[Salon] ‘Judging Freedom’: edition of 19 September

‘Judging Freedom’: edition of 19 September

Hand on heart, I especially recommend today’s discussion with Judge Andrew Napolitano because we looked very closely at current threat levels in the war that have been misrepresented by some of my peers and colleagues in alternative media. I explain here how and why they are not using properly the analytical tools at our disposal, have not looked at the context of recent public statements of people like Boris Johnson, Lloyd Austin and Vladimir Putin. With respect to the first two, most of my peers have decided in advance that they are ‘clowns’ and dismiss everything out of hand, which is an unpardonable mistake, professionally speaking.

As I have said in preceding essays, we are obliged to set out our differences and where possible to be precise about the sources for our judgments and pronouncements if we are to enable our followers to think for themselves.

There are many separate points in this 25-minute interview that I hope listeners will find enlightening or challenging. However, I will highlight two below.

With respect to Boris Johnson’s little speech to the Yalta European conference held in Ukraine last week in which he spoke in the most flattering terms about Ukrainian military capabilities and their future role in the European defense, I think it is a mistake to put everything down to delusional thinking as so many of my peers are doing. I must agree with Boris on the heroism, on the valor of many of the Ukrainian soldiers. That 600,000 of them have been slaughtered senselessly is the national tragedy for which the Zelensky gang with its stranglehold on power is to blame, together with the cynical and cruel NATO backers of his regime. I have said before and repeat today that the Russian advance in the Donbas and now the clean-up operation in Kursk are not a walk in the rose garden. The Russians face tough fighting which is due to the residual patriotism and courage of Ukrainian soldiers.

With respect to Lloyd Autin, I make reference to his answer to a reporter on giving permission to Kiev to use NATO missiles to strike at the heartland of Russia.  This exchange took place a couple of days before Vladimir Putin issued his warning about the use of NATO missiles in this way. Said Austin, 1) Kiev has no need for the Storm Shadow, because it has other means available to it to strike military targets deep in Russia, 2) the Russians have already pulled back their bombers and arms caches beyond the range of the Storm Shadow. These arguments were lucid and correct. Accordingly, it appears that the U.S. military has not only brawn but also brains.

I expect that my questioning what Colonel Douglas Macgregor has been saying will not go unanswered when his turn before the microphone of Judging Freedom comes later today.  But that is all to the good if the audience is to be kept on its toes.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow : Is Russia Prepared for War with US?

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