[Salon] Settler sexually harasses Palestinian and implicitly threatens rape

Video at link (graphic language warning): "Shut the *** up. That's not your house… You're my bitch. And you look sweet. You look so fresh. So sweet. I'll be happy to sit with you in jail some day. I'd be happy. You know Sde Teiman? Ooh-ooh. Rape in the name of God."




Kh. Wadi a-Rakhim, South Hebron Hills: Settler Shem Tov Luski sexually harasses Palestinian and implicitly threatens rape


Settler Violence = State Violence


25 August 2024


On Sunday,4 August 2024, around 7:00 A.M., a masked settler on horseback arrived with a herd of about 20 cows at the community of Khirbet Wadi a-Rakhim in the South Hebron Hills. He set the cattle to graze in a barley field belonging to the Harini family near community homes.


A few minutes later, three more settlers arrived in a car. Although they were masked, community residents recognized one – Shem Tov Luski. The settlers, three of whom were carrying clubs, approached one of the Harini family's homes, swore at family members and claimed that the land, the house and the nearby well all belonged to them. Luski also sexually harassed a member of the family, mentioned military detention facility Sde Teiman and implicitly threatened him with rape.


The residents and international activists who were there called the police, who did not send officers and only suggested the residents go to the police station in the settlement of Kiryat Arba and file a complaint.


The three settlers who arrived by car left the area only after about two hours, while the settler on horseback continued grazing his herd in the family's barley field for about an hour.


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