[Salon] Syria's new "Prime Minister"


Suriye’nin yeni başbakanı Muhammed el-Beşir



The transition process in Syria will be managed by Mohammed al-Bashir, who is the prime minister of the government established by the HTS in Idlib.

In Syria, the organizations led by the Heyet-i Tahrir Damascus (HTS) are expected to transfer the powers of the Syrian government, which was overthrown with the entry of Damascus, to the interim government led by Muhammad al-Bashir.

According to the news in Al Jazeera, the meeting between Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed al-Jalali, HTS leader Abu Mohammed Colani and the Prime Minister of the Liberation Government established by the HTS in Idlib, Mohammed al-Bashir, began. In the news, he stated that the meeting was held to determine the regulations regarding the transfer of power and to prevent Syria from entering an environment of chaos.

At the meeting, it is stated that Bashir, a moderate name, will be tasked with forming a new Syrian government to manage the transition period.

Beşir, a Syrian engineer and politician, has been serving as the Prime Minister of the Syrian Liberation Government in Idlib since January 13, 2024. Beşir had served as the Minister of Development and Humanitarian Affairs before being appointed as Prime Minister.

HTS, which became stronger during the ceasefire in Idlib during the Astana process, established the Syrian Liberation Government in 2017 with the participation of some large and small local organizations.

Political analyst Elijah J Magnier, a political analyst specializing in the Middle East and North Africa, shared on his social media account that the appointment of Bashir as Prime Minister was "a step for the West to lift sanctions and join the reconstruction of Syria with a moderate leader".

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