[Salon] Major Diplomatic Shifts Underway, But More Is Needed


EIR Daily News • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Major Diplomatic Shifts Underway, But More Is Needed

by Jason Ross (EIRNS) — Sep. 09, 2024

Is the ongoing, meaningful diplomatic progress towards peace enough to change the governments of the Anglo-American NATO nations?

Major diplomatic efforts are evolving regarding Israel’s violation of international law in its assault on the Palestinian people. First, the Arab League, Organization for Islamic Cooperation, and Non-Aligned Movement have written a joint letter to the current President of the UN General Assembly asking him to reconvene that body next week under the Uniting for Peace framework established by UNGA Resolution 377, to address Israel’s failure to obey the opinions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). They demand action next week, with an emergency meeting to begin on Tuesday, Sept. 17 and action on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

A reported resolution being circulated by the Palestinian Authority shows the form of that action. It recalls the importance of international law, Israel’s refusal to adhere to the ICJ, demands that Israel “end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” demands for a right of return of all those displaced since the 1967 borders, and calls upon UN member nations to cease support for Israel’s military activities in those areas, among other things.

In response to this initiative, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz has threatened to “break and dissolve” the Palestinian Authority, if it does not cease its efforts to hold Israel accountable to international law.

Regarding the ICJ, South Africa has an Oct. 28 deadline to submit additional materials to maintain its case against Israel, whose diplomats are working overtime to get the U.S. to put pressure on South Africa to drop the case.

It doesn’t seem likely that Israel’s diplomats will succeed. In the days leading into the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa and President of China Xi Jinping met and issued a joint statement, containing the following:

“The two sides are deeply concerned about the serious humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its spillover effects. … China commended the positive role that South Africa has played in activating the role of the international community in the conflict in Gaza and is willing to work together toward a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement at an early date. South Africa expressed its appreciation to China for successfully inviting various Palestinian factions to hold a reconciliation dialogue in China and for signing the Beijing Declaration.”

(They also commended the actions of China and Brazil, as well as the African Union, to bring to a close the conflict taking place in Ukraine.)

Meanwhile, the Foreign Minister of Jordan gave his German counterpart a stern lecture about how the victims of the current Israeli government are not only the Palestinian people, but also international law itself and the standing of nations like Germany that present themselves as champions of human rights. “When will Germany impose sanctions on those who clearly violate international law and international humanitarian law?” he asked her during their joint press conference.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who has repeatedly stressed his undying commitment to Ukraine, has had to admit that future Ukraine peace discussions must include Russia, something that he said even Zelenskyy acknowledges.

Even CNN has been unable to put a positive spin on Ukraine’s military. The network has had to admit that morale is low, while desertion and insubordination are high.

So far, so good, but don’t think for a minute that any of these developments will prevent the Anglo-American hegemon from risking it all, even nuclear war, to maintain its uncontested primacy in the world!

There are reports of another upcoming attempt by the Ukrainian forces in Kursk to launch an attack on the nuclear power plant, which would be among the most escalatory actions imaginable.

The other side of the warfare is mental—including the war on free thought and free speech. While most European countries have never benefitted from the strong protection enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and multiple Supreme Court cases, the situation is going from bad to worse. In the U.K., for instance, no less a figure than former Ambassador Craig Murray has decided to fleehis native country due to the risk of his being imprisoned (again) for his political activity. The latest, very strange report in the U.S. of Russian agents allegedly paying absurdly large amounts of money to social media influencers, points to the ongoing and upcoming attempts to control all political messaging under “Russiagate"-style excuses. Consider also the arrest of Telegram’s Pavel Durov in Paris, France.

Even the mutually beneficial projects that will bring the world out of poverty and mankind to the stars have their detractors. Energy projects in Africa are famously attacked for their supposedly terrible environmental effects, while hundreds of thousands of people across the continent die every year from indoor air pollution caused by cooking with wood, dung, or other biomass, rather than electricity or gas.

How many people, who should be working to stop the oncoming world war, are instead dissipating their minds by focusing on climate change? What other excuses—what other “issues”—do people seek out, to avoid viewing the big picture?

The LaRouche movement has for decades been addressing the world’s historical direction from the highest level, including the higher vision of development that makes it possible to resolve the crises in Southwest Asia. The International Peace Coalition, convened by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, is taking on the task of galvanizing efforts to stop war, while presenting at the same time the parameters of an active, energetic peace worthy of the inherent dignity of our human species.

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