[Salon] A Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine - WSJ. - Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT: Trump Has Been Tougher On Russia Than Biden | The American Presidency Project

Trump’s “ABKT” (Adelson, Bannon, Koch, and Thiel)  "mass consciousness activities”  (Deception Campaign) which began in 2015 to create a false “reality,” in the way that Karl Rove is credited with saying "we create our own reality,” created a “false perception” that Trump intended to “end the endless wars.” But that message was micro-targeted to the Ron Paul anti-war faction of the Republicans to dupe them, which wasn’t hard, so pathetically eager were they for tax cuts for the Oligarchs behind the deception campaign, the aforesaid. As well, targeted to any other extraordinarily gullible, war-weary people who might fall for that lie, against all the contravening evidence. 

This election interference campaign, by Cambridge Analytica, et al., was enough to give Trump the necessary margin he needed to beat Clinton in 2016. Although at the same time, the message was "macro-targeted” to mainstream Republicans that he would “Build the Greatest Military in the World,” inherently, a provocation to our “foreign adversaries.” Who were and are identified in Trump’s 2017 NSS document followed by his 2018 National Military Strategy document (though heavily classified), and today, in Project 2025, as Russia, China, Iran, and sundry allies they may have. It’s no secret, and “UNCLASSIFIED,” if one is able to read "plain English,” an increasingly rare category, especially amongst both Trump’s opponents, and even more, his proponents! 

The latter, if they’re sincere in their desire to end U.S. waging of aggressive war, are the proverbial "useful idiots,” as can be seen in "Trump’s Peace Plan for Ukraine,” as revealed by Mike Pompeo. Which if I were, hypothetically, a Russian military intelligence officer, would immediately be identified as a U.S. Plan to Wage Aggressive War,” just like Project 2025 is. And those Russians promoting the election of Trump as a means to “end the endless wars, would be correctly seen as “Aiding the Enemy,” by being engaged in such a Cognitive War “deception campaign.” 

But read for yourself what Trump did, and plans to do, for him to be astride the World as the head of the Sole Superpower, with unlimited power to subjugate it, regardless of illegality under any system of “Law,” as his Conservative Supreme Court Justices gifted him, and future Presidents, in Trump v. U.S. 

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 Campaign Press Release - FACT: Trump Has Been Tougher On Russia Than Biden | The American Presidency Project


Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT: Trump Has Been Tougher On Russia Than Biden 45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021

October 22, 2020  [APP NOTE: Like all "Campaign Press Releases" this document was entirely the product of a partisan political campaign.  It is archived at the APP as part of the record of campaign communications. The APP has not assessed the accuracy of any claims made here either pro or con.] While Joe Biden failed to stand up to Russia during his 47 years in office, President Trump has taken tougher action against Russia than any past Administration.
President Trump and his administration have been tougher on Russia than any past administration.
• President Obama's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says it's "true" that President Trump's administration has been the toughest on Russia.
• President Trump has repeatedly pushed back against Russian attempts to threaten American institutions, including imposing sanctions on hundreds of individuals and entities suspected of attempted election interference.
• To hold Russia accountable for their repeated violations, President Trump withdrew the United States from both the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and Open Skies Treaty.
• The Trump Administration imposed harsh penalties in response to Russia's evasion of sanctions against North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela.
• President Trump placed strong sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, warning Germany and other nations about the dangers of relying on Russian energy.
Joe Biden failed to stand up to Russia during his forty-even years in Washington.
• Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Biden tried to buy Putin's support for the war by promising him that profits from seized Iraqi oil would go to Russia.
• Within weeks of becoming Vice President in 2009, Biden suggested a reset with Russia and a closer relationship.
• In 2011, Biden strongly supported Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organization.
• When President Obama traded "flexibility" on missile defense for Russia's help in winning the 2012 election, Biden defended it.
• In 2012, Biden mocked the idea that "Russia is still our major adversary," saying Russia was "working closely with us."
• In 2013, Obama and Biden failed to enforce their "red line" in Syria, which ultimately emboldened Russia.
• When Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, Obama and Biden failed to provide lethal aid to Ukraine

[APP NOTE: Like all "Campaign Press Releases" this document was entirely the product of a partisan political campaign.  It is archived at the APP as part of the record of campaign communications. The APP has not assessed the accuracy of any claims made here either pro or con.]

