Michael Flynn, a Top Trump Adviser, Ties China and North Korea to Jihadists
Why the cover-up by libertarian websites that Trump's incoming administration consists of anything but the most extreme, radical right-wing, ultra-militarists of a kind not seen in any administration since 1945, when the German administration in power since 1933 went out of power? Don't libertarians have any respect for truth? I guess I answered my own question. I do research, endlessly in my dotage, and rely on what such militaristic fanatics themselves say, not what some ignorant journalist/editor tells me to think, of left or right. So when General Flynn was first tied to Trump in 2015 or 2016, I researched him and saw he had just co-written a book with fellow fascist Michael Ledeen, as discussed in the article at bottom, with the following quotes (and as I shared here at the time, in saying the same as what I'm saying now, that it's absurd to believe Trump intended to end any wars, when the first person he takes on as NSA is an ultra-fascistic military General). I stand on that.
On General Flynn:
BLUF: "Based on his book, that campaign is the framework through which General Flynn sees China and North Korea. In the introduction, he wrote that radical Islamists “are not alone, and are allied with countries and groups who, though not religious fanatics, share their hatred of the West, particularly the United States and Israel.”
"The introduction continued, “Those allies include North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela.”
"The general expanded on his definition of the anti-Western alliance: “The war is on. We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia,Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS and countless other terrorist groups.”
“Suffice to say, the same sort of cooperation binds together jihadis, Communists and garden-variety tyrants,” he added."
So how on earth could any writer/editor allow such an absurd, untrue, too incredible for words, blatantly Trumpite propagandistic statement like this get published:
"Flynn shared and took Trump’s strategic goal of “getting along with Russia” seriously, and had he kept this job, he could have helped Trump to withstand the pressure from the Deep State and perpetrators of the “Russia Gate” scandal that ruined his presidency."
Or how could anyone be so ignorant to believe such an absurdity, as this writer did?
Everyday on this email list we see ignorant or duplicitous messaging working to convince us that Trump really is a "Right-wing Peacenik," yearning to end the war against Russia that he himself escalated, as he worked in league with extreme anti-Russians like Poland's President Duda, the right-wing Mercer's and Steve Bannon, MDIC Peter Thiel, and the Republican party as a whole, et al., while escalating military spending to be used against Russia!
As the vast majority of the Democrats were working for the same, it was a God-send for them when Trump sent Flynn to carry out the errand Netanyahu tasked him with requesting Russia's UN Ambassador to abstain from a vote critical of Israel. Which Trump was only too eager to fulfill. That became the opening shot that Trump was "Putin's Puppet," even though Russia declined helping the Israeli Fascist Coalition of Trump/Netanyahu. It's telling that Trump didn't defend Flynn with the truth, but instead allowed people to blame Russia rather than telling the truth about Netanyahu and himself as Netanyahu's Loyal Servant.
Which served well to conceal that Trump immediately escalated war against both Russia and Iran, using the methods described in this article, though this author projects on to Russia what the US is way ahead of them on:
Trump’s Vision & NATO’s Future: Streamline The Alliance For Modern War
It would be wrong for Europeans to conclude that President Trump wants to withdraw all US forces from Europe. The President simply wants the US military to be NATO’s security guarantor of last resort, not NATO’s "first responder."
In this, Trump/Flynn acted in the finest "Traditional Conservative Tradition" of Buckley, Burnham, Kendall, Goldwater, John P. East, and his partner Jesse Helms, of inciting war against Russia. Ignoring that the NeoCons were are just a "branch off that tree" allows the TradCons to evade responsibility for all the wars they've had their hands in fomenting, accelerating, and continuing, like Vietnam.
Here'e a little noticed (actual) fact about NATO expansion and who led the charge for that:
I know people here despise actual historical facts, preferring made up right-revisionist "history" instead, propagated by the Koch Institute's financial beneficiaries, but here is a contemporaneous article on NATO expansion and who was pushing it:
Quote: "The most disturbing articulation of NATO's purpose comes from Senator Jesse Helms, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Mr. Helms would frame NATO expansion partly as a means to isolate Russia. That cold-war approach is likely to boomerang.
