[Salon] Killing Nasrallah - Tablet Magazine

This is a bit long but when we’re confronted with a fascist “revolution,” which Heritage Foundation’s President Kevin Roberts promotes as a “Second American Revolution,” some context is necessary, adding to the word count.

The link above is to Israeli Settler/NatCon Il Duce, Yoram Hazony’s X page, with his commentary and Mike Benz’s included below, both working on behalf of the Israeli fascist coalition, it would seem obvious. Both of these "gentlemen” have been celebrated on this email list, with Benz for his opposition to the a non-Trumpite Deep State, with his preference instead for the Heritage Foundation’s Trump/Thiel/Koch/Israeli Fascist, Deep State planned for us: https://www.heritage.org/heritage-issues-statement-government-weaponization-against-conservatives (oh yeah, Quincy Intitute’s favorite New Rightists are on this program, like Fox News/Quincy Institute “expert” Mollie Hemingway, Kevin Roberts of course, along with Michael Benz and the usual array of far-right fanatics clustered at the Heritage Foundation). 

“One issue” Ukraine war opponents working on behalf of Trump, or at least putting into “existential terms” what happens to the world should he not be elected, conceal that Trump’s  New Right/National Conservatism is modeled on Israeli fascism and is a template for what is planned as a conversion of the U.S. into a “Modern Fascism,” as called for by Thielite Curtis Yarvin. 

Quote: Both Thiel and Vance are friends of Yarvin. In The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power, reporter Max Chafkin describesYarvin as the “house political philosopher” of the “Thielverse,” a term for the people in Thiel’s orbit. In 2013, Thiel invested in Tlön, a software startup co-founded by Yarvin. In 2016, Yarvin attended Thiel’s election night party in San Francisco where, according to Chafkin, champagne flowed once it became clear that Thiel’s investment in Donald Trumpwould pay off.

"Since entering politics, Vance has publicly praised—and parroted—Yarvin’s ideas.”

With the following as an outline of Yarvin’s ideas for the U.S., though hiding it as for El Salvador, for what Trump/Vance have as an ideology: 
BLUF: "In the true startup state, in El Salvador or any country like it—in any poorly governed former European colony—classical monarchism is optimal; the best government is a maximal government. Anything that can be done publicly should be done publicly. Reform is nationalization and centralization—a la Frederick the Great. (TP-and National Conservatism, a la J.D. Vance, Trump, DeSantis, et al.) 

As I’ve said before, Suzanne Schneider has produced the most insightful analysis of Hazony’s “political theory,” and can be seen at the links below: 
Quote: "A new crop of institutions has been key to linking the local Israeli story to the global right. These include the Israel Law and Liberty Forum (founded in 2020 by the Tikvah Fund and in cooperation with the Federalist Society), the Kohelet Policy Forum, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and of course Hazony’s Edmund Burke Foundation. Such institutions partner regularly on conferences, publications, and lobbying efforts with more established conservative players abroad like the rebooted Heritage Foundation and the Fidesz-funded Danube Institute and MCC, while their staff and fellows engage in a global game of musical chairs.
. . . 
"This global web of institutions, politicians, and intellectuals underscores a central irony about twenty-first century nationalists: they are the new internationalists, far outpacing the left in terms of political coordination across borders.

My only quibble with the above is failing to see in these “new internationalists,” their roots in "fascismo universale-the theory of universal fascism.” Which is what I’ve been saying for a number of years here now. Under which I include the “Thought Control Conservatives,” or more correctly, the cell within the Conservative Movement, that can correctly be called: Fascist Conservatism. As “theorized” by Willmoore Kendall and his various disciples, such as Traditional Conservatives John P. East, M.E. Bradford, and Richard Weaver. Identifiable by Kendall’s attempted recruitment of them to the University of Dallas, along with the Straussians he did recruit before he died in 1967. With Kendall the first “National Conservative,” one can see, with a comparative political theory analysis. He says “General Good,” his NatCon successors say “Common Good.” He uses the term “Virtuous People” for those Americans he deems conservative enough to be listened to; Hazony represents above all, the Settlers and fascists of the Jewish State of Israel as the “Virtuous People.” 

