[Salon] Judging Freedom resumes on youtube.com: goday's chat with Judge Andrew Napolitano

‘Judging Freedom’ resumes on youtube.com: today’s chat with Judge Andrew Napolitano

‘Judging Freedom’ resumes on youtube.com: today’s chat with Judge Andrew Napolitano

After spending a week in the ‘penalty box,’ Judging Freedom is now once again back on youtube.com and is operating at full power, as anyone looking at their outstanding list of interviewees today will understand at once.  I am pleased to present the link to my own half-hour with The Judge in a discussion that focuses on the Kursk Operation, otherwise known in Russia as the NATO invasion of their country.

See Dr. Gilbert Doctorow : NATO Invades Russia

The to-and-fro of this discussion was very useful to elucidate features of the ongoing fighting in Kursk that surely confuse many consumers of major media reporting, as well as consumers of alternative media reporting. I have in mind such questions as why the Russians did not anticipate the invasion and protect themselves better against it; whether the United States was the guiding hand behind the Ukrainian forces move into Kursk or was it, for example, the United Kingdom; were the 200,000 Russians who have had to leave their homes in the territory of Kursk now occupied by Ukrainians ‘expelled’ or ‘evacuated’ by their government in consideration of the methods it will use to vanquish the Ukrainians; and how long it will take before the Ukrainian invasion is totally quelled by Russian armed forces.

I used the opportunity to express my disagreement with the confident remarks of some of my peers in the Opposition, who insist that President Putin would never use tactical nuclear weapons first against the Ukrainians or NATO countries however many ‘red lines’ they cross.

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