has an event been held in the U.S. supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing even while it was going on, on behalf of a foreign country. And using the most sophisticated tactics of Cognitive Warfare/Perception Management/PsyOps available, until what took place in Washington, D.C. this past week. This one celebrating “National Conservatism” instead of National Socialism, as an outstanding example of hasbarista propaganda in our nation’s capital, instead Nazi propaganda in New York. But instead of on behalf of the Nazis, this one on behalf of the ideology of their one-time “Fascist Rivals,” the Conservative Revolutionaries of inter-war Germany. But this week’s, on behalf of their Israeli and U.S. successors (plus other country’s; as “Universal Fascism”), as the Hungarian Conservative takes pride in telling.
Judge for yourself, even those of you who were there, which I am guessing were quite a number, as this email list has given so much support to National Conservatism, and of its Project 2025, designed to cement control of the U.S. on its Oligarchical patron’s behalf, as promoted by Charles Koch funded think tanks and media platforms. With his disciples doing so much to chill criticism of both National Conservatism its Project 2025, here.
"Beyond Reaction: The ‘Conservative Revolution’ in Germany”
((Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918–1932)
BLUF: "They were influenced by the anti-Enlightenment and anti-rationalist tendencies of German Romanticism—the ‘magical idealism’ of Novalis, Fichte’s idea of the absolute spirit, and the late Schelling’s philosophy of history—as well as by the vision of an organic society that emerged in the minds of Friedrich von Genz and especially Adam Müller. The militant nationalism of the Prussian military tradition had as much influence on the representatives of this movement as the ‘front line experience’ of the world war, with its glorification of sacrifice, heroism, and comradeship, and the constant presence of death and violence, which marked the tragic end of the ‘happy years of peace’ and the ‘long nineteenth century’.
. . .
"However, most conservative revolutionaries were alien to national socialist race theory, to Pan-German nationalism, and to the egalitarian and proletarian features which in some respects characterized the national socialist political programme and doctrine. Despite these significant differences, certain thinkers who could be classified within the broader ideological framework of the conservative revolution, such as Carl Schmitt, Martin Heidegger, or Alfred Baeumler, did indeed join the National Socialist Party when it seized political power in 1933, either out of conviction or out of career ambition."
I would disagree with the statement above that they were “alien” to Pan-German nationalism, though I can understand why Orban’s Hungarian Conservativism would seek to distinguish itself from that, especially being there was such a merger of Nazism and the Conservative Revolutionaries after 1932!
Having since been introduced to the anti-Constitutional/anti-Liberal writings of "Traditional Conservative,” Willmoore Kendall, I would delete this sentence:
"It must be noted that Prussian conservatism, standing for militaristic ideas traditional to Prussia, was the antithesis of traditional American conservatism, which professed to stand for upholding the classical liberal ideas of government embedded in the U.S. Constitution."
But everything else I wrote in 2015, has stood the test of time, and was quite prescient of the Israeli Conservative Revolutionaries, long before I’d heard of Yoram Hazony!
Quote: "Herf wrote in 1984 that Conservative Revolutionaries were characterized as “the intellectual advance guard of the rightist revolution that was to be effected in 1933,” which, although contemptuous of Hitler, “did much to pave his road to power.”
"Unlike the Nazis, their belief in German superiority was based in historical traditions and ideas, not biological racism. Nevertheless, some saw German Jews as the “enemy” of Germany for being “incompatible with a united nation.”
"It is one of the bitterest of ironies that Israel as a “Jewish nation” has adopted similar attitudes toward its Arab citizens. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently proclaimed: “Those who are with us deserve everything, but those who are against us deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe.”
"Within Israel, these “Conservative Revolutionary” ideas were manifested in one of their founding political parties, Herut, whose founders came out of the same central European political milieu of interwar Europe and from which Netanyahu’s Likud party is descended."
But here they are, in D.C. this past week, and all around us, leading off with “Kooknik” (see below) Yoram Hazony, and his followers, all waging relentless “Information War” on behalf of Israel’s own fascist Conservative Revolutionaries, united with the same of the U.S., and their support of ethnic cleansing/genocide, described in the Haaretz article below:
@ 4:05, “Another thing we made real progress on is even the libertarians, even the market fundamentalists, I think we have a few in the audience, and we won’t beat up on you too much, I know Warren’s out there somewhere.”
Who could that be? They sure “beat up" on Fusionism I know, so couldn’t be Warren Coates! Unless he’s a glutton for ideological punishment!