One doesn’t need to look far to see the historical precedent for this “Modern Fascism.” Fascist sympathizer/promoter Michael Ledeen (co-author with Trump’s first NSA, Michael Flynn, on a fascist style book) wrote a book promoting it, “Universal Fascism,” with the Introduction to it attached below:

Attachment: Front Matter and Introduction.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Here are two quotes from it, which should immediately bring to mind the “New Right,” and especially J.D. Vance.
p. xv
“. . . as we shall soon see, these young Italians were not only dis­contented with the actual structure of the regime but considered fascism's most signal failure to have been the inability to gener­ate a meaningful doctrine, a philosophy of fascism which would enable them to pursue the path of a genuine transformation of the modern world. They therefore attempted to formulate such an all-encompassing doctrine themselves, which they called the doctrine of fascismo universale-the theory of universal fascism."

p. xvi
"These attacks on fascism's failure to provide a meaningful world-view for Italians, and the parallel claim that it had failed to liberate the creative energies of the Italian people, were not new either to Italian history or to western European politics in the modern period. Indeed, this kind of cultural criticism of political organizations is one of the fundamental strands of the intellectual history of the modern era. Fritz Stern has called the phenomenon "the politics of cultural despair,"6 and what is so interesting about its appearance in Italy is that this sort of criticism has traditionally been linked to the origins of the fascist movements throughout Europe."

I’ve always been distrustful of U.S., so-called, military reformers, as one didn’t need to look far to see that their complaint at its core was that the U.S. military “couldn’t win wars” anymore, so had to "re-focus on warfighting competencies versus parading around to demonstrate ‘presence.’” And as expressed in this quote from the TabletMag article below” 

". . . only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it."

That’s what Trump brought to the fore, with his many calls to for the U.S. military to be more “ruthless,” as J.D. Vance specifically called for at the Quincy Institute:

". . . only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it.”

And ignoramuses accept that Trump is “Ending the Endless Wars,” when in fact he precipitated the very conditions which led to both Ukraine and Gaza (and now Lebanon and Iran, see below). 

Trump’s Vision & NATO’s Future: Streamline The Alliance For Modern War

Go to link below to hear nonsense of Mike Benz as Netanyahu’s advocated and an American Israeli State, under Trump/Vance, and Heritage’s Deep State:

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 29

Most Americans still thought Iran was a bitter adversary. But Democrats and Republicans in DC found the idea of a tilt toward Iran irresistible--not least because of the vast profits to be made if energy deals with Iran could somehow be made kosher. /6


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Mike Benz



Oct 9, 2023

Bidenworld's War On Israel, Explained: Here are some of the dark room deals & money incentives behind the Biden Blob's plans to enrich itself via natural gas deals w/ Iran -- & removing the Netanyahu gov't in Israel who stands in their way. See references in thread 

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0:05 / 12:21

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

There you have it: A delusional geostrategic theory ("Iran can balance Israel to bring peace Middle East peace") combined with gallons of raw greed ("We can make a mint off of Iranian energy deals") to give birth to a new U.S. foreign policy: Cultivate an alliance with Iran. /7

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

Most people now understand that the George W. Bush/neocon theory that Iraq could be turned into a liberal democracy was cracked. But the Baker/Obama/Biden theory that Khomeinist Iran could be tamed and turned into an American ally was every bit as cracked. /8

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

Under the Obama-Biden policy, Iran was seen as a crucial partner in bringing democracy to Iraq. And America lined up the EU, Russia, and the UN behind the idea of releasing Iran from sanctions (see under "greed") while pretending to end the Iranian nuclear weapons program. /9

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

No wonder Washington hates Trump so much. Trump saw that the whole US alliance with Iran was fake and that Iran was just making chumps out of everyone in DC. Trump showed real peace could come from an Arab-Israeli alliance against a relentlessly hostile, imperialist Iran. / 10

