[Salon] NATO Meeting Was a War Summit, Hosted by White House 'Invisible Government'

NATO Meeting Was a War Summit, Hosted by White House 'Invisible Government'

by Marcia Merry Baker (EIRNS) — Jul. 13, 2024

The world has never before been in its present emergency state of danger. There is a non-functional head of state in Washington, all the while we are in the era of nuclear weapons. President Joe Biden has the briefcase with the red button always near him. The danger is hour by hour.

FLASH: President Donald Trump is reported by the U.S. Secret Service to be in good condition tonight following a gunshot wound, in an attempted assassination of him, at about 6:15 p.m. EDT today, at an outdoor campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, north of Pittsburgh. The shooter shot multiple times into the crowd, killing one spectator, and injuring two more. The shooter, firing from an elevated position outside the main venue, was killed by the U.S. Secret Service on the scene. Details forthcoming.

The July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. was a war summit. From its declaration, to the separate “Ukraine Compact,” to utterances from certain individual jarhead attendees, NATO’s sessions carried the focus: Russia must be vanquished, China is Russia’s enabler, the multinational war machine and command centers are supreme.

Secondly, President Joe Biden of the host nation, in effect, “was not there.” He has not “been there” for some time. The whole world cringes to watch. But President Biden so far maintains the appearance of holding office through repeated narratives. He asserts, “I have to finish what I started.” He declares, the United States “is indispensable.” This is beyond scary.

Most terrifying of all, is that the American people, in particular, but not alone, are allowing this to go on. There may be many causes for their dangerous inaction—media blackout of reality, counterculture, the sports and entertainment fixation, along with hardship, degradation and despair. But in the ranks of medics, clergy, retired military, productive sectors, there are those who could and should answer the call.

What we are up against can be termed the “invisible government” whose complete roster of controllers, handlers and thugs may not all be known and readily publishable. But it’s no secret that a secret government functions, and that its pedigree has a high Anglosphere streak.

Be clear: there is no “Constitutional” crisis as such in the United States. The U.S. Constitution wisely has a succession of who is to act as U.S. Commander in Chief, when the current one cannot. There is Amendment 25, which addresses conditions of implementing this.

The United States is afflicted by an “electionism syndrome.” All talk is about whether Biden should be in or out of office, by the metric of whether the Democratic Party can beat Donald Trump in November. For his part, Trump welcomes Biden remaining in office, because Trump can easily beat him. Otherwise, there are a few variations on these scenarios, but they are all stupid as well as dangerous.

The answer is to force a drastic and immediate change of policy away from Global NATO military, economic, and tyrannical madness. Americans must again have a Commander in Chief, who comes to office in a shift back to government that is of, by, and for the people, and that includes foreign relations with all peoples and nations, based on that universal principle of respect.

There are voices internationally and domestically within the U.S. speaking out, making a critical difference. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, on departing the United States this week, messaged that he will continue his “mission for peace.” Senior U.S. former diplomat Chas Freeman in an interview posted today, dissected the NATO Summit, saying that in reality it was a move by a few self-selected nations and interests into a “citadel as a retreat from the world.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute leader, yesterday at the Friday weekly International Peace Coalition (IPC), described the NATO Summit as “incredibly bellicose,” and urged maximum mobilization against the war machine. The role of the IPC is vital to not only interconnect disparate initiatives, but also to lift up the efforts to succeed in policy-formulation for the world economic and security architecture to replace the deadly current collapsing Western system.

There is a calendar of protest demonstrations coming up, including, among others: Aug. 6-9, with rallies around the world on the anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings by the U.S.; Sept. 1, International Peace Day; Sept. 28, a day of protest promoted especially by American leader Scott Ritter, military expert; and Oct. 3 in Germany, where large peace rallies are planned against militarization.

There is no time to lose. The British world war faction made its intentions clear in an article in the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), directly associated with the British Empire Monarchy and City of London financial establishment. On July 18 Britain will host over 40 European nations and entities at Blenheim Palace (the family seat of the Dukes of Marlborough, one of whose grandsons was Winston Churchill), at the fourth European Political Community meeting. (The European Political Community was initiated by French President Emmanuel Macron in 2022.)

RUSI Senior Research Fellow, European Security, Ed Arnold wrote that the U.K. must get out front with NATO and nuclear readiness. First, the U.K. will push for confirming the timeframe of expected war in Europe, so the U.K. can get ready. “The difference between getting ready for 2027 versus 2033 is stark.”

Secondly, the U.K. will strive to coordinate its military spending with the NATO Defense Planning Process (NDPP). Arnold says that this should be built into Britain’s Strategic Defense Review, which he says will be announced by the Prime MInister next week.

Thirdly, the RUSI article states, “The role of U.K. nuclear weapons should be emphasized. The U.K., unlike France, assigns its nuclear forces to NATO, and in a more dangerous world, and with the risk of a disengaged U.S., Europeans are putting more emphasis on nuclear deterrence. The U.K.’s nuclear capability should also be better used as a bargaining tool within the NDPP, rather than an added extra.”

It’s time to hit the streets—literally as well as metaphorically! Expand the International Peace Coalition now.

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