Scroll down to read more on this, and National Conservatism's connections to Israeli Intelligence services, by way of their Supreme Exulted Oligarch/Plutocrat, Peter Thiel, and his fellow NatCons, with Jeffrey Epstein one of Thiel's f There has been no greater media zealot for Trump, his political theorist Yoram Hazony, National Conservatism, and Straussianism (Traditional Conservatism, by way of Willmoore Kendall), than The American Conservative magazine, since Charles Koch began funding them in about 2015. With the addition of National Conservatism to that mix a little later when Hazony sprung on the scene, and National Conservatism began to be zealously promoted, explained by it being nearly identical to Willmoore Kendall's own "Totalitarian Democracy" political theory which was in fact, in TAC's DNA, as he was celebrated long before I became aware of him on this email list by the advocate of his fascist, anti-Constitutional political theory, as can be seen here from 2013: Quote: "The states that ultimately seceded felt that preservation of their way of life required a giving them a functional veto over certain national policies. Preservation of the Union would require an asymmetrical relationship between the sections. "Is that inherently wrong, or inherently bad constitutional design? I don’t see why we should conclude that." This TAC knave may not conclude that but the South wasn't passively "preserving their way of life," of keeping humans in chains. They were aggressively attacking anyone who might, far up in the North, take sympathy (like some do for Palestinians today) upon seeing a fellow human being attempting to escape that slavery, at risk of decapitation or any of the other tortures the South used. With the Fugitive Slave Act criminalizing anyone who might not eagerly join in, in returning such slaves to their "Masters." With the latter the ideological predecessor of todays's Libertarian's, such as Charles Koch, who demanded "Freedom for Me, but not for Thee." Furthermore, the South was far more militarily aggressive and expansionistic toward the Western territories (Kansas, Missouri, to begin with), and outside the continental U.S., with constant plans for conquest of the Caribbean and Mexico. Making them a perfect fit for today's "Settler-Colonial" National Conservatives, as originating in Israeli Settler Fascism. That's who this email list is most friendly and accommodating to, and even with one who opposes Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, turns obsequious to the editor of National Conservatism's flagship publication, The American Conservative. As a National Conservative luminary, that idolatry includes Peter Thiel, National Conservative's most prominent supporter, next to J.D. Vance and Trump himself. With The American Conservative magazine's editors along with a former editor (and one-time friend) now at the Quincy Institute promoting the "New Right," as National Conservatism is referred to, on this email list playing an active role in promoting Trumpism/National Conservatism, there are many people here who can take a bow for getting Netanyahu's co-belligerents elected this year: Trump, and Thiel's stand-in, J.D. Vance. Here is one example of how TAC celebrated Netanyahu's co-ideologues, co-belligerents: BLUF: ""Yoram Hazony and his Edmund Burke Foundation brought a big tent of people together, and let them talk. In doing so, he reminded everyone that they do not labor alone, wherever they labor; that in the work to restore sanity to an increasingly deranged Western public life, to protect this country’s sovereignty and history from its own establishment, they have allies and co-belligerents. . . . "Peter Thiel is one of national conservatism’s leaders, and opened the conference." . . . "To stave off further decline, Peter Thiel hopes for a return of a more confident America, “a country in which we have ticker tape parades for single individuals.” E pluribus unum. If we invite them to, great persons can step forward from we the people, to lead, to teach, to give us wonders again. . . . "If the first NatCon in the Beltway of 2019 had a more confident spirit than post-Covid Orlando, that was in large part because Donald Trump stood—strikingly light on his feet, chest protruding, arms extended wide—ready to have the robes and armor of national conservatism laid upon his shoulders and girded at his waist, fitted to him as he strode forth into a second term." ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Strikingly light on his feet, chest protruding, arms extended wide—ready to have the robes and armor of national conservatism laid upon his shoulders and girded at his waist, fitted to him as he strode forth into a second term." Here are some photos of Trump: ![]() ![]() ![]() Whoops, wrong fascist. Here is Trump: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So what would fascism be, without a strident proponent of "Schmittianism,"Carl Schmitt's fascist political theory? Thiel remains a proponent of Schmittianism, as he earlier wrote of, with his "National Conservative" political theory. The two are identical, in substance. And now we have Thiel's man next to the President, and in line to become President! Hallelujah! Proponents of Schmittianism on this email list won! Which I know is the majority by a large margin, measured by emails here, with me the only one openly opposing Thielism/Schmittianism, with "Acquiescence by Silence" the obvious consensus of the list. So more pride can be taken here in Thiel's (and Charles Koch's, Musk's, et al., role in Israel's genocide, and now conquest of Syria, with Iran on the chopping block when Trump takes Office (if not before, as Trump's designated NSA Waltz says "the Trump transition team is working “hand in glove” with the Biden administration on national security." How supportive of Bibi is Waltz, as Trump's foreign policy advisor? When Blinken touched down in Israel yesterday, I hope he apologized to Bibi for leaking their battle plans, and told the Israelis that they were right all along.But this will truly get Traditional Conservatives and National Conservatives, and most libertarians, really revved up! Their Guy, Peter Thiel, and Palantir, "all have deep ties to Israel’s intelligence services or the United States’ military-industrial complex!" Thiel's a "Doer," not just a fascist ideologue! "Peter Thiel, one of the founders of Paypal, Facebook and Palantir, is also a Carbyne investor. "Thiel is an avid Trump supporter, and is heavily invested in military and intelligence companies. Thiel’s Palantir is described as making use of “war on terror tools to track American citizens”. "Trae Stephens, another co-founder of Palantir, is on Carbyne’s advisory board. Stephens also served as the head of Trump’s Department of Defense transition team. "Even though the company allegedly provides emergency response services, none of the directors or advisory board members have a background in emergency response systems. Instead, all have deep ties to Israel’s intelligence services or the United States’ military-industrial complex. National Subversion "Newsweek identified Israeli espionage within the US as a significant and growing threat going back to 2013. Following the sentencing of Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard to life for espionage in 1985, this marks a controversial trend, that one former congressional staffer described as “terrifying”. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Terrifying" is correct, and through "National Conservatism," and our kindly acquiescence to that, going so far as to elect two as Pres. and VP, with a lot of help from people on this email list, acting as "Agents of Influence," as that is defined, and working to "turn" others here to becoming "Agents of Influence," for Israel's fascist's U.S. wing, Trumpism/National Conservatism, its impossible not to see many here as "intell assets," in working to achieve Israel's intelligence goals of electing Trump, and keeping him in power until power can be handed off to the most zealous of the National Conservatives, J.D. Vance. Here's what's underway as Trumpism and it's not even hidden, with this email list one of its essential purveyors of Trump/Thiel propaganda! It Can't Happen Here! Hitler the autocratAfter taking power, Hitler and the Nazis turned Germany into a dictatorship. Time and again, they used legal means to give their actions a semblance of legality. Step by step, Hitler managed to erode democracy until it was just a hollow facade. Things did not end there, though. During the twelve years that the Third Reich existed, Hitler continued to strengthen his hold on the country.