[Salon] Bombs fell on Gaza while Netanyahu was applauded in the US Congress


Translated from Turkish 25.07.2024

Bombs fell on Gaza while Netanyahu was applauded in the US Congress

While the Israeli Prime Minister defended that they did not kill civilians in the US Congress, the Israeli Army carried out air strikes on 60 points. The military announced that it had reached the bodies of 5 Israeli prisoners, one of whom was a woman. Families of Israeli prisoners protested Netanyahu's government in front of the Department of Defense and the US Embassy.

On the day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was speeched at the US Congress and was given a standing ovation, the Israeli army carried out an air strike at 60 points in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli warplanes rained bombs on a group of Palestinians who were en masse in the town of Beit Lahiya. Simultaneously, the Shucaiyye, Tel al-Heva and Zeytun neighborhoods of the city of Gaza were shot by Israeli artillery this time.

According to the statement made by the Israeli Army Spokesperson, warplanes carried out air strikes at more than 60 points in Gaza yesterday. It was also shared that Israeli soldiers destroyed infrastructure at more than 50 points.

On the other hand, the Israeli army announced that it reached the bodies of 5 Israeli prisoners, one of whom was a woman, and brought them to the country in the Han Yunus region.

Netanyahu addressed the US Congress yesterday and used statements in his speech that civilian casualties were low in Gaza and that there was no hunger here. Netanyahu's speech was interrupted with a standing ovation dozens of times.

Relatives of prisoners held a demonstration in Tel Aviv

Relatives of Israeli prisoners organized protests at different points in Tel Aviv, criticizing Netanyahu's speech at the US Congress that "the prisoner exchange agreement will be signed".

Protesters carried banners, posters and banners against Prime Minister Netanyahu and politicians in his government. Photo: Mostafa Alkharouf / AA

A group of relatives of Israeli prisoners and their supporters gathered in front of the Defense Ministry complex in the capital Tel Aviv in the evening. Demonstrators criticized Netanyahu and his government with the banners, posters and banners they carried, for not agreeing to agree with the mutual exchange of prisoners with Hamas, which will bring back Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip on "political reasons".

Demonstrators accused "Netanyahu of holding a political demonstration in Washington rather than going to an agreement for the exchange of prisoners". Netanyahu's speech was reflected on the screen in another square where Israeli prisoners gathered.

In his written statement, the roof formation where Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip came together said, "45 minutes of speech and standing ovation will not eliminate a bitter truth. In Netanyahu's speech, there were no 'Deal now' words," the statement said.

The US Embassy building in Tel Aviv was also the address of the protests of the relatives and supporters of Israeli prisoners.

Demonstrators who accused Netanyahu and his government of not signing the ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement negotiated in the Gaza Strip, chanted "The deal is now".

'He left the Nazi propagandist behind'

On the other hand, Mustafa al-Bergusi, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement and Hamas Movement Political Bureau Member Izzet er-Rişk, stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the US Congress was "full of lies".

Bergusi stated that the session, which Netanyahu, the war criminal who committed the crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, public punishment and starving, was a shame session for the US Congress, was a shame session for the US Congress, noted that the civilization claimed by Netanyahu was a collapse, not civilization.

The Palestinian official stated that 48 thousand Palestinians and 17 thousand children were killed in Gaza, the hands and feet of 1200 Palestinian children were cut off, and 2 million Palestinians were forcibly displaced after their houses were destroyed.

Bergusi said, “Netanyahu's speech is full of lies. He left the Nazi propagandist (Joseph) Goebbels behind with the statement that Israel sent help and the whole world lied about it.

In his statement on the Telegram page, Rishk from Hamas also said, "Cani Netanyahu's speech was a feast of lies and mocking the minds of the world."


The US is insisting not to withdraw from the Harir base


23 hours ago 24/07/2024Author

In the negotiations for the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, it was claimed that the parties were about to compromise. The fact that the US insisted that it did not withdraw from the air base in Erbil to manage its operations in Syria is the main issue of dispute.

According to the news in The National News, Baghdad and Washington are approaching an agreement that will end its presence in Iraq after a decade of the US-led coalition's struggle with ISIS. In this context, the Iraqi delegation held meetings in Washington on Monday and Tuesday.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shiya al-Sudani is under pressure to set a schedule for the withdrawal of foreign forces, mostly American, in the country, under the coalition formed on the grounds of the fight against ISIS, but the US is wary of withdrawing from Iraq.

Iraqi politician Jawad al-Bulani, who is on the parliament's security and defense committee, said that Baghdad and Washington "made the finishing touches on the agreement to withdraw all foreign soldiers in the coalition in Iraq". Speaking to The National, Bulani said, "They have reached the final stage to implement the agreement."

Pentagon press secretary Major General Ryder said U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with Iraqi Defense Minister Sabid Mohammad Said Reza al-Abbasi on Tuesday.

Ryder declined to comment when asked if a schedule for withdrawal had been set, but explained what would be compromised if the coalition left Iraq.

Speaking to The National, Ryder said, "This is an international coalition that came together to defeat ISIS 10 years ago, and part of it is to ensure that ISIS cannot be resurrected." 'We know they are determined to be revived and determined to drive and inspire attacks,' Ryder said.

Sources close to the Iraqi government have confirmed that Baghdad and Washington have agreed to start withdrawing some of the U.S. troops serving within the coalition. However, sources said that some US forces and other country forces in the coalition will remain in the country under the new security agreements to be made. One of the possible roles will be the training of Iraqi security forces.

Iraqi sources said Washington is open to withdrawing its forces at the Ayn al-Assad Air Base in western Iraq's al-Anbar province.

