[Salon] Ilan Pappé looks ahead ... in 2006
- To: salon@listserve.com
- Subject: [Salon] Ilan Pappé looks ahead ... in 2006
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 09:14:27 -0400
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FM: John Whitbeck
I have just finished re-reading Ilan Pappé's groundbreaking 2006
book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, which makes
brutally clear that Israel's current effort to exterminate or
expel a major portion of the indigenous population of Palestine
is not a new horror but simply an uptick in the continuum of a
long-term objective, unavoidably inherent in the Zionist
project, whose violent and frequently savage phase is now almost
80 years long.
Transmitted below are the last two paragraphs of this book,
which, like so much which has been written about
Palestine/Israel by others (myself included) long ago, could be
written in virtually the same words today:
"Neither Palestinians nor Jews will be saved, from one another
or from themselves, if the ideology that still drives the
Israeli policy towards the Palestinians is not correctly
identified. The problem with Israel was never its Jewishness --
Judaism has many faces and many of them provide a solid basis
for peace and cohabitation; it is its ethnic Zionist character.
Zionism does not have the same margins of pluralism that Judaism
offers, especially not for the Palestinians. They can never be
part of the Zionist state and space and will continue to fight
-- and hopefully their struggle will be peaceful and successful.
If not, it will be desperate and vengeful and, like a whirlwind,
will suck all up in a huge perpetual sandstorm that will rage
not only through the Arab and Muslim worlds, but also within
Britain and the United States, the powers which, each in their
turn, feed the tempest that threatens to ruin us all.
"The Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon in the summer of 2006
indicate that the storm is already raging. Organizations such as
Hizbullah and Hamas, which dare to question Israel's right to
impose its unilateral will on Palestine, have faced Israel's
might and, so far (at the time of writing) are managing to
withstand the assault. But it is far from over. The regional
patrons of these resistance movements, Iran and Syria, could be
targeted in the future; the risk of even more devastating
conflict and bloodshed has never been so acute."
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