Re: [Salon] Whitney Webb: Trump, JD Vance bankrolled by CIA/Mossad backed billionaire Peter Thiel - YouTube

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I removed two links, one to Mint Press News, and the other to Whitney Webb’s, so maybe this will go through like removing one the other day allowed an email to get through.

On Sep 20, 2024, at 8:46 AM, Todd Pierce <> wrote:

This is a must-see video, and an informed counter-narrative to the “cognitive campaign" (PsyOps) run by Quincy Institute/The American Conservative magazine in their promotion of Trumpism, National Conservatism, Traditional Conservatism (more on Meir Kahane’s place in that, to include Bill Buckley’s support of Kahane).
"Ramaswamy is a Yale Law School friend of JD Vance . . . “)
In spite of Thielism/Thielists, the so-called “New Right,” being opposed to virtually everything the Committee for the Republic ostensibly stands for, those promoting “Thielism” have been held to be above criticism here, with no willingness to countenance an informed analysis of their “Radical Right/Israeli Settler based,” ideology.  And anyone criticizing those promoting Thielism, with myself the only one who has, can expect to come in for criticism here by those "running cover,” such as Traditional Conservatives, for the Thielists (Schmittians, Straussians, as represented by TAC magazine, with their associates, the Claremont Institute and Hillsdale College). Which I’m happy to receive. But it is revealing that those who formerly held intelligence related positions, are completely in the dark as to what Kevin Roberts of Heritage calls the Conservative Revolution, even drawing upon the same fascist “Conservative theorists” of the first “Conservative Revolution” in 1920s Germany, such as Thiel’s favorites, Leo Strauss and Carl Schmitt!

So, we have to turn to young, ethical, insightful, knowledgeable young women, like Whitney Webb, Caitlin Johnstone, and Mnar Adley of Mint Press, interviewing Whitney Webb in the video. With the “qualifier” being “ethical, insightful, knowledgeable,” which excludes NatCons Emily Jashinsky, Mollie Hemingway, and their “New Right” promoters at QI and TAC.

BLUF: Peter Thiel is one of national conservatism’s leaders, and opened the conference. 
"If the first NatCon in the Beltway of 2019 had a more confident spirit than post-Covid Orlando, that was in large part because Donald Trump stood—strikingly light on his feet, chest protruding, arms extended wide—ready to have the robes and armor of national conservatism laid upon his shoulders and girded at his waist, fitted to him as he strode forth into a second term.

NatCon Squad, the former media home of Quincy Institute's latest NatCon favorite Emily Jashinsky, is predictably chortling over the Israeli pager attack on Hezbollah, as they do with anything related to Israeli fascist’s wars, @ 24:00 ("I think it’s super-cool”)

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