[Salon] Shockwaves From Nasrallah's Killing Will Reverberate for Generations Across the Arab World - Middle East News - Haaretz.com

This will reverberate beyond the Arab World as it is a clear, totalitarian message from the Israeli/U.S. Imperial Axis of Evil, that “Resistance to Repression is Futile.” In contrast to the common-sense graffiti still seen in Northern Ireland that “Repression Breeds Resistance,” which will be confirmed by future events. With Biden/Harris so clear over the last year that they ‘wanted in” on Israel’s genocide, with the only U.S. “resistance" to that being Republicans/Trumpites echoing fascist Michael Ledeen’s call of “Faster, please,” as he had for the Iraq War, and Trump/Vance and the New Right are for Israeli genocide and further conquest. And this odious New Right is presenting themselves with cognitive operations help from the Quincy Institute and The American Conservative magazine as the “Peace Party,” bringing to mind the “Right-wing Peacenik” in the attached file: Peace Through Strength: 

Attachment: Peace Through Strength-Hitler on Peace.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: Introduction.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: 4. The Associative Machine.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Title: Shockwaves From Nasrallah's Killing Will Reverberate for Generations Across the Arab World - Middle East News - Haaretz.com

The other two files are from a book recommended to me by the Cognitive Psychology Chair at the University of Minnesota when I asked her for a recommendation of how the “Cognitive Mind” works, and how it can be manipulated, to include by “Priming.” As we’ve seen in the persistent propaganda meme of the aforesaid, peddling their “Right-Revisionist History” myth of the so-called “Right-wing Peaceniks,” a totally fabricated extreme right-wing revisionist meme on the scale of the “Big Lie,” as in the attached Peace Through Strength file. 

Quote from Chap. 4: "One way we have ad­vanced beyond Hume is that we no longer think of the mind as going through a sequence of conscious ideas, one at a time. In the current view of how associative memory works, a great deal happens at once. An idea that has been activated does not merely evoke one other idea. It activates many ideas, which in turn activate others. Furthermore, only a few of the acti­vated ideas will register in consciousness; most of the work of associative thinking is silent, hidden from our conscious selves. The notion that we have limited access to the workings of our minds is difficult to accept be­cause, naturally, it is alien to our experience, but it is true: you know far less about yourself than you feel you do. 

"As is common in science, the first big breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanism of association was an improvement in a method of mea­surement. Until a few decades ago, the only way to study associations was to ask many people questions such as, "What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word DAY?" The researchers tallied the frequency of responses, such as "night:' "sunny;' or "long:' In the 1980s, psychologists discovered that exposure to a word causes immediate and measurable changes in the ease with which many related words can be evoked
. . . 
"Another major advance in our understanding of memory was the dis­covery that priming is not restricted to concepts and words. You cannot know this from conscious experience, of course, but you must accept the alien idea that your actions and your emotions can be primed by events of which you are not even aware."

That tactic is not unique to “Right-Revisionists, and since it was so successful politically when it took off as Arthur Finkelstein’s “Six-Party Theory” of campaigning for right wing candidates beginning as Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and for the Israeli Right, it came to be adopted by the Democrat’s right-wing too, epitomized by Hilary Clinton as an innate Goldwaterite especially, But it is seen in Israel’s pioneering work in “Cognitive Warfare,” not coincidentally perhaps because the author and his frequent co-author were both Israeli who contributed to Israel’s PsyOps as IDF psychologists beginning with the Yom Kippur War. It works, in brief, as we see in the New Right “CogWar” right-revisionists, with all their “priming,” on vivid display here: https://quincyinst.org/events/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/, so that “fools” believe the “knaves” who tell them repetititiously that “Trump is the Peace Candidate,” when all that he had done in his first administration was to pose such a threat to Russia (see Trump/Duda), Palestinians, China, et al., that they eventually “counter-attacked,” with that “planning” having taken such time, that it fell on Biden. With all this evidence available to see, if one’s mind isn’t so clouded by “priming” that one becomes blind to “real” reality,” as opposed to the fabricated, and false, “reality” of “New Right Realists and Restrainers,” operating as Rove is alleged to have described: “We make our own Reality.” 

Shockwaves From Nasrallah's Killing Will Reverberate for Generations Across the Arab World - Middle East News - Haaretz.com

The assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is a formative moment. While euphoria sweeps through Israel, the Lebanon-based organization's recovery and continuity, both politically and militarily, remains unclear.

This is not the first targeted killing of a Hezbollah leader that Israel has carried out; in 1992, Israel killed Nasrallah's predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, in 2008, Israel, according to foreign sources, killed Imad Mughniyeh, the head of Hezbollah's military wing, as well as a long list of senior Hezbollah members in the years that followed. It quickly turned out that their replacements didn't display a more moderate or less militant attitude.

And yet, the killing of Nasrallah has a significant impact on morale, reaching far beyond its military and political implications. It spans countries and communities throughout the Arab and Islamic world, not only among Hezbollah members and institutions. The assassination symbolizes a blow to the "resistance" for entire generations.

Although Nasrallah stood at the helm of a Lebanese Shi'ite organization, he was considered a protégé of Iran. He had many critics and opponents in Lebanon and in the Arab and Islamic world, but he was largely viewed as the vanguard of the resistance against Israel. Some called him "Said al-Muqawama" – Mr. Resistance, a title bestowed on no other Arab leader. Nasrallah loved leveraging his nickname, especially after the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

People gather following the announcement of the death of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in Basra, Iraq, Saturday.

People gather following the announcement of the death of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in Basra, Iraq, Saturday.Credit: Mohammed Aty/ REUTERS

Nasrallah was also thought of as very reliable in everything regarding Hezbollah's capabilities relative to Israel. His every speech drew broad media attention in both the Arab world and Israel. He was perceived as standing up to Israel and the United States more than any other Arab leader. Thus, he became a symbol and an icon.

People watch  Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as he addresses the nation via video link, at a cafe in Beirut's earlier this month

People watch Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as he addresses the nation via video link, at a cafe in Beirut's earlier this monthCredit: Anwar Amro / AFP

While Hezbollah's massive intervention in the Syrian civil war and his full support of the Bashar Assad regime damaged his image, Nasrallah tried in recent years to show that he represented the interests of the resistance against Israel and mainly against the United States.

Nasrallah's pivot was an attempt to show the masses that his organization's core interest was to challenge the mastery of the United States and Israel regarding the Palestinian issue. So, he began attacking Israel's north as a sign of support for Gaza and the struggle of both Hamas and the Palestinians, because that was what was demanded of him as the head of a resistance group.

Nasrallah managed to maintain the balance of deterrence against Israel for most of the war – including among the Israeli public. For example, tens of thousands of Israelis evacuated their homes in the north – the scope of which was never seen in the first or second Lebanon wars.

Even after the pager explosions and targeted killings of the heads of Hezbollah's military wing, many in the Arab world perceived him as still having surprises in the pipeline and the ability to withstand the blows to the chain of command. That is how his final speech last week, in which he admitted the depth of the blow but pledged continuity, was treated.

This myth ended with the announcement of his death on Saturday. It is no wonder that many on Saturday noted September 28, 1970 – the day in which then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, deemed the father of pan-Arabism, died of a heart attack. Nasser had many opponents in Egypt and the Arab world, especially after he suffered defeat in the 1967 Six-Day War and brought disaster upon his people. But no one doubted his leadership as a pan-Arab hero.

The same could be said of Nasrallah, 54 years later. Both supporters and opponents understand that his assassination constitutes a blow to morale more than a military or political blow.

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