. . .
"It ought not to dwell on the prophecies of Jesse Helms or expansive theories about the global projection of American power."
Michael Flynn, a Top Trump Adviser, Ties China and North Korea to Jihadists
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the choice of President-elect Donald J. Trump for national security adviser, speaking at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July.Shawn Thew/European Pressphoto Agency
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, has been much more outspoken about militant Islamists than he has about China and North Korea, the two main strategic concerns of the United States in Asia.
That has left scholars and analysts looking for clues about his views on Asia. A book published in July for which he was a co-author, “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies,” offers some tea leaves. The half-dozen mentions of China and North Korea are couched in generalities, but there are glimpses into what the general thinks of the two nations.
General Flynn wrote that the United States needed to confront a global “alliance” between “radical Islamists” and the governments of China and North Korea, as well as Russia.
China and North Korea are officially secular Communist states, and China has blamed religious extremists for violence in Muslim areas of its Xinjiang region. In the book, General Flynn acknowledges that people may find the idea of an alliance between the Communist nations and jihadists to be strange, but asserts that it exists. He does not go into details on the alliance.
General Flynn is about to take on one of the most important foreign policy jobs in the United States government. He will be expected to coordinate policy-making agencies, manage competing voices and act as Mr. Trump’s main adviser, and perhaps arbiter, on foreign policy.
By appointing General Flynn, a former Army intelligence officer, Mr. Trump has signaled that he intends to prioritize policy on the Middle East and jihadist groups, though the Obama administration seems to have stressed to Mr. Trump the urgency of dealing with North Korea’s nuclear program.
General Flynn is an outspoken critic of political Islam and has advocated a global campaign led by the United States against “radical Islam.” He once wrote in a Twitter post that “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL.”
Based on his book, that campaign is the framework through which General Flynn sees China and North Korea. In the introduction, he wrote that radical Islamists “are not alone, and are allied with countries and groups who, though not religious fanatics, share their hatred of the West, particularly the United States and Israel.”
The introduction continued, “Those allies include North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela.”
The general expanded on his definition of the anti-Western alliance: “The war is on. We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS and countless other terrorist groups.”
“Suffice to say, the same sort of cooperation binds together jihadis, Communists and garden-variety tyrants,” he added.
General Flynn mentioned reports that North Korea had cooperated with Syria and Iran on nuclear programs and trade. Iran is the “linchpin” of the global anti-Western network, he wrote.
The general also wrote that there was a common ideology that bound the nations and militant Islamists together. “There are many similarities between these dangerous and vicious radicals and the totalitarian movements of the last century,” he wrote. “No surprise that we are facing an alliance between Radical Islamists and regimes in Havana, Pyongyang, Moscow and Beijing. Both believe that history, and/or Allah, blesses their efforts, and so both want to ensure that this glorious story is carefully told.”
Early in his career, General Flynn served with the 25th Infantry Division in the Asia-Pacific region. He wrote: “This opened up my eyes to the type of enemies we saw across a wide swath of the Asia-Pacific rim. There were many, and still are.”
General Flynn did not reply to a request made via Twitter on Wednesday for an interview.
John Delury, a scholar of Chinese history and the Koreas at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, said in an interview that after reading General Flynn’s book, he was struck by the contrast between the general’s focus on Islam and the Obama administration’s “pivot” to Asia from the Middle East.
“Flynn’s obsession with eliminating radical Islam is likely to color his view of everything else — including key strategic questions facing East Asia, like the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and nuclear breakout of North Korea,” he said. “Running the National Security Council is all about juggling priorities, keeping your eye on the ball while maintaining strategic balance. Flynn doesn’t come across as much of a juggler. For him, there is only one ball out there. If Flynn is able to press his global war on radical Islam, America’s rivals in Asia will seize the opportunity to further their interests.”
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