Sen. Josh Hawley | The Christian Nationalism We Need | NatCon 4
It took Hawley a bit to get to the core message of this hasbara event but he finally did, with this, at 25:30: "But every citizen is heir, to the liberties, to the justice, to the common purpose, our Biblical and Christian tradition gives us. That tradition is why we believe in Free Speech, it’s why we believe in Freedom of Conscience, it is why we deplore the virulent anti-Semitism on display in our supposedly elite institutions and campuses.” Meaning, those damned Jews of Jewish Voice for Peace who led so many of the protests against Israeli genocide of Palestinians!
Elbridge Colby | The Right Foreign Policy for Conservatives is Prioritization | NatCon 4
“We now face what Winston Churchill called a world crisis, indeed, President Trump is absolutely right to say we risk being on the precipice of World War III. The list is by now depressingly familiar; a massive China preparing for large scale confrontation with the United States; a revanchist Russia engaged in th largest war in Europe since the Second World War, one that doesn’t currently appear on a trajectory to end; a North Korea with the ability to strike the American Homeland with nuclear weapons and an increasingly belligerent government in Iran that’s supporting terrorist groups to mass murder of Jews in Israel and on the verge of developing an atomic bomb; terrorist group's mass unchecked migration across our border; the potential for smaller wars in South American, Central Asia, and beyond, and act home, fiscal crisis looming, deindustrialization, War weariness, the list goes on.”
War weariness? That’s a “problem?” When the lack of it is what brought on all these other problems!
This is what passes for “Realism and Restraint” in this Conservative Revolution world of their own making, following in the path of their German forebears!
"Colby’s foreign policy influence is more than just another installment in the long-running fight between isolationists and hawks in the GOP. It’s part of the mounting revival of the Asia First doctrine that the party championed in the aftermath of World War II, when the Nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek, a hero to American conservatives, fled to Taiwan in December 1949 as Mao’s communist forces won the civil war. The result was the rise of a vocal and highly influential “China Lobby” on the political right that demanded that Harry S. Truman withhold recognition of Red China and support Taiwan. Indeed, in 1951, Sen. Robert A. Taft, who was known as “Mr. Republican,” published a book called A Foreign Policy For Americans decrying Western Europeans for failing to pay for their own defense and warning that China was enemy number one. (TP-the more things change, the more they stay the same!)
"Today, a new China Lobby is forming in the GOP, and Colby is one of its leaders. It espouses a self-consciously “realist” approach to foreign affairs, seeking to split the difference between the MAGA isolationists and the neoconservative hawks by arguing that China — not Russia — poses a dire threat to American national security, and that excessive support for Ukraine is jeopardizing it. It holds above all that American military planning and resources should be directed toward planning for a conflict with China over Taiwan. "This March, Colby went on Fox’s “Ingraham Angle”to warn that the ties between China and Russia were “a massive danger.” . . . "He’s particularly allied himself with the new generation of GOP foreign policy realists (many of whom are also products of the Ivy League) such as Hawley and J.D. Vance of Ohio. “His advocacy for a return to a realistic approach to U.S. interests is exactly what the foreign policy establishment doesn’t want, but it is exactly what our nation needs,” Hawley said.”
Because he doesn’t exclude “Revanchist Russia," as none of the other “Realists do either? Nor do NatCons! Except, sometimes for propaganda rhetorical purposes, as Project 2025 also includes Russia as the “Enemy,” whom we must wage offensive “Irregular Warfare” against, and increase our Nuclear Weapons superiority over, even more!
"Soon Colby took the lead in crafting the Trump administration’s 2018 National Defense Strategy, which focused on China as the principal great power threat to America. He encountered a good deal of bureaucratic infighting, including from the U.S. Central Command and the Joint Staff which resisted change, but ended up prevailing in his emphasis on China, partly with the support of the Navy and Air Force.” . . .
“If there’s a Munich,” Colby says, “it’s because we’re appeasing China. A real Neville Chamberlain move would be to give up Taiwan.”
And nothing in between?
And Modi’s Hindu “Conservative Revolutionary” Nationalism was well-represented, as the Indian wing of Universal Fascism:
Vivek Ramaswamy | National Libertarians and National Protectionists | NatCon 4
Quote from article below: "Apparently, violence is "the foundation of God's throne in the world" (as Rabbi Avraham Kook described his vision for a Jewish state). As far as they're concerned, the country's Arabs are defiling it, just like the Islamists think the Jewish infidels are desecrating Palestine."
BLUF: "But such “Kooknik” notions had remained distant from the consciousness of most devout Jews so long as Israel was merely another unimpressive levantine republic, with- out access even to Old Jerusalem. It was only with the return to hundreds of ancient Jewish battlefields, capital cities and gravesites, in places such as Hebron, Bethlehem, Shiloh and Jericho, that the yeshiva world for the first time began to feel that Israel really could become something much more significant than the disappointing reality it had been. Herzl’s religious centers had finally come into being, and with them a new generation of Jewish nationalism was abruptly born.