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

Fast forward to October 7, 2023. Thousands of Iranian-trained Hamas fighters invade Israel and exterminate as many Jews as they can. Muslim supremacists everywhere call for more. Suddenly, anyone with a screen can see exactly what Hamas, Hizballah and Iran really are. /11

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

October 7, 2023 was a watershed moment in Israel. For the first time in more than 30 years, an overwhelming majority of Israelis were willing to go to war to put an end to the threat of extermination by Hamas, Hizballah and Iran. /12

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

In a press conference on October 11, 2023, Netanyahu said that Gaza’s Hamas were “dead men.” Def. Min. Gallant said Hamas would be “wiped off the face of the earth.” And they meant it. /13

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Yoram Hazony





Sep 30

The Israelis were talking about liquidating a major Iranian asset: The Hamas government and army of Gaza. Behind the scenes, Israel was going farther—planning a war to take out Hezballah in Lebanon and other Iranian assets built up on Israel’s borders over decades. /14

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Yoram Hazony






This meant the Obama/Biden people would have to choose: They could (A) Let Israel win the war—thereby giving up on “balancing" Iranian power against Israel; -OR- (B) Let Israel blow off steam for a few weeks in Gaza—while the US shields Iran’s key assets from major harm. /15

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Killing Nasrallah

Israel shows America how to win wars

September 27, 2024

Friday evening in the Levant, Israel targeted buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut killing Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah. This operation represents a dramatic shift in Israeli strategy. Not only have they finally liquidated an adversary they’ve long been capable of killing, they’ve also turned a deaf ear to their superpower patron of more than half a century. But at this stage, heeding Washington’s advice in war is like taking counsel from the angel of death. Just as the U.S. is no longer willing or able to win the wars it commits Americans to fight, the Joe Biden administration won’t let U.S. allies win wars either.

By ordering the strike on Nasrallah while attending the U.N. General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underscored the Jewish state’s independence from the global consensus that has resolved not to confront terrorists but rather to appease them, whether they’re plotting in the Middle East or living among the local populations of Western nations, including the United States. Israel’s attack also shows that almost everything U.S. and other Western civilian and military leaders have believed about the Middle East for the last 20 years was simply a collection of excuses for losing wars. The questions that senior policymakers and Pentagon officials, think-tank experts and journalists have deliberated over since the invasion of Iraq—questions about the nature of modern warfare and the proper conduct of international relations in a multipolar world, etc.—can now be set aside for good because they have been resolved definitively.

The answers are as they ever were—at least before the start of the “global war on terror.” Contrary to the convictions of George W. Bush-era neoconservatives and the pro-Iran progressives in Barack Obama’s camp, securing a nation’s peace has nothing to do with winning narratives, or nation-building, or balancing U.S. allies against your mutual enemies for the sake of regional equilibrium, or any of the other academic theories generated to mask a generation’s worth of failure. Rather, it means killing your enemies, above all those who advocate and embody the causes that inspire others to exhaust their murderous energies against you. Thus, killing Nasrallah was essential.

Taking down officers demoralizes a force. Wiping out its chain of command cripples it. Hezbollah is a function of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and if allowed to survive the Lebanese militia will be replenished and trained by the IRGC to replace the fallen. Nasrallah issued from a different source. He was the protégé of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. Their tenures—until now—were roughly coterminous: Khamenei replaced the founder of the Islamic Republic Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989 and chose Nasrallah to lead Hezbollah in 1992. The Iranians built around Nasrallah not only a network of proxies stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf but also a comprehensive worldview—permanent resistance. Killing him marks a defining moment capping the end of a 30-year reign of terror.

Wars are won by killing the enemy, above all, those who inspire their people to kill yours.

