[Salon] Letter to President Joe Biden from Ralph Nader & Bruce Fein, 12/3/24

From the desk of Ralph Nader
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From the desk of Ralph Nader

December 3, 2024

President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500 
Dear President Joe Biden, 

Your most vocal detractors would not have foreseen your post-election facilitations of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. They anticipated sterner stuff after the election. 
The expanding Gaza-like destruction of Lebanon evokes no public criticism by you of the Netanyahu regime. The targeting of apartment buildings, health facilities, emergency responders, children, civilian infrastructure, whole villages, and booby-trapped pagers continues, with your obeisant shipment of evermore ships and aircraft full of deadly weapons. 

You have previously called Lebanon a U.S. ally, but its government’s pleas to you have been handed off to a chosen intermediary shuttling back and forth ostensibly for a ceasefire that eats up time without materializing. The current ceased fire is honored more in the breach than in the observance. The camouflage of this effort gives Netanyahu more time to destroy Lebanon and lure you, the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, into a hot war with Iran without a constitutionally required congressional declaration of war. 

Your dutiful service to the imperial designs of the present Israeli regime has not been reciprocated by Netanyahu who expeditiously showed his preference for Trump before the November elections. Trump favors annexation of the West Bank and Gaza and Israeli warfare without Geneva Convention guardrails. 

Still, you minister to the Israeli extremist regime’s terrorist demands. Orders for more 2000- pound bombs designed specifically to obliterate neighborhoods? Sure, you say. Violate your oath of office and refrain from faithfully executing six federal statutes conditioning U.S. shipments of weapons to foreign governments implicated in war crimes or blocking U.S. humanitarian assistance? No problem. Even after your phony 30-day notice to Israel to cease the violations was ignored with a sneering worsening of the blocking of humanitarian trucks into Gaza, you surrendered to Netanyahu, exhibiting weakness and betraying the American people! 

You won’t even demand that Netanyahu open the borders of Gaza to American journalists to report the facts on the ground to the American taxpayers. Over 70 media (New York TimesWashington Post, AP, BBC, etc.) organizations have been demanding this entry for months. They were recently backed by 64 House Democrats, led by Representative Jim McGovern (see attached letter). Still no action from Biden. 

Have you no thimble of empathy or compassion left in your soul? Your briefers have probably brought to your attention shocking pictures of Palestinian youngsters as amputees and afflicted with other horrid injuries. This grim reality was described in two documented letters to you from over sixty American physicians and health workers back from Gaza. Not even the courtesy of an acknowledgment from you. Their observations filled a page in the New York Times recently, among other media (attached); so clearly, they had to be included in your briefings. These are courageous medical experts and you have disrespected them as you keep describing yourself as a “Zionist Irish American.” 

Perhaps you can learn some lessons from the way peace negotiations started and succeeded in the long-standing Northern Ireland dispute with the U.K. Your stark disposition is to push the expansion of the military alternative at the expense of rigorous peace negotiations regarding the war on defenseless Palestinians and Lebanese and the Russian/Ukrainian battles. 

How will opening more Russian territory to more powerful U.S. missiles and anti-personnel mines for Ukraine do anything other than deepen the spread of that war and increase the risk of wider wars involving additional countries? You are ending your political career like a gunfighter in the old Western movies backing out of the saloon’s swinging doors with guns a ‘blazing. You are turning yourself into a referential citation for the incoming Trump. You must know that you and ‘Bibi’ Blinken are mocked as automatic dittoheads by Netanyahu’s inner circle. 

The most powerful military nations should lead by waging peace. Instead, you have humiliated the American people by being Netanyahu’s toady and have brought the U.S. into an unconstitutional state of full co-belligerency both in the Middle East and also in Ukraine. Don’t you remember your December 2007 castigation on Chris Matthews’ Hard Ball of President George W. Bush’s threat to attack Iran without a congressional declaration as an impeachable offense that you would eagerly prosecute? 

In your remaining few weeks in office, can you at the very least use decisive leverage over Netanyahu to (1) open the Gazan borders to thousands of humanitarian aid trucks, with security provided by the Israeli military, as required by international law to protect the civilian population under its occupation, (2) to open the borders to independent reporting by American journalists (all Israeli and foreign journalists for that matter), and (3) airlift some of the horribly burned and amputated Palestinian children to ready and able U.S. hospitals for specialized treatments for the shocking injuries that your weapons inflicted upon these innocent souls. 

The December 2023 words of your spouse, Dr. Jill Biden, in the White House, “Stop it, stop it now, Joe” will ring through the history of the most gravely rejected advice by an American president. 

You are a practicing Catholic. (See the letter sent to you dated December 28, 2023.) 

A fable in the current issue of the Capitol Hill Citizen (attached) portraying a fictional narrative between you and your confessional priest illustrates how you should resolve your self-inflicted, ghastly moral predicament promptly before the American people. 

Otherwise, you are ending your presidency as the total enabler and protector of the most violent, prolonged mass murder of a trapped and besieged, defenseless people by another country in the 21st century. 

Having ignored all our prior letters, you should respond to this one with its specific requests, reflecting the majority views of the American people. 

Thank you. 


Bruce Fein, Esq. 

Ralph Nader, Esq.

Enclosed:  CC: Your office, The Press Office, The East Wing, The Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, The National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and the Muslim-American liaison. 

Also, other interested parties. 

Click here for a PDF version of this letter.

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