[Salon] Without a soft veto in institutions, states use military power as a hard veto:


Without a soft veto in institutions, states use military power as a hard veto:

- After the Cold War, Russia was excluded from the main institutions of Europe. Europe would be organised under NATO and the EU, and eventually all of Europe would be members except Russia as the largest state in Europe. We then made it a slogan that Russia does not have a veto over our institutions. Now Russia was "removed" from Europe. What could possibly go wrong?

- It turns out that not allowing Russia to defend its vital security interests with an institutional voice does not result in Russia abandoning its national security interests. It results in Russia being left only with the military option. If the US would not have a say over Russian weapons systems and military bases being placed in Mexico, then the US would use its military as a hard veto. This does not make the military actions ) veto "legitimate" but it is a reality that is dangerous to ignore.

- The great powers were given veto powers in the UN Security Council so they could bloc with a vote rather than with military power. Removing the veto will not change their willingness to defend strategic interests, it will only give them fewer and more dangerous tools.

- Moral posturing oversimplifies and dumbs down complex problems into an issue of right vs wrong, which makes little room for nuance and common sense. NATO's Rutte's unintended message to Russia is to seize all strategic territory of Ukraine and wreck the rest as NATO will move in on what remains after the war.


I understand and agree with this. But isn’t it obvious that the US Regime wants and needs continuous conflict as in enriches itself by funneling money into weapons and war, a significant portion of which is cycled back into its pockets. In addition to the obvious financial beneficiaries like the large defense weapons contractors are literally thousands of businesses formed for the direct purpose of getting lucrative contracts from the DOD and other agencies distributing largess. Indeed it would explain why the US repeatedly follows inexplicable policies despite the obvious benefits of balance of power and peace.

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