[Salon] Squeeze Canada

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Squeeze Canada

until the pips squeak.

Dec 19


It’s easy to feel pity for Mr Justin Trudeau, humiliated again this week by his own government. His embarrassment joins that of Mr Olaf Scholz, Sir Keir Starmer, and other Schuschniggs sure to come.

What the Americans’ ruler-in-waiting stands to gain by all this humiliation is anyone’s guess. Simple pleasure may be enough. Or maybe not. Mr Trump has taken to addressing Mr Trudeau as ‘governor’ in the same way that he once spoke of acquiring Greenland: not in jest.

We’ve heard a good deal lately about taking territory for the purpose of national defence. So another Anschluss may not be such a remote idea, or a bad one for Republicans, apart from the French and Indian bits, which would be likely to vote blue if there are any ‘blue states’ left.

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