India Will Never Become a Superpower until its public and private sector leaders moves towards ridding the society from the dehumanizing impacts of caste and religious prejudices and inequalities. It is what White Protestant elites in America and those in South Africa respectively in the 1950s-1980s and in the 1970s to the 1990s had to begin coming to terms with and now the entire Eurocentric colonized world. Insidious and episodic prejudices and inequalities are counterproductive not only in human capital development, accessibility, and maximum mobility marginalization and exclusionary terms when it comes to those defined as demographic inferior in this case due to caste and religious terms but also in terms of verbal and nonverbal communication and interpersonal acceptance terms. In fact the former is one to one correlated with the latter. Indeed the only way the ambitious presentation of modeled economic factors arguing for the future superpower status of India like any other such striving 21st century nation can materialized is if human capital is authentically included including the competent and providing educational opportunities and labor market mobility for those in need of competency skills development.
This well intended economic development argument in missing its hoped for mark is actually a common problem of reification in development studies in this Asian region of the world. Namely assuming wrongly that development in this case superpower development is solely a matter of technical skills consolidation and capital accumulation while ignoring prejudices and inequalities which actually derail such unintentional utopian hopes and dreams. All we have to do is look at the United States in its 70 plus years continued struggle to become a multiracial inclusive super power. In the midst of the 2024 Presidential race both dominant parties are fiercely competing for Black and Latino citizen votes given the changing demographics especially in elite and nonelite higher education student populations, labor markets and health and legal systems as well as in residential communities. It is why as Democratic Party elites fret, Trump and his MAGA Republican party are trying to have it paradoxically both ways. Namely, to hold on to their Great Demographics Replacement white constituency while pivoting more to the middle to attract Black and Latino voters especially those who are pro-life, evangelical, anti-same sex , pro- law enforcement, and pro- federally subsidized entrepreneurial business development. It is because despite the recent anti-affirmative action decision rendered by the US Supreme Court, big American business and higher education elites have learned how beneficial in profit margin terms authentic inclusion as well as diversity is good for business and consumerism so have long developed cultures and networks to sustain inclusive human capital firewalled against the prejudicial whims of politicians no matter the governance branch. If India elites wish to become 21st century big dog nation, they need to take note and understand no prejudice is acceptable policy or everyday life if you want to become and remain one of the biggest ones.
Kind Regards,
Professor John Huston Stanfield
USA Citizen
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