Israel’s campaign went into high gear on Sept. 17 with the detonation of Hezbollah’s communications devices, which Israeli intelligence had booby-trapped with explosives, decommissioning thousands of the terror organization’s medical and logistical support staff as well as fighters. Because Hezbollah’s communications infrastructure, as well as its supply chain, was compromised, senior officials were forced to meet in person. Consequently, Israel was able to liquidate senior operations commander Ibrahim Aqil—who took part in the 1983 attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Barracks in Lebanon—and other top commanders from the elite Radwan force in a strike in the southern suburb of Beirut on Sept. 20. In attacks on Hezbollah strongholds across Lebanon, Israel has killed hundreds of fighters and destroyed thousands of long- and medium-range missiles and launchers. With Nasrallah and virtually all of its senior command dead, Hezbollah has been decapitated.

Israel’s immediate goal is to get the 60,000 Israelis who have been displaced from the north since Oct. 7 back into their homes. Therefore, say Israeli officials, Hezbollah forces must be driven north of the Litani river, roughly 20 miles away from the border. The Biden administration says the Israelis can’t reach their goals through force and the only way forward is through diplomacy. In fact, the harder Israel struck Hezbollah, specifically showcasing its ability to eliminate its leadership, the more desperate the White House became to end IDF operations. The Biden team took advantage of the U.N. General Assembly to work with France on a statement calling for a 21-day ceasefire that would shut down Israel’s campaign and protect Nasrallah.

Even if Israel weren’t proving the White House wrong hourly about its ability to win its goals on the ground, the fact is that U.S. diplomatic assurances regarding Hezbollah are worthless.

U.S. officials brought an end to the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war with U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701. It stipulated that there were to be no armed personnel or weapons south of the Litani, other than those of the Lebanese government and the U.N. peacekeeping force. The resolution was a farce, as Hezbollah’s presence and capabilities in south Lebanon have only grown in the two decades since it was passed. Obviously, there is no chance the Lebanese government will ever take action against Hezbollah, which controls the government. Nor will the U.S., France, or any other power enforce UNSCR 1701—except to endorse the Lebanese demand for an end to Israeli overflights and indulge Beirut’s border claims.

For Israel, the even bigger problem with 1701 is that since 2006, Hezbollah has become capable of launching missiles from virtually anywhere in Lebanon, as well as Syria, to reach every part of Israel. Pushing Hezbollah off the border would make it harder for the militia to mount a cross-border invasion like Oct. 7, but it would still leave all of Israel under threat from its long- and mid-range missiles. Reports Friday that the Israelis will continue to conduct strikes on the southern suburbs indicate that Jerusalem knows the core issue isn’t on the border but is rather in Beirut, Hezbollah’s capital.

Netanyahu was aware that if he meant to do more than just degrade Hezbollah’s capabilities until it regrouped and resupplied, he had only a small window of time. The Biden White House had done everything in its power to stop Israel’s campaign against Hamas, like withholding ordnance that would have spared Israel risking the lives of its combat troops, while also openly opposing an Israeli campaign in Lebanon. Therefore, it was 11 months before Netanyahu could turn north. But since the delay coincided with unprecedented developments in the U.S. domestic arena—a president retired from active duty and a vice president campaigning for the top spot by hiding from the press—the Israelis seized the opportunity to lay siege to Hezbollah while the Oval Office was effectively vacant.

Unsurprisingly, Israel’s success against Hezbollah the last two weeks alarmed the former Obama officials staffing the current administration. After all, Obama’s strategy to realign U.S. interests with Iran was predicated on the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which put Iran’s nuclear weapons program under the umbrella of an international agreement guaranteed by the United States. The Iranians armed Hezbollah with missiles in order to deter Israeli action against their nuclear facilities, which is to say that the Lebanese militia serves not only Iranian interests but also those of the Obama faction.

The Biden team tried to stop Netanyahu from continuing his Hezbollah campaign by outlining how it intends to punish Israel in the period between the November election and the January inauguration with sanctions and other anti-Israel measures. But by telegraphing its intentions, the White House inadvertently incentivized Netanyahu to act quickly. Since a Harris victory ensures four to eight more years of a White House filled by Obama aides determined to protect the Iranians and their proxies, and a Donald Trump win means Biden’s punitive actions go away, Israel saw it had nothing to lose in either case. So on Friday, Netanyahu brought the era of permanent resistance to an end by killing the cult leader the Obama faction so desperately wanted to but could not keep alive.