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT: Trump Has Been Tougher On Russia Than Biden Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/346807

A Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine

Among the essentials are a lend-lease program, real sanctions on Russia, and a revitalized NATO.

There’s no evidence that such capitulation will be part of President Trump’s policy and much evidence to the contrary. It was Mr. Trump who in 2017 lifted the Obama administration’s arms embargo on Ukraine, providing it with the Javelin missiles that helped save Kyiv in the earliest days of Russia’s invasion. More recently, Mr. Trump gave political cover to House Speaker Mike Johnson when he maneuvered to pass additional military aid. Helping Ukraine while revitalizing the American defense industrial base in Alabama, Pennsylvania and Virginia is good policy—and good politics.

The Biden administration’s weakness has left Ukraine where it is today: two years into a full-scale war, with cities destroyed, hundreds of thousands killed, and millions of refugees, and without the means to win. The White House has no strategy for victory, and Americans are rightly concerned.

While Mr. Biden stumbled into war through weakness, Mr. Trump could re-establish peace through strength. Here’s how a successful plan for Ukraine might look:

Unleash America’s energy potential. This will fire up the U.S. economy, drive down prices and shrink Mr. Putin’s war-crimes budget.

Rebuild ties with Saudi Arabia and Israel and work together against Iran. This will stabilize the Middle East, ease the Gaza crisis, and create an opening for the Saudis to join the U.S. in squeezing Russia out of global energy markets.

Impose real sanctions on Russia. The Biden administration’s sanctions sound good on paper but are hollow. The Treasury, for example, exempts Russian banks from U.S. sanctions if their transactions are related to energy production—the most important revenue source for the Kremlin’s war machine.

Bulk up America’s defense industry. We must show our adversaries, especially Russia and China, that they can’t compete with U.S. defense capabilities. Russia’s economy is smaller than Texas’. We can’t allow China to match and surpass the U.S.

Revitalize the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This includes making Europeans pay their fair share. It is time to raise the bar on spending to 3% of member countries’ gross domestic product.

Create a $500 billion “lend-lease” program for Ukraine. Instead of saddling U.S. taxpayers with more bills, let Ukraine borrow as much as it needs to buy American weapons to defeat Russia. This is how we helped Britain in World War II before Pearl Harbor. It’s how we can send a clear signal to Mr. Putin that he will never win.

Lift all restrictions on the type of weapons Ukraine can obtain and use. This will re-establish a position of strength, which Mr. Putin will understand means the war must end. He will face rising costs and no chance of further gain.

These steps would position Mr. Trump to set the terms of a deal: The war stops immediately. Ukraine builds up substantial defense forces so Russia never attacks again. No one recognizes Russia’s occupation and claimed annexation of any Ukrainian territories—just as we never recognized the Soviet incorporation of the Baltic states and withheld recognition from East Germany until 1974. Crimea is demilitarized. Ukraine rebuilds with reparations from Russia’s frozen central-bank reserves, not U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Ukraine joins NATO as soon as possible so all European allies assume the burden of protecting it. NATO should establish a $100 billion fund for arming Ukraine, with the U.S. share capped at 20%, as is the case with other alliance common budgets. The European Union should swiftly admit Ukraine and help it modernize and develop its economy.

If Russia complies with these terms, the West will gradually lift sanctions. They will be fully removed once Ukraine is in both NATO and the EU.

These steps, and not the half-measures of the Biden administration, will end the war, establish a lasting peace, ensure Europe bears the burden of maintaining it, and re-establish freedom and security on the Continent.

To those who doubt: The last thing Mr. Trump wants in a second term is a foreign-policy failure that distracts from his domestic agenda and makes Mr. Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan look like a success in comparison.

Mr. Urban is managing director at the BGR Group and of counsel at Torridon Law. Mr. Pompeo served as secretary of state, 2018-21.

Replicator’s goals of drone deployment and business development process change are both worthy objectives. But given the Pentagon's antiquated culture, is two years enough time to procure more hard power faster? Photo: Dept. of Defense

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