[Salon] Fwd: Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People

For libertarian's sake, such as are on this email list, let's hope people don't go back one layer and realize that denying medical care to the less fortunate, to include the Middle Class, has always been the libertarian agenda in their zealous pursuit of Oligarchy and Plutocracy for Nietzsche's Übermensch, now personified most visibly as Trump's administration. To especially include its zealous Militarists, such as Pete Hegseth, notwithstanding this outright deception, intentional, or from the sheer stupidity that TAC's junior writers love to display:

BLUF: "Hegseth has argued for a more restrained use of American military force."

I perused some of Hegseth's books Saturday, including his latest one, and it is anything but a call for a "more restrained use of American military force." In his  fascist-like Double Talk, as from so many right-wing "'Military Reformers," it is a call for even more lethal forces so that we "win our wars," and don't get bogged down, as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Furthermore, it is an unadulterated assault upon Law, both Constitutional and International, as everything is from MAGA sources are, with Hegseth's denunciations of the Law of War, as in the Geneva Conventions! The closest comparison one can make to any previous military officer in Hegseth's writings, is here, from General Friedrich von Bernhardi:

"It is also imperative to reclaim for war its moral justification and political importance in public opinion. Its great significance as the mightiest promoter of civilization must be generally recognized in accordance with its worth. We must come to understand that in a genuinely cultured nation, economic and personal interests alone must never be allowed to be the only ones; that it is not the external but the moral goods that are the true cultured goods worth striving for, and that making sacrifices and enduring suffering in the interest of a great cause elevates man more than does the enjoyment and greedy pursuit of the sensual goods of this world; in short, that war for idealistic purposes or for the self-affirmation of a noble people should be described not as barbarism, but as the highest _expression_ of true culture, and as a political necessity in the interest of biological, social, and moral progress. [ . . . ] 

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Pete Hegseth shows off his America-flag lined suit. "This is how we're feeling today."

From: Caitlin Johnstone from Caitlin’s Newsletter <caitlinjohnstone@substack.com>
Subject: Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People
Date: December 16, 2024 at 7:45:05 PM MST

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