[Salon] A Council of Reason for Statecraft and Truth

A Council of Reason for Statecraft and Truth

by Marcia Merry Baker (EIRNS) — Jul. 22, 2024

This week began in the U.S. with today’s spectacle of the Congressional committee hearing on, “Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of President Donald J. Trump,” in which next to no information came out about the July 13 incident. The head of the U.S. Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle stonewalled; most Representatives fulminated, and the public still awaits the truth, after nine days since the murder attempt. To be sure, elected officials and citizens have grounds to be angry: The Secret Service insists there must be an internal investigation, with results due out not for another 60 days.

Scott Ritter, military expert, has called for an independent investigation, commissioned by a grouping of state authorities. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) released a report yesterday by his office, with valuable preliminary findings. He said, “We can’t trust the FBI and the Secret Service to do an honest and open and transparent investigation, that’s just a very sad fact.”

The prevarication and lies about July 13 are in line with the Big Lies foisted on the public about other life and death matters. The lies from the “invisible government” in the U.S. are in line with the NATO lies that President Vladimir Putin is bent on having Russia invade all of Europe in order to re-establish an empire, and that China is menacing the world.

Suddenly today, Vice President Kamala Harris is center stage at the White House and on the campaign trail, wildly promoted by the MICIMATT—military-industrial-congressional- intelligence-media-academia-think tank—as the golden girl answer all along to the U.S. leadership void. There is almost no attention to the obvious fact that President Biden, too incapacitated to be a presidential candidate for the next three months, is in no condition to be President for the next five months until Jan. 20, 2025.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) addresses that fact in X posts, writing today, “If a coup happened in your own country, would you recognize it? This is a coup of a puppet regime. Why is he even in the White House now?” Three days ago, Massie posted, “Question for the ‘Democratic’ party elites who are engaged in a coup against their democratically elected nominee. How do you argue he’s not fit to be a candidate, while maintaining he’s still competent enough to have his finger on the nuclear button?”

Who is running the U.S. government? Today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington. His meeting with President Biden has been rescheduled from today, to July 23, and rescheduled again to July 25. On Wednesday, July 24, Netanyahu is to address a joint session of Congress. Who is in charge? Netanyahu scorns elected government, the UN Charter, and humanity. He is responsible for mass destruction and genocide. The Israeli war front has spread to Yemen, as well as to Lebanon and Syria.

American senior statesman, former Ambassador Chas Freeman addressed the fundamental strategic questions about the United States and the West last night, in a video interview aired by Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.). Freeman, describing his speech to the Chinese-Cambridge Executive Leadership Program, said the U.S. has lost its dominance in every field except military. The U.S. is obsessed with a democratic ideology, yet it is becoming more authoritarian. However, the loss of democracy in the U.S. is not from meddling by Russia, China, or some other power, but rather it has been a self-inflicted wound. The U.S. does not use diplomacy or dialogue, but rather sanctions and ostracism. These policies of sanctions and intimidation merely create resentments that will last for generations.

Freeman said of the United States, that continuing these failed policies risks total war. The Thirty Years’ War was ended by the Treaty of Westphalia, which included mutual respect. There must be a return to that approach.

That is the method repeatedly called for by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute. Today she underscored the urgency of those who understand this “Peace of Westphalia” diplomacy process to step forward and coalesce as a force for a Council of Reason to intervene internationally, because events are happening at an accelerating pace. Time has become “relativistic,” and at present it is going “faster” and more dangerous. Within two days of the end of the NATO Summit of war, former President Trump was almost assassinated. Within a week, President Biden’s candidacy is over; a new candidate is suddenly anointed. And so on. Don’t expect this process to “moderate.”

The war danger is extreme. Zepp-LaRouche pointed to the situation in Germany, her homeland, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Analena Baerbock, and others have prostrated themselves to the U.S./NATO decision to emplace long-range missiles in Germany, just made known at the July NATO Summit in Washington.

The war talk at last week’s Aspen Institute Security Forum was wild, including statements by U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, U.S. Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and others. Today’s China Global Times reports on this, quoting for example, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Charles Brown. He “claimed at the forum that the U.S. is capable of winning a war against China in case of a Taiwan conflict, but that would require ‘all the nation’ to do so, and the severity would be like World War II.”

Besides the bellicosity of these statements, the prospect of triggering all out war by “accident” not by design, is increasing relentlessly. Another U.S.-Russia fighter jet scramble occurred over the weekend, over the Barents Sea. Two U.S. B-52s were on flying toward the state border of Russia, when Russian Mig interceptors approached the U.S. aircraft, after which the U.S. jets changed direction, did a U-turn, departing from their course. The B-52 flights originated in Louisiana. After the intercept they flew over Norway and Finland, to Rumania, where they are reported stationed on a mission.

These are the circumstances crying out for all deliberate action to restore diplomacy and truth.

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