” For a “Network Analysis,” of this “Cognitive War Operation,” of data collection, and exploitation of such data, as an “Influence Operation,” as carried out by Palantir and Cambridge Analytica, under, respectively, Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon, here is additional information on the “Network,” that promotes Palantir’s, and Israel’s, “interests,” giving real meaning to an “Interests Based Foreign Policy,” so heavily promoted by Thiel’s allied propagandists: