[Salon] [Friends_of_Bruce] Recent Commentaries of Possible Interest

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  1. Last weekend, I discussed the American presidential election in a video interview with a leading Turkish commentator – with particular attention on its implications for his country’s future. Go to: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/8aadcb6c6234c0b2d4a8e51c43d37c4c20240827141558/b28398e09b03e86ba071e66ba8b9311a20240827141613/52a64c

  2. At about the same time, Roderigo Craveiro, a journalist for the Correio Braziliense, also asked me to assess the Democratic Convention’s political impact – and summarized my views in the paper’s Saturday edition.

    According to Professor Ackerman:

    In her Convention speech, Kamala Harris emphasized the many ways that her professional career had aimed to defend the victims of violent abuse. This greatly contributed to the credibility of her pledge to dedicate her Presidency to the prevention of similar shattering abuses in the future. Her pledge was further enhanced by Harris’ personal struggles to succeed in life. She not only faced deeply entrenched patterns of racism and sexism, but also confronted profound personal anxieties in dealing with her parents’ divorce. Nevertheless, her mother, Shyamala, was in a position to provide Kamala with the cultural resources required for academic achievement – since Shyamala was herself a leading micro-biologist who could provide her daughter with a decisive head-start. In contrast, Tim Walz’s family offered him no similar advantages. This is precisely why his nomination as vice-president is so significant – evidencing the determination of the Democratic Party to bring Americans together, rather than driving them apart. 


This English translation that departs from a mechanical word-for-word version to convey Craveiro’s basic points in a more compelling fashion. For readers who would like to check out my capacities as a translator, here’s the original Portuguese version:


Kamala Harris aproveitou para enfatizar a própria luta para se tornar uma promotora dedicada à proteção de americanos que tiveram a vida destruída pela violência. "Ela também mostrou determinação em usar sua Presidência para proteger a nova geração de abusos semelhantes. Ao contrário de Walz, a mãe de Kamala foi uma cientista distinta que fez contribuições revolucionárias para a microbiologia. Apesar de suas muitas dificuldades pessoais, ela teve condições de fornecer à Kamala muitos dos recursos culturaisnecessários parao sucesso na escola", disse ao Correio. "Sua escolha pelo governador Tim Walz como colega de chapa expressa sua vontade de fornecer oportunidades decisivas para trabalhadores americanos sem privilégios da elite."







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