Re: [Salon] Senator Graham's proposed authorization of an attack on Iran

With all respect, and as one VIPS member to another, and not to defend NEOCONs, but for historical accuracy, you mean, "GOOD JOB, TRADITIONAL CONS,” from which the NeoCons originated, and with TradCons like Bill Buckley putting so much pressure for war on Iraq since 1990, don’t you Ray? I know Trump’s Oligarchical backers Koch, Thiel, and Adelson wanted to hide their own and the Republican's leading role in the Pertpetual War they started in 2001 along with so-called “NeoCons” (code-Jewish) whom they wanted to “appear” to distance themselves from, by reinventing Republicans and “Traditional Conservatives” as “Restrainers.” That, only after losing two POTUS elections in a row running deranged militarists as candidates. 

Notwithstanding it was Traditional Conservatives Buckley, Burnham, Frank Meyer, and Willmoore Kendall who zealously pressured every President from Eisenhower on to Reagan to preemptively nuke the USSR and China, along with sundry other countries like Cuba and Albania. So that called for flushing real history and memories down the memory hole, to be replaced with “fabricated memories,” as the epitome of Cognitive Warfare (mass consciousness activities), to fit Trump into a non-existent “restrainer tradition,” along with the other Israelo-fascist fanatics making up the New Right and National Conservatism, preparing for war against Iran and China, and, yes, Russia, ever since 2016 when Trump came on the scene. Adopting what Karl Rove knew was possible,” we make our own reality.” 

Listen to right-wing fanatics like J.D. Vance here:,
 as if you were an astute Russian intell analyst, and explain how anyone could miss Vance is as zealous for Russia to be destroyed as anyone, except for it to be done with “OPM” (Other People’s Money).

With Vance as crazed for war against Iran as TradCon Jeff Sessions was for war against Iraq:
"Sen. SESSIONS: You know, this is a commitment of years. There's no doubt about that if we continue our policy. The - certainly, hopefully, that the numbers will be much less in the outer years. We just got below 40,000 troops in Korea, for example, but we certainly would not want to have that number of troops in Iraq 10 years from now. But I could imagine that we would have… MONTAGNE: But you're thinking of that as… Sen. SESSIONS: …for a period of years a military presence Iraq.”

and this:
starting @1:15

with TradCon Jesse Helms (John P. East’s one-time fellow fanatical militarist who even denounced Reagan as too soft in the Cold War) here:
"Helms said one of the goals of the U.S. war on terrorism should be to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, whose regime has stayed in power in the decade after the Gulf War.
"The first President Bush ought to have gotten rid of him [during the Gulf War]," he said. "I say that with all due respect to the former president, but that was one of the major mistakes that was made at that time.”
. . . 
"China has demonstrated time and time again that they're not interested in working with the United States on anything," he said. "They are determined to do the best they can for China, regardless of the United States, and I haven't seen much better from Russia."

All of this actual evidence of the fallaciousness in calling the “hard-core thought-control Conservatives,” Buckley, Burnham, Meyer, and Kendall, Restrainers! 

Your friend Dan Ellsberg knew that and referenced the right-wing Conservatives as being the obstacle to any kind of U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam before it became even more catastrophic, and as proponents of the worst kind of nuclear war policies. We talked about it, as I knew it as a one-time “Cold War Conservative,” working with the Air Force Association and other Conservative, Hawkish, groups. We can’t let the right-wing fanatics have the last laugh, and drive the final nails into the U.S. coffin, by not contesting their fabricated “history” by presenting the U.S. accomplices of the Israelo-Fascist Netanyahu government as the war-fanatics they in fact are, if one only listens to them, as a mosaic of all they have to say. 

On Aug 5, 2024, at 10:52 AM, Raymond L McGovern via Salon <> wrote:

... and now, Israel destroyed. GOOD JOB, NEOCONS! r

On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 9:02 AM Mayraj Fahim via Salon <> wrote:
Plan took longer than expected, but never changed.
Iraq destroyed, Syria destroyed, Libya destroyed, Somalia destroyed, Sudan destroyed.
Lebanon next. Then Iran.
Former General of the US Army Wesley Clark on the military strategy after 9/11 attacks: "We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing it off with Iran" [2007]

On Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 07:48:40 PM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:
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