[Salon] Fwd: Elena Stein: "Jews shut down the New York Stock Exchange in protest of Israel. Here’s why." (GUARDIAN)

FM: John Whitbeck

The eloquent and ethically exemplary article at the link transmitted below makes clear the distinction between Jews, who can be as decent and admirable as any other people and, as demonstrated by the demonstration reported in this article, can represent humanity at its best, and Zionists, who (as Joe Biden has proudly self-proclaimed) do not need to be Jewish and who tend to be moral monsters representing humanity at its worst.

As I have written before, anti-Semitism, as a form of racism, is a moral abomination, and anti-Zionism, as a form of anti-racism, is a moral imperative.


A video of the demonstration at the New York Stock Exchange and a DEMOCRACY NOW! interview of the hugely impressive Elena Stein, who wrote this article, can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztbvvcn0VNc.

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