However, Harir Air Base in Erbil continues to be a point of disagreement between the two sides. The US insists that its presence here is necessary to coordinate 'operations against ISIS' in Syria, but Baghdad says it did not accept it when coalition forces went to Iraq in 2014.

US combat troops left Iraq in 2011, eight years after the US-led invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

Thousands of US and international soldiers were re-sent to the region in 2014 on the grounds of helping fight ISIS, which captured most of Iraq and Syria. ISIS was defeated in 2017 and removed from major cities such as Mosul and Tikrit, which it captured in Iraq, but continued to exist elsewhere in Iraq and Syria.

About 2,500 U.S. troops are stationed in Iraq as part of the international coalition.

According to the news of Reuters yesterday, Iraq wants the soldiers in the country under the US-led coalition to start withdrawing in September and the coalition to officially end by September 2025.

Citing four Iraqi sources, the news agency said some U.S. forces would likely remain in the country under the newly negotiated bilateral agreement.

It is estimated that one reason why the Iraqi militia forces targeting the US missions in the country for supporting Israel, which massacred in Gaza, took a break from these attacks was the negotiations between the USA and Iraq. However, if the negotiations cannot be agreed, Iraqi militias are expected to carry out more attacks.


Secret 'next day' meeting from the USA, Israel and the UAE


2 days ago 23/07/2024Author

It was claimed that the USA, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) held a meeting to discuss the plans for the period after Israel's attacks in Gaza.

The US, Israel and the UAE held a secret meeting in Abu Dhabi on Thursday last week, 'to discuss plans for Gaza' after Israel's attacks, the 'Axios' site, which is published in the USA, based on two Israeli officials.

The meeting, hosted by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, was attended by White House National Security Council Middle East and North Africa Coordinator Brett McGurk and Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer.

The UAE announced last week that it could deploy troops to Gaza as part of the post-war plan.

Lana Nusseibeh, special representative of the UAE foreign ministry, said that Abu Dhabi was negotiating with the US about his plans to fill the 'gap' in besieged Gaza and support the humanitarian aid and reconstruction process. However, he did not give any information about Israel's part in this meeting.

On the other hand, Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz made a statement about the Palestinian groups that have reached an agreement for unity in all Palestinian territories, including Gaza, in Beijing today. It was claimed that Palestinian groups agreed to form a provisional reconciliation government that would exercise its authority and authority over Gaza and all other Palestinian territories.

In his statement, Kantz claimed that Gaza cannot be governed by Palestinian groups, "In reality, this (Gaza is managed by Palestinian groups) will not happen. Because the Hamas administration will be crushed and (Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) Abbas will watch Gaza from afar," he said.


Israel expects harsh sanctions on illegal settlements after IC decision


2 days ago 23/07/2024Author

Some countries in supporting Israel plan to harden their sanctions against individuals and organizations attempting illegal settlements in the next few days, after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) made its opinion last Friday, which described the occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as unlawful.

According to the report in Haaretz, senior Israeli officials said they believe that countries already imposing sanctions, including the US, the UK, France and Canada, will impose new sanctions. Other countries that have not taken action so far are also expected to implement their own sanctions.

According to the report, the new sanctions have the effect of not only the ICJ's decision, but also the measures and statements aimed at effectively annexing the West Bank settlements while Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich was Minister of Defense.

In a statement to Haaretz, a senior official who participated in the negotiations on the subject, "All countries that have taken action on this issue now plan to take additional steps that will be heavier than what we have seen in recent months. The upcoming sanctions will be more painful than the previous ones," he said.

It was claimed that US President Joe Biden was considering sanctions against Smotrich and National Security Secretary Itar Ben-Gvir, the leaders of the two far-right parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition.

Speaking to Haaretz about the claim, a US official said, "Such a decision has not been taken, but it is being discussed in the relevant places. In the past, the White House was resolutely opposed to this idea, but today there are influential people who say otherwise,” he said.

The same applies to the EU, which recently decided to sanction the Tzav 9 organization, which blocks trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. The EU is now considering taking more serious measures after the ICJ decision.

The EU's European External Action Service Sanctions Division said in a letter to Israeli human rights lawyer Eitay Mack that they were reviewing information about senior Israeli officials, but gave no names.

Speaking to Haaretz, a senior European diplomat said that if the US imposed sanctions on Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, "the EU will not be left behind in this regard".

The UK Foreign Minister warned Israeli leaders, whom he met during his visit to the country last week, that Smotrich's West Bank policies would lead to further sanctions against individuals and organizations linked to the settlement movement.

On the other hand, the Japanese government, one of Israel's biggest friends in East Asia, plans to sanction a number of right-wing extremists who use violence against Palestinians in Israel in the next few days. Speaking to Haaretz, the Israeli official warned that "Japan example is important because it shows a trend - even countries that have not been involved in putting such pressure on Israel until now join the party."

The government hopes that if Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election, it will reverse most or all of the U.S. sanctions. But even if Trump wins the election, the Biden administration will remain in office for another six months, during which time it will be able to impose additional sanctions.

Moreover, the Trump administration is not expected to affect the decisions of the EU and member states or the UK, even if Biden takes action to reverse the sanctions.

At the request of the UN General Assembly on Friday, the ICF announced its opinion on Friday about Israel's invasion of Palestine, annexation practices in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, efforts to change the status of East Jerusalem, the unlawfulness of apartheid and discriminatory practices, and the consequences of all states and international organizations, especially Israel.

Stating that Israel's annexation practices in Palestinian territories are "unlawful", the ICC said that Israel should end its occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as soon as possible.

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