In the past, Israeli officials warned against targeting the terror chief. They feared it might bring about an even more ruthless leader just as Israel’s 1992 assassination of then-Hezbollah chief Abbas al-Mussawi elevated, in their eyes, the more effective Nasrallah. But what made Nasrallah special, what gave rise to the personality cult around the man whose name means “victory of God,” was his relationship with Khamenei.

In 1989, Nasrallah left Lebanon for Iran, where the 29-year-old cleric was introduced to Khamenei. In the vacuum left by Khomeini’s death, Khamenei was working to consolidate his power, which included taking control of Hezbollah, Tehran’s most significant external asset. He saw Mussawi’s assassination as an opening to put his own man in place, and with Hezbollah’s operations against Israeli forces in Lebanon, Nasrallah’s legend steadily grew. Even Israeli officials credited Hezbollah for driving Israel out of the south in 2000, a singular triumph worthy of the name Nasrallah, a victory against the hated Zionists that no other Arab leader could claim.

But the myth of Nasrallah as Turban Napoleon was dispelled with the disastrous 2006 war which he stumbled into by kidnapping two Israel soldiers. Later he said that had he known Israel was going to respond so forcefully, he’d never have given the order. And yet despite the thousands killed in Lebanon, Hezbollahis and civilians, and the billions of dollars worth of damage, he claimed that Hezbollah won just because he survived. Before his demise, he’d been in hiding since 2006.

Israel’s recent demonstrations of its technological prowess show that Nasrallah survived this long thanks only to the sufferance of the Jerusalem government. Netanyahu and others seem to have hoped the Hezbollah problem would resolve itself once the Americans came to their senses and recognized the threat Iran posed to U.S. regional hegemony. But the Israelis misread the strategic implications of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The George W. Bush administration’s freedom agenda gave Iraq’s Shia majority an insuperable advantage in popular elections. And since virtually all the Shia factions were controlled by Iran, democratizing Iraq laid the foundations for Iran’s regional empire as well as Obama’s realignment strategy, downgrading relations with traditional U.S. allies like Israel and building ties with the anti-American regime. Even Trump, whose January 2020 targeted killing of Iranian terror chief Qassem Soleimani and his Iraqi deputy Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was far and away the most meaningful operation ever conducted by U.S. forces on Iraqi soil, couldn’t entirely break the mold cast by his predecessors and which the Pentagon protected like a priceless jewel.

U.S. forces are still based in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS and any other Sunnis the Iranians and their allies categorize as threats to their interests. The detail seems almost like a medieval curse imposed on the losing side in a war. After the Iranians killed and maimed thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq, and helped kill and wound thousands more by urging their Syrian ally Bashar Assad to usher Sunni fighters from the Damascus airport to the Iraqi front, America’s best and bravest are condemned to eternal bondage requiring them to protect Iranian interests forever.

The idea advanced by conspiracy theorists from the U.S. political and media establishment on the left as well as the right that Netanyahu is trying to drag the U.S. into a larger regional war with Iran—a thesis sure to be cited repeatedly in the aftermath of Nasrallah’s assassination—is absurd. The Obama faction, of which Biden and Harris are a part, is in Iran’s corner. Moreover, only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it.

If Washington and the Europeans are appalled by Israel’s campaign over the last two weeks, it’s because the Israelis have resurfaced the ugly truth that no modish theories of war, international organizations, or even American presidents could long obscure. Wars are won by killing the enemy, above all, those who inspire their people to kill yours. Killing Nasrallah not only anchors Israel’s victory in Lebanon but reestablishes the old paradigm for any Western leaders who take seriously their duty to protect their countrymen and civilization: Kill your enemies.

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