[Salon] Judging Freedom: has war transformed Russia?


Judging Freedom:  Has war transformed Russia?

After the two fallow weeks when Judge Andrew Napolitano was away on vacation, it was very good earlier today to resume our weekly online chat about developments in global politics as seen from the Russian perspective.

Our discussion topics included how the war in and about Ukraine has transformed the Russian nation as its military successes against the whole of NATO and the growing prosperity of its working and middle classes in the face of the ‘sanctions from hell’ imposed by the United States and its allies overcame a decades-long inferiority complex that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Among other topics was the current official Russian position with respect to the American presidential election in November now that Joe Biden, Putin’s originally preferred candidate has bowed out and Kamala Harris has become the presumed candidate of the Democrats.

We talked about Putin’s ‘mirror image’ plans for countering American installation of Tomahawk cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles in Germany in 2026.

I am hopeful that viewers will find value in these various information points and come back for more next week.

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow: Has War Transformed Russia?

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