[Salon] An Historic Week Invites the Better Angel of Our Nature

An Historic Week Invites the Better Angel of Our Nature

by David Shavin (EIRNS) — Oct. 21, 2024

On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the nine nations of the BRICS, along with most of the 30 nations that have applied to join the BRICS, will convene in Kazan, Russia. On the first day, President Vladimir Putin will meet with China’s President President Xi Jinping and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Of special note, China and India agreed today to settle the border violence of 2020 that has kept them from collaborating as fully as possible on much larger issues, such as a new financial system that penalizes speculative games and promotes trade and development. Over the three days of the BRICS summit, host Vladimir Putin plans to meet personally with each of the other 19 heads of state or government in attendance.

One person attending the events in Kazan explained today that he expects a flood of nations grouped around the BRICS, as they seek a more inclusive economic system, so as “to get out from under the odious sanctions of the West and the financial system that has really encumbered them…. The United States is in charge of the ‘rules-based order,’ which means that they can not only make the rules, but break them at will, and we’ve seen this constantly in its own decision-making. And the world is saying ‘we’ve seen enough of this crap.’ We’re going to be seeing challenges to the hegemony of the dollar, the weaponization of the dollar and the Western system, and we’re already seeing mechanisms that will be offered at this summit this week.”

But consider—this was said by Michael Maloof, a former Pentagon analyst, recruited by the neo-cons Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith to serve up a war, supposedly against “terrorism,” but actually to keep a perpetual “Clash of Civilizations” war going to manage that “rules-based order.” If that is surprising, perhaps it is time to put aside the boring narratives, cast off the blinders and consider where you are.

The world, for the last 79 years, is a nuclear world, for good or bad. The standard for survival, and so for political leadership, does not allow for economies based upon looting, robbing Peter to pay Paul, zero-sum games, clever hedging of bets, etc. They are all based upon a view of mankind as greedy and manipulative, a clever animal. And we’ve seen enough of this crap.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov patiently explained in an interview published today that the BRICS, unlike the West, is “committed to enhancing the combined potential of its nations and devising collaborative strategies for harnessing these potentials for mutual benefit.” The reality of the BRICS is that it formulates projects “based on real-world needs.” When that conditioned cynicism says, “Yeah, sure,” or “Been there, done that,” surprise yourself by considering that there is, as Abraham Lincoln put it, a better angel of your nature.

On that note, the tenth of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture reads:

“The basic assumption for the new paradigm is, that man is fundamentally good and capable to infinitely perfect the creativity of his mind and the beauty of his soul, and being the most advanced geological force in the universe, which proves that the lawfulness of the mind and that of the physical universe are in correspondence and cohesion, and that all evil is the result of a lack of development, and therefore can be overcome.

“A new world economic order is emerging, involving the vast majority of the countries of the Global South. The European nations and the U.S. must not fight this effort, but by joining hands with the developing countries, cooperate to shape the next epoch of the development of the human species to become a renaissance of the highest and most noble expressions of creativity!”

To strengthen the capacity of Western civilization to make it through the travesty of the next two weeks of the U.S.’s so-called Presidential election campaign, and to treat that better angel of your nature properly, organize for a deliberate act of beauty, one that meets the standard of political leadership required, the October 26 Indoor Peace Rally and Concert “Build a Peace Chorus Against the Ghouls of War,”, presented by two living examples of that standard, New York candidate for the U.S. Senate Diane Sare and in the Bronx (CD15) for U.S. House of Representatives Jose Vega.

It had to happen that the human race takes that next step, one appropriate to its species nature, or else.

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