"Founded in 1924 by Abraham Isaac Kook, the first chief rabbi of pre-state Palestine, “Mercaz” had offered a vision of the return to the land of Israel as the beginning of divine redemption, including religious sanction for the toil of Labor’s nonreligious farmers, whose physical exertions were seen as instrumental in helping to bring about an ultimate spiritual restoration in Zion. But throughout the ensuing decades, so long as Israel remained, in the eyes of the pious, merely another Levantine republic, such “Kooknik” notions remained subdued. Only in 1967, with the return to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron, did the yeshiva world begin to feel that Israel could become something much more significant than the disappointing reality it had been. And then a new generation of Jewish nationalism was abruptly born.
It's No Wonder the Israeli Right Thinks the Left Wants to Kill Netanyahu
Fears on the right that a leftist might assassinate the prime minister are nothing more than classic projection by someone who accepts no solutions but violence
Yigal Amir, the assassin of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.Credit: Alon Ron
I'm willing to make a wager: there is no leftist who will try to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Over the past month, the right has conducted a campaign highlighting this alleged threat, and it's nothing but projection. The worldview by the right that has become dominant in recent years – adherents of Meir Kahane, Netanyahu, and commentator Yinon Magal – is violence as a solution. It's a melding of racial supremacy, thuggery and ignorance.
The people who believe in this worldview can't understand how leftists haven't assassinated Netanyahu yet; if the situation were reversed, one of them would have already done so. Then the assassin's mother would be hosted on "The Patriots," the right-wing Channel 14's flagship panel show, to complain that he was being treated like a terrorist.
It's true that not the entire right wing is like this. There are good, decent people on the right who hold the vestiges of extinct political worldviews: libertarians, liberals from the days of the Herut-Liberals joint ticket (the now-defunct predecessor to Likud), agreeable Haredim and British-style conservatives. But life changes. These people set the tone in the 1970s and '80s, maybe even in Netanyahu's first term in the '90s. They are virtually gone.
The message emanating from the Israeli right is that Arab lives have no value. Once, they pretended to believe they had value.
What does the Israeli right have to offer now? Only violence. The ideology that unites the subsections that compose it is to break the legs of anti-government protesters. To pummel them. To maul them. To take out their eyes with a water cannon. This is the "governance" the right talks about.
They think all the world's problems would be solved if only we exercised more and more force. If we don't, it's because everyone else is a progressive transgender person who submits to the dictates of U.S. President Joe Biden, who is detached from the reality of the Middle East, a secular and liberal person who lacks the fear of God.
Right wing activists at a demonstration in Tel Aviv, last year.Credit: Tomer Appelbaum
To the right, killing people is good. That's how you measure power. They have no considerations of morality or even considerations of usefulness. Know any kids who are into Japanese porn? They're the Yinon Magals who sit in a TV studio and cheer and clap their hands about Arabs killed in a military operation. It's not a necessary evil as far as they're concerned; it's the total victory that they seek.
As soon as Channel 14 was established, the political entity formed by the melding of the Kahanists, the ignorant and the Bibi-ists had a platform for echoing its ideology. Race theory and death fantasies – whispered behind closed doors until now – have become mainstream.
Last month, "The Patriots" interviewed Ariel Danino, a settler activist accused of involvement in violence who was detained without trial and released, and leading right-wing journalists gave him a royal reception. In the interview, Danino claimed he hadn't done anything wrong and had been detained because he had run a virtual "situation room" to track potential threats.
Let's say that's true. If he had been violent, would it matter? Would it make a difference to anyone on the panel? Would anyone care? Danino is one of the main advocates of violence against Arabs. That's his worldview. To break the legs of every shepherd in the South Hebron Hills. Did it stop anyone from hosting him, encouraging him or drooling over him? Of course not. They bless Danino and consider him a hero. It wasn't a segment on human rights. He's the emissary for driving anti-Arab riots.
The message emanating from the Israeli right is that Arab lives have no value. Once, they pretended to believe they had value. We can argue about the significance of this false pretense, but at least it was there. Now, there's nothing. If we kill them on purpose, all the better. If by mistake, then why by mistake?
Ariel Danino (center), last year.Credit: Sraya Diamant
This week, the right was in an uproar about how a court dared to investigate a soldier/civilian suspected of killing an alleged Hamas terrorist on October 7. As far as they're concerned, there's no such thing as murdering a Hamas member, even if he's fully bound. And what came out after that? That the same soldier, whose phone was found at the scene of another crime against Arabs, allegedly bragged that he had "cut off the sexual organ of that terrorist."
