The speechwriter and columnist Peggy Noonan predicts a big foreign crisis for the incoming American president. She isn’t sure he is up to it, given the people he’s nominated so far to important positions in his administration. Maybe she’s right. If so, the question is not whether or when a crisis will happen so much as, where. Here’s a prediction: another big human exodus from Cuba and/or Haiti would test the mettle of the ‘insulationists’ set to execute American foreign policy. Not to mention politicians and citizens from the president-elect’s adopted state of Florida, who include his nominees for Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Chief of Staff. The best way to force an enemy is to aggravate his contradictions, as Communists used to say. Talleyrand is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell Talleyrand that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments. © 2024 Talleyrand |