[Salon] War Effect: Fear of Brain Drain as Twice as many Israelis Emigrate in 2024, Transfer $7 bn Abroad


War Effect: Fear of Brain Drain as Twice as many Israelis Emigrate in 2024, Transfer $7 bn Abroad

( Middle East Monitor ) – Israeli data revealed a sharp increase in emigration from Israel abroad since the beginning of the year, reaching a level three times more than the emigration rates prior to the war.

Israel’s Maariv newspaper reported that the first seven months of the year witnessed the emigration of 40,000 Israelis, equivalent to three times the emigration rates before the war, as 2,000 more people immigrate monthly than the rates from previous years.

Moreover, nearly one million Israelis have obtained foreign passports in recent years as an insurance policy in the event of a comprehensive war.

Regarding financial transfers abroad, the newspaper reported that Israelis transferred $7 billion abroad in deposits during the first seven months.

The newspaper also described this as a “brain drain”, as the immigrants included doctors, scientists, pharmacists and high-tech experts after being presented with attractive offers to work for foreign companies.

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