The right of the past, the one characterized by people like former Likud minister Moshe Arens they, would have been thankful for an investigation and glad to see it conclude that the alleged murderer was a boastful idiot and such a horrifying act never occurred. Now, Yinon Magal is probably angry that the suspect didn't shove the penis into the victim's mouth and send an exclusive picture for him to post on his Telegram account.
What was the big deal about the village of Hawara being burned? It was just an internal semantic argument by the settlers as to whether "the military" should destroy the village, murder its men and expel the rest to Jordan or whether it should be private citizens who do so. According to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, the military should do it as a matter of policy. Meanwhile, because the Jewish people still haven't received the news of redemption and aren't sufficiently enlightened to understand that that's what needs to happen, they'll make do with thousands of "buddies" from the outposts who receive loving support from the Religious Zionism party, as they wait for the military to do its job.
Is there any doubt that had there been a mix-up in the discharge of newborns in the hospital, sending National Missions Minister Orit Strock to Gaza instead of Jerusalem and Smotrich to Rafah instead of Kedumim, they would have been leaders in Hamas instead of Religious Zionism? What about the worldview of this lovely pair differs from that of Hamas members, besides the God to whom they pray, their social circumstances and differing traditions?
The aftermath of the Hawara attack, last year.Credit: Moti Milrod
Is there shred of humanism, depth or understanding of others in them? Apparently, violence is "the foundation of God's throne in the world" (as Rabbi Avraham Kook described his vision for a Jewish state). As far as they're concerned, the country's Arabs are defiling it, just like the Islamists think the Jewish infidels are desecrating Palestine.
What they're busy with now is an argument about semantics and public relations: what looks good and what doesn't. It's not a debate about ethics. It's a debate about timing, like the launch of a product. When the right moment to strike is.
Anyone who grew up on Channel 14 won't have any problem with killing an Arab, a Jew or a prime minister. The ideology pushed forward there is dehumanizing and makes people receptive to violence that will erupt when the time comes. That's the right wing's worldview. It's not the worldview of leftists, even if some of them are violent in their personal lives.
On the right, the violent worldview is inherent, resting on the belief that Arabs are threatening the existence of the Jewish people. The left wing is a mass of rabble, a fifth column that is allied with the Arabs. So, they believe, they must stand up for themselves.
One of their nonsensical points of propaganda is the distinction they make between Jews and Arabs. Arabs, whatever, let them die. Jews? In the end, despite the differences of opinion, we're one people. But the actual evidence demonstrates otherwise. Yuval Doron Kestelman, a kosher Jew, was killed by a settler based on the sacred principle that a terrorist (which he mistook Kestelman for) doesn't leave the scene alive.
A settler in the West Bank outpost of Homesh, last year.Credit: Amir Levy
Was there any soul-searching on the right regarding the bloodlust, the killing and the videos emerging from the unfortunate incident? No. On the contrary. The shooter, Aviad Frija, was given a pep talk by the usual suspects. Tomorrow, something similar will happen again. Will anyone care? Take photojournalist Shaul Golan, who was badly beaten by right-wing activists earlier this year. Did it make any difference to the terrorists and Religious Zionism lawmaker Limor Son Har-Melech that he was a Jew?
When that's how things are, well, what's the problem with assassinating a prime minister? If someone reaches the conclusion that Netanyahu or Rabin or Shimon Peres is standing between the Jewish people and its redemptive destiny of rebuilding the Temple/expelling Arabs/establishing a new Jewish kingdom/settling Gaza, what moral principle is supposed to stop them? You shall not murder? Good one. They have no problem sacrificing someone who does it for them. I said at the start of the war that for religious Zionism, October 7 was a day of celebration. For some reason, that trivial statement caused an uproar. I'm afraid that now, it's clear to everyone that it's the truth.
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, last year.Credit: Ohad Zwigenberg
The equation is simple. What if a year ago they had told Smotrich, Strock and National Security Minster Itamar Ben-Gvir, "We'll return to Gaza at the cost of 2,000 dead, devastated kibbutzim and 255 hostages. Do you yes or no?" The answer would be a resounding "yes."
It's not that they don't feel pain over the dead, but for them, it's a necessary pain. Like the pain of a marathon runner toward the end. Terrible, inexplicable pain that is mixed with adrenaline. You can't run a marathon without suffering, and you can't return to Gaza without 2,000 dead. We'll just name a city square after them and great, the Promised Land is ours. They're willing to sacrifice their children. So, assassinating a prime minister? What's the big deal? We've already been there.