[Salon] A Rendezvous with Truth

A Rendezvous with Truth

by Dennis Speed (EIRNS) — Sep. 17, 2024

“Captain Ahab! It’s the white whale! Moby Dick! He’s headed straight for us!”

“Wrong, Mr. Starbuck!! I’m headed straight for him—and so are you, sir!!”

Neither first mate Starbuck, nor the ship of fools that had signed on to sail on what would be their final voyage with Captain Ahab, realized that another name for Moby Dick was Hell, and another name for Ahab was Satan—the Prince of Fools, as well as of Darkness. Today, the deluded Starbuck’s spiritual descendants, many of them smugly sipping five-dollar custom-made beverages at the churches that today bear his name, are unaware that they are, at this moment, hurtling toward thermonuclear Hell, as supporters of a fictitious, “collective Biden” Presidency that Captain Ahab wanna-be Dick Cheney, “the president of vice,” now enthusiastically supports.

Is there a sane voice of Reason, anywhere?

Former Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has penned an op-ed, together with Donald Trump, Jr.—"Negotiate with Moscow To End the Ukraine War and Prevent Nuclear Devastation.” It begins, “The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis.” The op-ed usefully points out that “It is past time to de-escalate this conflict. This is more important than any of the political issues our nation argues about. Nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, maybe even the end of the human species.”

A ray of sanity? Yes, but not yet a change of policy. Also, on cue, a Mephistopheles-like creature from the black lagoon of perfidious Albion has emerged, named Lord Ashcroft, to admonish the American colonials. Ashcroft, lifetime peer of the House of Lords, member of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, with a personal wealth of $1.6 billion, has, as a representative of His Satanic Majesty and the interests of the Crown, deigned to speak. He has proclaimed that “the West must finally summon the courage to stand firm against tyranny.” Ukraine is being “held back, tragically, by the very partners that profess support for its cause. The most glaring example of this restraint comes from the United States, a country that calls itself ‘the home of the brave.’ Yet Washington has continually hesitated when it comes to allowing Ukraine to strike targets deep within Russia…. Putin’s regime can launch missiles, bomb cities, and terrorize Ukrainian civilians, but when Ukraine seeks to retaliate against those responsible, it is told to refrain. This is not how wars are won, and frankly, it is shameful.”

“White House, show some guts!! Head straight for the White Whale!” That is the British-Babylonian priesthood’s demand of its present policy-vassal, the United States. It might be true that there has indeed been a temporary hold on American deployment of long-range missiles in the NATO-Russia theater of war. It may also be true, that the wreck called the “British military-industrial complex” produces missiles of questionable effectiveness. The larger truth, however, is that the NATO world war against “the rest,” including the Global South, the BRICS-Plus nations, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union, etc., is a compulsive, Malthusian population-war, as in Gaza, based on a hopelessly self-destructive view of humanity. It is driven by an unpayable debt, with an unsustainable monetary system that should have ended together with the Cold War in 1989. Instead, it survived, not as a real economic system, but a shared popular mass delusion that still seems real—like Moby Dick.

What is the “collateral damage” of NATO’s doomed pursuit? In a Monday night presentation to the supporters of Independent candidates for United States Senate and Congress, Diane Sare and Jose Vega, Dr. Mark Perlmutter, past president of the International College of Surgeons (https://icsglobal.org/) and current president of the World Surgical Foundation (https://worldsurgicalfoundation.org/about-wsf/) described his recent mission to Gaza, sponsored by the Palestinian American Medical Association in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Dr. Perlmutter, who was at Manhattan’s Ground Zero in 2001, in Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and in Haiti for the earthquake in 2010, said that none of those experiences, nor anything else in his 36-plus years of practice, prepared him for what he encountered in the weeks he went to Gaza. A quarter-million dead, he said, will be closer to the estimate of how many people were actually killed, when the truth is finally told.

Why will Linda Thomas-Greenfield, America’s Ambassador to the United Nations, not speak to him? Today, “the UN General Assembly is scheduled to debate and vote on a resolution that Israel end ‘its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory’ within six months,” reports International Peace Coalition member, author and academic Oliver Boyd-Barrett. “Assuming that Israel will ignore any such demand, and that the U.S. vetoes a Security Council resolution to enforce the ICJ ruling of July 19 which found Israeli settlements are being maintained in violation of international law and that Israel should pay restitution to all those whom its illegal occupation has harmed, the General Assembly could convene an Emergency Session to take up what is called a Uniting for Peace resolution,” known as resolution 377, around which the Schiller Institute and the IPC have been campaigning for some time.

The United States, the trans-Atlantic world, has a rendezvous with Truth which it will not avoid for long. It will either be our relentless drive for a New International Security and Development Architecture that will prevail, or NATO’s relentless drive to self-destruction will plunge humanity into an unthinkable sea of carnage, of which Gaza and Ukraine are merely the prologue.

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