[Salon] Musk conflict of interest and corruption on steroids

Elon Musk wants to ‘delete’ many Americans’ financial lifeline


SpaceX and and Musk's tech friends are forming a 'consortium' (their word) to pursue Pentagon contracts.

The "department of government efficiency" at work, I guess: why cut the defense budget when you can directly touch it? 😏

In many other countries this would be seen as textbook corruption (in China some officials have literally been condemned to death over eerily similar moves) but in America it'll doubtlessly be celebrated as a triumph of the private sector modernizing government, or something along these lines.


@elonmusk never spoke about cutting the budget for the MI complex

 His silence on this subject has been thunderous

There are limits to what his masters will allow him to do, of course


Elon is being so obviously self serving here, no need to blame some unseen "masters" for this one. He is a corrupt swamp monster of the highest caliber all on his own


Current setup is certainly not better. Yes, the conflict of interest is through the roof, but current Pentagon contractors and procurement practices are not something that anyone would want to continue.


This looks like a hostile takeover of the military-industrial complex by a new one that's even more brazen about conflicts of interest - at least the old guard pretended to care about appearances by leaving their Lockheed Martin board seat before joining government...


No shit he doesn't want to cut it if it goes in his pocket...


"conflict of interest" is a foreign concept in 🇺🇸 defense department.

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